4x4 off road club

Hi all,
A 4x4 club I have been a member of for the last couple years while I lived in Abu Dhabi has got a new "Qatar" section on their site:
Check it out. Go to the site - click on "Fuelstop Forums" on the left and Qatar is about a third of the way down the page. I know there are 3 members of the club in Doha already (I know that because all 3 of us have moved recently from the UAE to Doha)
There is not much there yet - but if people are interested leave a message and we'll organise some trips. This could be an excellent resource for 4x4 / 4wd / camping / desert / off roading trips in Qatar.
Definitely something else to do on weekends.
Is there any active 4x4 club in Doha that I could join?
hi all,
i'm having a Ford Edge (bought just 2 weeks back) and i'm new comer to Doha also. I'm interested drive over sand dunes at Umm Said area. I was using a off road vehicle with 100% manual transmisstion in my home country. I don't have any experience with an automatic transmisstion AWD vechile over sand dunes. Anybody pls advice me.
Wish I'd seen this thread before last Friday.
Anyway, is anyone planning a trip into the desert this Friday? I'd love to join in.
That is a great idea
im down with you guys ;)
okie welcome
Hi Guys!
too bad I didnt find this thread a week earlier. I'm also a newbie and interested in 4x4 things. Looking forward for your next trip!
good, do not see we have a 4x4gropu here will send a note to moderator to see if u can form one
Hi, I have an Indonesian 4x4 Offroad Community here in Doha. The number of the member almost reach 20 cars from many brands. Most of the member are Indonesian employee in Ras Laffan's QatarGas, RasGas and Qatar Petroleum. If its possible then we can merge to built a large 4x4 community here in Doha..
Seto Bayu, STrL
QatarGas Transport Company
Doha, Qatar
Wricks et al, the desert is really beautiful and I love dune bashing. Had I known earlier I could have bought me a Land Cruiser or Nissan Patrol.
Thanks for organizing this and I hope this 4x4 club will took off. Thanks also to Sherwin for his assistance and to Godsgrace and J?? for guiding us.
Thank you Godsgrace, your such a good leader, And also to your friend. Irf, I surprised to your driving performance, you are ready to the extreme level. Nosy Your first time is really good. you did not get stuck, your just having difficulties on climbing up. but you manage to escaped by yourself.
Hopping next time more member will join.
Same here it was a very wonderful experience for me and my wife. Nice meeting you ALL and thanks for your assistance esp Sherwin, Ricky's son.
I had posted a comment earlier but somehow it was lost.
I would like to do it again hopefully next week.
Same here it was a very wonderful experience for me and my wife. Nice meeting you ALL and thanks for your assistance esp Sherwin, Ricky's son.
I had posted a comment earlier but somehow it was lost.
I would like to do it again hopefully next week.
Hi guys, this is Irfan, Good trip this morning, thanks all for marking it happen, espically ricky for organizing one.
I cannot read any PM this time, we are moving now to camp area. any body would like to join on the trip tomorrow at 8am just call me. Meeting place will be the first big dunes after sealine. Thats place is the last road that sedan car can go.
who ever comes, your welcome.
see yahhhhh
wricks perfect, why don't all of those who are intersted to join PM wricks and I, we will corodate and send the meeting point, just an easy sealine beach type trip, trip
Thank you guys for your response.
I am using Ssangyong Rexton for the time being. Im just upset because my nissan patrol in Dubai left behind there, I sold it. It's not allowed to export from dubai to qatar a car which is older than five years. Mine is 2000 model fully modified. My rexton is also came from dubai and it just 3 years old. The problem is it has no power below 2500rpm because it controlled by computer.
I got GPS, air pump, Heavy duty towing rope, shovel, heavy duty jack, Digital tire gauge, D-shukle and other basic tools.
Tonight me & my family will having an overnight camp in the middle of the dunes. We will having a barbecue & eating session. I normally doing this alone or with companion. Dune Bashing is my work preassure reliever.
I already explored some part of the dune after sealine area, I went there with my rexton alone with my son.
You can join me with this overnight camp but this is for family affair only.
If somebody is interested Tomorrow Friday @ 8am after sealine beach, we can meet & do our group dune bashing.
Beginners are welcome, with experience are most welcome because you will help me to guide the newbie. I will lead the trip and other will assist the new driver. Don't worry we will have a briefing how to drive on the dunes safely. It include the tire preasure, how to use your four wheel drive and many more. Just follow my instruction and everybody will go home with unforgetable experience on the dunes.
The trip tomorrow will be easy & educational, not extrene. For those who has experience and wanted to show your talent, we will be your guest.
My Name is Ricky and you can contact me with my mob. 5835847
By the way you need air pump because mine is limited only for one car at a time. We have to deflate our tire. You can get it from carrefour. some recovery gears i will provide, but if you do have thats more good.
I am interested in sea line trip, I have a Nissan Pathfinder 2007, I have all basic equipments which came with car, I can get one rope, Do I really need Air Pump?
I need to be guided so cant lead :P
lets just stay in touch over this page for the time being... how many people wants to go for a trip to sea line beach answer here, and confirm your car type, what equipment you have, are you first timer in desert? GPS, safety equipment, rope, air pump? can u lead?
I tried to register on the site but it said ME4x4.com is disabled, now how would I join you guys?
I recently purchased a new Nissan Pathfinder and never took it to off road, I am very interested to see its power in desert but I have a very bad previous experience of driving in desert so am kind a scared, I think joining this group will really help me so what I have to do. any one who wants to help me, please contact me at my email (khe at qatar.net.qa)
thank you
well all emirati duners are welcome to hit the qatari dunes...i would love to b a opart of your gang...i got a nissan 2 door...not really tunes...but good enough to have the feel....count me in too
hey wricks i have also been member of dubai4x4 but moved to doha one year back, lets see the response and PM so we could do some light trip
now is a good timing for dune bashing. anyone interested? I am a member of Dubai4x4 since 2005. But i settled here in Qatar.
Its very complicated to register
the website is bit complicated
but m certainly in ;)
Post your details on the club website:
Its getting hot already - so this may not take off completely until after summer. Lets get some names and details down on the website (you may have to register - it's free for us) and we'll organise something. There will be some stuff happening over summer so check the club site regularly!
yes i want to join 4X4. Pls tell me what should i do...i got 4X4..some one can guide [email protected]
Great, I have also moved from UAE and was member of Dubai4x4 and Abu Dhabi 4x4 I am intersted, count me in, Regards
I am interested.
Earlier same thing was tried on Auto forum of QL but never accomplished. Lets see what happen this tme.
I have a 4X4 but never took it off road, would be very much interested if this club would provide some guidance or support to those like me who have no experience with desert driving
Please send me a PM with who to contact to join the Qatar group