Do you have xperience like this?

By Bluemountain •
I was kept hearing I LOVE YOU daily until my heart was waken up. Since ever than I am not hearing that wrods any more. Now I have something and having problems such as can not sleep, can not etc, etc. It was bullying me or something wrong or it is usualy in here.
I can not I need something
action speaks louder than words... :P
You can't spell either...
Nobody ever said I Love you to me :(
Though I have said it to 4,178 girls till date :-P
i think u need love badly. but dont think about love just deal with urself and say it to urself. maybe its ur turn now. dont think about it more.. it will find u suddenly.
when u find a love when u need it,its not real.. let it find u suddenly.
STOP Watching ROMANTIC Movies, its just Loveria fever
It's usual 'in here'.
**I was kept hearing I LOVE YOU.....**
May be it's time you make a START telling others that you love them too!
neeh..he needs a Foster beer! :)
Drac...he needs your map.
What's up, buddy? :(
Love Bug, serious infection :-)