Goodbye Mama. A pic speaks louder than words.

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Who would have thought you would go so soon.
With you being gone, my life is so gloom.
I hate the fact you’ve gone away, but in my
Heart, I know you’ll stay.
You taught me right, you taught me wrong.
And with this knowledge I must go on.
With hurt and pain in my heart,
I do know that we’ll never be apart.
You made me laugh, you made me cry.
With those moments, I will make it by and by.
You are gone this I see,
And I know you’re in heaven watching down on me.
I love you Mama and I always will,
but losing you is a great big deal.
The suffering has ended and you’ve gone home.
To sit with our Father on his throne.
Formatted Soul : No. got it from FB.
I know =(( Bad times to say the least!
we all see/face such things in life, good, very good-bad, very bad. we react, learn, move on; that's reality, that's life!
I think MIMH has a valid point... the women could be down with hunger (say fainted) and many more possibilities.
did Abraham Lincoln have internet :?
Uday, so you can tell from the picture that the woman is dead and that the child is upset. Well if you can you are better than me.
Remember Abraham Lincoln's famous quote, '90% of what is said on the internet is made up'
That is very many of us actually imagine such a scene occurring had we to die whilst our kids are small, and to think for this mom that's exactly what happened..
What a sad picture..
Where is and what context ?
sad :(
moza i wonder if u have a mother u retard
My son had a similar look on his face at 4:30am this morning when he was trying to wake me up.
poor child...tinks/TB..the one in Black T is going to pick up the child...look carefully..
MN..Did you write this?
I assume (positively) it's a scene from movie named 'corrupt politicians'
I read some days ago about this picture that it belongs to the Muslims of Burma.
Is it right? If anyone knows, please help in this
Life is so merciless and cruel sometimes...:(
It seems the kid is saying, get the f**k up mother, your drunk again and I'm hungry.
Why is no one trying to help the mother or the child?
SAD ! :(
brought tears in my eyes seeing the expression in tat poor kids face...:(