working at qatcom

By foranotherlifetime •
I recently came across an opening with QATCOM in QL and was wondering if any of you are working for this company?... If yes please suggets if the pay scales they mention are hypothetical or they actually pay this amount.... i'd love to work with them if the salary package they offer is true and if the organization is good. Please suggest what should I do?
mr_unger, you were sacked due to your incompetence and your inability to deliver our high standards to our clients.
Payment was prepared for you (excluding the Free initial training week which we did not charge you for)
Your grapes are Sour
Every one who works for Qatcom gets paid exactly what is due. Come and ask our team of 'competent professionals'
wow wowo wo, seems to be qatacom is ?????
This is all lies.
I worked at Qatcom for about three weeks.
They sacked me, saying I did not sell enough.
Then not pay me for the first week.
I went to labor department. then Qatcom say to me I sign a letter that says I agree to work for FREE.
He tricked me and the other people I met working there also.
So many people had also been not paid before I started.
Thanks for your question
yes the ad is legitemate and yes you can earn over $100'000 a year
but you must be an experienced direct sales exec with the ability to get orders signed.
if you meet this criteria, email me your cv to [email protected]
if the content and quality of your cv is good, we will call you to organise an interview
(please mention your QL username in the email)
many thanks and we look forward to the possibility of meeting with you.