don't go sloppin!

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Can a kissing be good indication of what’s to come?
So I’m reading this article on healthy laws of kissing: P
It states that kissing your partner gives you the perfect opportunity to check
out his/her pheromones – these chemicals communicate signal responsible for
sexual attraction.
"The first kiss is always a good way to find out how much
chemistry there is between the couples in question"
So what are your thoughts?
Can a kiss play a vital
part in subconscious attraction? And if the answer is yes, can one improve on their pheromones to make them in
tune in order to hit off in other areas?
deadman123, You can try and check out..worst it would be deleted!
Knight: Are we allowed to post all sorts of kissing videos :PP
Watch this..
Kissing began long before we came into this world..:)
The same time when love began.
I am sure all humans have kissed to show affection from the very beginning.
gmz21, Do you mean to say Adam never kissed Eve before he made love to her..:)
You guys know that kissing originated in Syria, in which children used to kiss their mothers to show affection towards them.
Don't know about all that crazy science when it comes to emotions!
All i know is that it can be "MAGICAL" if done at right time and right spot :)) o and ya with the right person :P
This thread has started with kisses but I can guess how it would unfold...
btw, talking of pheromones, they are secreted through the skin pores all over the body especially in the neck, armpits and know what I mean. Its the physical closeness while kissing that helps to transfer the air around the person laden with pheromones into the other's breath.
Honestly, I don't believe there is such thing as a good or a bad kisser. It’s a chemistry thing! Subjective to the situation/occasion/mood.
Sometimes one like to be messy and ruff, while in other circumstances, it’s nice to just relax and work it out softly. Just my thoughts
Hard to say. I think it's personal. Everyone will have different tastes and everyone will kiss differently. Someone who might be a good kisser to me will be bad kisser to someone else, and vice versa.
Miss MM: What is your definition of a good kisser and a bad kisser?
i read ur title as "dont go shopping"....:)
Well kissing not only burns calories but also leave a scar on the lips if you performing a deep kiss....:)
There's nothing worse than a bad kisser. Total turn off.
I read somewhere that passionate french kissing burns calories :P
As per my personal experience it will surely take your relationship to next higher level... First kiss is really really the way if you both are first love for each other then OMG i cant describe it in words..
All works only when its done in the proper manner..I took two weeks training to make my first kiss perfect and it really helped...but the funny part is that though relationship was very strong , did not last forever..but gave a book of beautiful moments to remember.
"Can a kiss play a vital part in subconscious attraction?"
Not really!
hmm..damn these chemicals..gotta go out and get some samples for testing ;)