Egypt jails minors 11

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
14 Young girls including minors have received 11 to 19 years in jail for a peaceful protest in Alexindera. far harsher than those of policemen accused of beating to death and assulting protestors...http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/11/egyptian-women-jailed-years-over-protests-20131127144529599809.html
It is getting worse in Egypt
and I think they are back to the days before their Arab spring and maybe even worse
watch the video
Pure politics .....
Thu, 28.11.2013, 09.26 hrs ..
I think many prominent world morality preachers supported this transition as "The WILL of Egyptian People".. We wanted democracy in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and any many other countries..but for Egypt we chose it to be under dictatorship because it knee downs and bows us. Congratulations to all of them , the Egyptians went against the first historic legitimate elections and those who supported them. Ahlan wa Shalan to the advanced Mubarak Era.