Before the beginning: Written by me.

Before the beginning:
Written by M.N
OK listen,I have got a confession to make.
I'm a human!
Yes, really. you don't believe me?
I'm in fact a human.
And no, This is not one of these trendy, catchy sounding slogans that changes with time, changing circumstances and/or personal interests. Neither it’s a claim I adapt to come across as charming, nor make a fashion statement, in a world divided between peasants and kings, Gods and Monsters, Angels and Demons, saints and sinners, faith and Infidelity.
When I was a child, I used to believe that snow was the angels' ice-cream, and rainbow was a staircase to heaven.
Growing up Faith was central to life, a cornerstone on which all of my Social, cultural, and spiritual affairs were based on.
The universe could not be complete without it.
However, this feeling diminished with time. My life no longer looked the same.
I no longer felt the same.
I was no longer the domesticated pet child caged behind my childhood.
Yes, I wanted out.
Out of my childhood, my rituals, my conventionalism, and my pre-set creeds.
The modern man's problem with creeds, all without exceptions is that, time and time again, and in a thousand different ways, proven that it's selfish and self-contradictory.
That it's racist against the other, ruthlessly discriminatory on women, blood thirsty, anti-intellectual.
A hardcore rejectionist of difference of opinion
A bitter enemy to man, his rights and freedoms.
A vicious crusader against logic, science and the soundness of the human mind.
I think it’s time we went back the time before the invention of "right" and "wrong", before the conquest of religious institutions, before the era of "sinners and saints".
Before the original sin itself and all the corrupted scriptures.
Before angels and Devils.
Before righteous and wicked.
Before the 10 commandments.
Before punishment.
Before reward.
Before Sanctuaries.
Before The apple and the Devil.
Before the "In the beginning"
And then let's start all over again
From that status of nothingness
Thank you, NM (:
Good work Marco.
If I may, do not ask others, ask yourself. all the answers are there.
Suli: It's like being born again, "rationally" :P
LLR: thanks buddy. (:
Nice piece of work
It has something in common with your other article, and that thing is like you were sleeping and now you wake up, a call for a change, like a butterfly going out of its Cocoon.
I could entitle your writing as the binary system first chapter.
MK: (:
OK we are also humans not animals to chat on QL.......:)