do as you would be done

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
So true. I most recently had an experience like this. Recently, t his person from work tried to act like she was my best friend, of course I knew better. She kept berating people and fishing for me to TALK about them. I would not. I only repeated positive things.
A strange situation. She looked for me on Facebook and then later unfriended me. It was very weird. Of course I had decided to unfriend her before this thought even crossed her mind.
Moral of this incident. (You are the company you keep)
you cannot say anything nice... then better keep quite!(Quoted from... I don't know... Hehehe...:o)
Well Fathima clearly follows Islam and therefore listens/follows their scholars. Why would she mention a budhist scholar???
TailChopper: thanks for popping in and leaving a comment. However your question is sort of diverting the thread into something else.
Please note that this thread is not to be derailed into any kind of religious debates.
Thank you
Dear Fatimah, will you agree if a budhist scholar had said the same thing?
Why label?
Learn from others' mistakes !!
How would this be possible ?
An Islamic scholar once said something to the effect of beware of those who gossip/back bite/slander others with you cos rest assured they will soon do the same thing to you with others.
Personally whilst I find this practice detestable, I must admit it's something we fall into unconsciously sometimes. It's easier to notice it on others, and yet when we ourselves are the perpetrators, our minds will somehow go on defensive mode. To best avoid this all we can do is try our bests to restrain saying anything about anyone behind their backs what we wouldn't say if within their earshot.
Me too. By the way, did you know that UkEngQatar and Rizks have something interesting in common.
I hate gossipers!!
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people - Eleanor Roosevelt
Good to take positive approach.
Take what you like leave what is not your choice.
Discussing others' bad qualities will help to warn others sometimes !