Crazy World:Mum sells kid for Dh4 only

INDIA: A poverty stricken mother sold her four-month old baby for a paltry sum of Rs 64 (about Dh4) to a couple from Nepal.
Belonging to an extremely poor section of the society in the Indian state of Bihar, the woman who was in her 30s was struggling for survival, police officials revealed to Indian television channel NDTV.
The woman also has other children. She apparently moved from the place where she was staying with her children. Before moving away she told her neighbours that she gave the child away for his own good. But her daughter told them that she had sold her baby for Rs62.
However, the woman maintained that she did not gain anything from the transaction but in fact had 'donated' her baby.
Such forums should be discussed among Elite Qlers with sufficient knowledge of the topic.
No doubt, women are suppressed and exploited in Indian rural and semi urban society. I dont like people to make a mockery of my country in Public.
Such painful topics should NOT be posted on QL, where all young and many visitors who are on QL for just fun and friendship...:(
Does every QL user is open minded and matured enough to analyse and understand such issues? I doubt
Was that the one in the UAE stealth? I recently read that the baby seems to be suffering from brain damage. :(
havent one also seen reports of babies dropped down the garbage chute?
I go with Colt's comments....on this issue
There are several factors involved which allows / force a mother to sell her own child for such a meagre amount.
This discussion will go very far from over population to legal framework, religious/caste discrimination, child abuse, Women exploitation, ignorance, poverty, unemployment, bureucracy, Red tapism and corrupt Govts.
Such painful topics should not be posted on QL :(
"...What's narrow minded and selfish is having children you can't afford to feed!..."
Rizq is from Allah and when a person is born he bring his rizq from Allah, so selfish and narrow minded is the one who does not have children fearing poverty.
that is why I say, if you don't like the thread, stay away and don't post if you cannot give a un-biased opinion.
So what in your opinion are the underlying factors in this matter, if its none of the blame points you have discussed?
Does every QL user is open minded and matured enough to to analyse and understand such issues?
Blame points start from mother, ignorance, health, poverty, and country's economy.....what does this reflects at the end of this discussion :)
even threads posted by an Indian becomes a east/west thing?
Someone from India posted this incident that happened in India, and when people comment immediately offence is taken.
Why is that? If you don't want people commenting on threads, don't bother to open them.
Logic says, if you cannot afford to have kids you cannot feed, don't have them.... be it in India or America... its got nothing to do with where you are from.
Stop being so defensive!
The woman who sold her baby should be the one to be prosecuted.Why? Imagine selling her baby just to provide herself with that meth?
is this unique to third world countries. i dont think so.
Several voluntary groups in India and abroad have
come forward to support a destitute woman in
Bihar who sold her four-month-old son for Rs62 to
a Nepalese couple. But she is now missing. Shannu
Khatun, in her mid-30s, made the “sale” at the
Forbesganj railway station, near the India-Nepal
border in Araria district, about 350km from here.
The story has triggered a storm in Bihar. Araria
Superintendent of Police Shivdeep W Lande said
several organisations from Canada, Australia and
India have contacted him and also off ered to adopt
her three other children. “Thanks to the media, I
have got dozens of calls from these organisations
to help and support her,” he said. He did not name
the groups.
Gulf times today...
Children as assets.. That's where the human mind goes wrong. You consider a child an asset and you choose when and for how high a price to sell them.
Due to lack of medical access and health services child mortality is too high in poor areas; couples make more babies so that same die and some survive. Children are their only assets.
we require defending lessons from you
KUTRYA....many mental Qlers at your disposal
i m suffering from mental breakdown wld like to kill sumone any volunteers ?
Here statement?
Where she said she killed her son because the devil told her to?
You think that's the statement of someone in their right mind?
Also, this happened in 2009, she's already been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis and institutionalized.
In some other articles I read her neighbours said she would be devastated when she came back to her right mind and realized what she did. Poor woman. :(
but read her statement
It wasn't all of a sudden. It was post postpartum psychosis:
While not as common as postpartum depression, it does happen and the results are pretty bad.
colt45 well-said!
all of a sudden mental break down .....strange
correct urslf we are not the childern of Almighty
We humans are all sons / daughters of a one 'single parent' - [ Almighty ]
We should show up when needed by our siblings, I believe.
Some papers are saying that she may have sent the child to beg on the Nepalese border..
Well said Colt about the issues of third world countries.
Conceptually wrong notion........
Todays child will be oldman's walking stick :)
Those 62 rupees she will definitely sacrifice over her other family members - husband & other kids' basic needs for just one days meals, a piece of cloth or medicine if not this then what else ?
Molten, are you even aware of the definition of birth control? It includes abstinence, natural methods and artificial contraceptives. Nobody is stopping "others" to be born here because nothing is conceived yet. But to each his own anyway...go forth and multiply:)
One is a woman who had a complete mental breakdown
just madly in love with every mental breakdown person
For starters, many people continue to breed because their government gives assistance that increases with each child. Some young women think it would be "cute" or "fun" to have babies yet don't realize that at 17, 18, 19 years old, not many non-entry level (professional) jobs are going to employ them. And it takes a little more than the average fry-cooks wage to support one person, let alone yourself AND a child.
Another reason is that people believe that their love is enough to support a large family. Which is FALSE.
Then you have people that truly believe that they were given the capability to procreate because God (or whom ever) wants them to have populate the earth with many as many children as possible so as to ensure a legion of followers in heaven.
Many poor people in "third world countries" often don't have access to contraceptives, their religious beliefs prevent the use of them or the lack of basic sex education simply leaves them clueless to when they are fertile.
And then there are your average idiots who are too stupid to wrap it up or pop a pill. Or think that kids are meant to serve as lifelong companions or friends who will take care of them in THEIR old age.
PP, because they are too completely different cases. One is a woman who had a complete mental breakdown and the other is one who couldn't afford to feed her child.
East or West two different Crazy world!
Some eat their own children, some put them for their pets either they are mentally sick or sickened by poverty. Poverty of basic civilised knowledge is the cause.
We need to be very very sensitive & consider the mental state of that mother's mind, it seems ....
she does not realize what actually is being done by her, it proves she not greedy , taking very little money proves she is not selling kid for money, she is doing it as a permanent relief to herself / or her kid [ God Knows - I am afraid when I type this - God forgive me ].
Only those who are compassionate & has met very poor or under depression people personally can understand it .
y cant we compare the two cases bcz different locations
As by some or one of you, it's alright to bring children into the world but not provide them with the minimum that a human being deserves? And by minimum i mean food on the table,a safe roof, space to grow in, privacy of a room within the walls of which one grows as an independent individual,integrity! Need i list more?
If my family won't provide me with these basics that "I" as a "human being" have the prerogative to,I'd rather they not bear me at all. Fair enough.
How many kids do you have Molten?
Fea_sad, I've heard that story. She's been diagnosed with SEVERE post natal depression (to the point of hallucinations) and is now in a mental institution.
You can't compare the two cases.
''what i meant is to at least give them sme kind of knowledge n info''
But the 'unique person' who is to give knowledge & info to the masses is not allowed to come into this world by the birth control practices ...
This [ contraceptives ] is actually back firing us [ humanity ....]
we are deprived of that 'unique person' who has to show us [ world community ]the way ...
But why she took 62 rupees?
So, would you say that this lady sold her child to give her a better life also ?
A woman is accused of selling her baby for a pickup and methamphetamine. She traded her infant for a 1999 Dodge Dakota pickup and some meth.
The couple accused of taking the child, were arrested Thursday on charges of human trafficking. Both have pleaded not guilty.
The baby, whom police found with the couple and their three biological kids, is now 6 months old and has been placed in the care of child-welfare workers.
The trade was made soon after the baby was born. Officers tracked down the pickup and the current owner told police he bought the truck for $800.
If convicted, the pair who "bought" teh baby could face up to 20 years in prison.
So, my question - should they be prosecuted - since they gave the child a loving home that the mother could not ..
Selfish because we got our birth but then stopping others from having their birth [ from us ... ].
atleast the other one sold off her baby .. so that her baby has better life
San Antonio police say a woman accused of beheading her 3-week-old infant son used a knife and two swords in the attack and ate some of the child's body parts.
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told reporters Monday that Otty Sanchez's attack on her son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez, was "too heinous" to fully discuss.
But he says Sanchez ate part of the newborn's brain and bit off three of his toes before stabbing herself twice.
Police say the 33-year-old Sanchez told officers who were called to her house early Sunday that she killed her son at the devil's request.
Sanchez is charged with capital murder and is being held on $1 million bail. She is recovering from her wounds at a hospital.
what you guys have to say abt this mom
education and poverty still prevails in India...Ummm
A woman giving birth to a child doesn't qualify her to be a mother. Just like a male who has junk doesn't qualify him to be a man :)
Our politicians got savings in foreign banks. and their children are studying abroad. They have z+ securities their family members are going free cost for foreign trip. Billions are collecting taxes. But no ministers or government organiations got time to reach the poor uneducated people. they will go for asking the votes. By throwing money to the poor they are buying votes. once they get in power they will forget these poor people. No one can do anything unless and until corrupted polticians are ruling the world. There are many childless couples in India. If we want to adopt there is a lengthy procedure. that is why parents are selling their child due to high cost of living.
Molten, how can birth control be selfish and narrow-minded? Isn't irresponsible sex leading to procreation more selfish? If you can't totally abstain then might as well consider birth control. That IMHO is an open minded decision.
Agree with the comments about birth control...Also common sense would tell you, you can't feed yourself and the kids you already have so why have more??..Birth control would be the wise choice here..Very sad to have to be in that position in the first place.
I did not want to know your status, MM. But I insist that even without contraception a woman has control over her pregnancy. Just don't let the guy come in. What now?
... it requires some brain, though ..
If a woman wants to live a life of celibacy, and her husbands A-Ok with that, than good on them. However for most married couples celibacy isn't an option.
I'm on contraception LP. When I decide its time to have another child I will go off contraception. Then I will have no control over when I get pregnant.
"I didn't really have any control over when I got pregnant."
"I'm not just going and getting pregnant willy nilly."
What now, MM?
oh my. i pity to them. your right molten they really need of government and society's support..
My parents planned me and my brother. They did not have us accidentally, or any more than the two of us, because they they wouldn't have been able to afford us.
I planned my son, I am planning when I will have my next child.
I'm not just going and getting pregnant willy nilly.
Our parents didn't stop us so should be expected from us.
Yes we do have the right to decide when and how we have children!! What's narrow minded and selfish is having children you can't afford to feed!
Sure. Once I went off birth control I didn't really have any control over when I got pregnant.
Birth control is selfish & narrow mindedness.
We don't have the right to stop someone coming into this world.
Give chance to one & all and make them part of the solution to world's problems rather than brand them as a problem in themselves.
MM, did you get pregnant brainlessly? Just a question.
Education and contraception. Because without one the other becomes useless.
Birth control is a solution for people who have no need or desire to have kids and will either kill or get rid of them. Luckily this woman sold them off to a seemingly decent couple, how many instead sell them off to brothels or dispose of them in far worse ways.
How will brains help prevent pregnancy?
It's not birth control. "Brains" is the solution. People need to grow brains. I understand ignorance plays a role. But one grows a brain after the first or the second "slip". Just grow some brains.
Education and birth control (natural or artificial)will be helpful in preventing this kind of situation. Agree with Miss Mimi, why bring a child into this world when you cannot be a responsible parent to provide its needs.
All the education in the world won't do a thing if they don't have access to contraception. And there's no mention of a man in this story.
There are many reasons, not having access to family planning, sex/reproduction education, contraceptives and abortion services does increase the birth rate.
Culture still plays a major role in these dynamics though. Educating women and empowering them to have more choice in their own reproductive choices has decreased the birth rate in some areas. The problem with that though is that you do have to educate men as well, as culturally, they make the major decisions in regards to reproduction. The issue is about empowering women culturally via education and economic opportunity.
How is not having children you can't afford to feed not a solution?
was never and can never be a solution.
What social stigma?
She was ridiculously poor and she had too many children to take care of. She sold her baby, not only for money, but to give him a better life.
If she had had access to birth control she could have avoided this pregnancy (and perhaps a couple of others) and not been so poor.
birth control is the not ONLY solution
Is birth control the answer - not always .
what i meant is to at least give them sme kind of knowledge n info
That way, [ birth control ]..
Aren't we stopping someone from taking birth who may have the actual solution to uproot this kind of social stigmas !!
education has nothing to do human understanding
A couple like this is in the dire need of society's support.
Expecting 'anything' from them , at this stage is really like asking for too much , beyound their capacity.
This is why people need access to free contraception.
this world is really crazy...
LP ... you are right they shud think about making babies .. but mostly in India specially poor people think that if they have more babies n when they grow old they will earn more money .
its the matter of educating such people
It's seems crazy to us, but it is not easy for any woman to give up her offspring. She obviously felt that the child could get a better life with the new couple.
In this case, MM, they should think about making babies, if they have a brain!
This is a case of extreme hopeless poverty ...
When results show that one's decisions are of not right frame of mind & shocking and surprising to common humanity norms.
What about the father? Women need a man to have babies.