2-I like,I like,I like,I don't like:men

By FCK_reality •
I like when men take their women outside to change the mood.
I like when men show tender to their wives.
I like when men protect or act protective for their women from other men by positive jealousy.
BUT I don’t like when the same men look at your woman, without any feeling of guilt, and when you look at them with upset eyes, some of them don’t look away protected by the white thoub they wear.
Please people act like men not like males
i don't care if you like what i like or what i don't like
and i certainly don't care if you DON'T like what i like or what i don't like
i dont mind if a girl stares at me in cornish with smile i can forgive her
You must have looked at his mother....that is why he got angry
i think his name and signature is really weird
but everything above is understandable and clear
if you don't accept injustice on yourself,why you do it on others???
no my friend it is not hidden messages
and it is not a threat.
your mind and your fear made you think that way.
it is just a bunch of thoughts and series of cries against :
-Double standards
-community corruption.
-the ugly faces behind the smiley masks.
"in all the world"
and for this thread is it about the man who get afraid of his honor and keep assaulting others.
i just noticed him at corniche.
i was walking alone then i saw that man looking to other women with no shy so i looked to his women, and his reaction was "angry eyes " at me
so why he accept it on himself?????
wait for more
1221??? huh !!!reil
:):):) :(
yeah WK, I was just going to say the same thing....this is not just a normal post....there is some secret code encryped in the sentence...we'll need to decipher this code to get to the actual content.
Hope it's nothing to do with some terrorist attack.
I think there is some code language being used Rizks..
**** Aal Izz Well****
salah wat u r talking about ?
let's first agree that there are still men and women on earth.
I doubt it very much, I think real women have vanished and no longer exist in life, what we have now, males and females running after their self satisfaction with no regards to religion nor tradition.
Family formation has become a formality only with no worm family feelings inside the homes.
so my friend what u do or don't like no longer exist in the society.
Man !! u have so much of like in one sentence....:(
which i dont like ! :(
take a sleeping pill.
Do I like what I like or do I also don't like what I like :-/
**** Aal Izz Well****
this is what i noticed in corniche and malls
1221??? huh !!!reil
:):):) :(