Diplomatically insulting your Boss...
When in a pickle and wishing to insult your boss, think of something to say that is completely innocent or create a situation where you can simply not be judged.
1) Complaints that are a consequence of a decision taken by your boss/superior.
Ask the complaining party to direct an e-mail to you in harsh words claiming you are unprofessional and that you should not be in the position you are as you are effecting the quality of services. Make sure the subject is specified clearly. Receive the mail and forward it to your superior as a report on customer feedback. The e-mail is addressed to you, yet when your superior reads it he knows damn well what the source of this complaint is. Equally you will establish a better relationship with, and understanding from, the complaining individual.
2) In the office.
Refer to the picture of your superior his wife and kids. Ask him is this your family, if yes. Say
"beautiful children Sir, they look like your wife..."
A compliment which is an insult but can not be taken as such.
3) Discussing issues at work
Simply state:
"I have suggested, I have pushed and I want to chance, yet I can only be as good as you allow me to be"
Wooaw..Seriously? Introduce me to him I have so many coins to break!
Good luck..
Insulting your boss is understood but how was it 'diplomatic'? I wish my boss was so dull...:)
Lol QL.....
Motivation = compensation :-P Nothing to do with self-motivation.
Your taking a pi55 at my 2 years ban..? NOT FUNNY!!! :-P
Hmm... luckily I will now, if all goes well, mobilize a Sheikh to undo my ban :-) His father was known to be able to break a coin by his hand, Qatar myth :-)
So you're not a self-motivated person!
Seriously, if you're in to training let me know. (after 2 years)
I always deliver... no doubt, but never without being motivated :-P
Compensation? An attractive Pass Certificate..With your photo on it (an important determinant of the quality of the final product!)
Lol Qatari Lady.... That is a shame... would have loved to do so :-) How a bit of humor can destroy a future :-P Just curious, what would the compensation have been? lol :-)
I actually know a guy that had a funny voice-mail. He applied for a job as CEO, he passed all interviews and received a call from the owner. He did not answer as he was 'doing no 2', and thus his voice-mail came about. The owner left a message
"Dear Mr. ..., after hearing your voice-mail I can only be negatively impressed by your communicative skills, therefore you application procedure has herewith ended. Have a good day."
ok harmagedon,,,,you're fired!!!!
I was just on the VERGE of CONSIDERING the POSSIBILITY to ask you to train my business manager.. Absolutely no no!
...you'll love the expression on your boss's face. This is like insulting him coz as a subordinate you are supposed to prove yourself to him.But this can also be looked as having a lot of confidence(overconfidence actually!) lol
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
No Fried, bad example ... but lol :-)
..."It's not that I have to prove myself to anyone"
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)