Traffic Engineer, what to expect?

By derbghalleff •
US education and 3 years US experience. Currently employed and comfortable/happy
Got an offer from a. British/American private company, no details yet.
What should I expect? What is a comfortable offer?
Married with 2 kids.
Thanks is advance.
So if I'm reading it right, you are saying $75000+25% is what a US expat should be negotiating for. Right?
OK, that's a good challenge, let me take a stab at that. In the US we consider middle class to have a home, college for kids, 2 cars, meals out, nice vacations, going to see grandma once a year, new clothes for school, $ for extracurricular activities for kids. The average family income in the US is around $50,000 and that's a little low for all the above. So, a wild guess would be around $75,000 year plus housing and schooling and car allowance and airfares. Expenses are high in the Gulf and your kids' friends will be from families that make a lot more.
But here is a question: what really is a comfortable salary in Qatar, one that will enable a US middle class level of living with the ability to save?
The Roads here are not bad. Its the drivers that need education. There is not much more you can do with the roads. Yes a future ITS system will be the next thing here in Qatar.
Well it certainly doesn't fall within 25%...not even hurt feelings though....thanks for all the comments.
Disappointing indeed, do not accept this offer, but keep your eyes open for other opportunities here in Qatar.
It means gross, before taxes salary. Then you add the housing, transport, schooling, etc. on top. Is that offer for 7500 for housing? That's really low for a family. Sorry it doesn't seem to be working out. I know that's disappointing.
If the rule of thumb is 25% over current salary, does that mean gross or net salary?
Numbers are in: basic: 17500+7500 accomodations+flight (per month) 1545, whatever that means+insurance cover: life and health+gratuity+relocation assistance
They mentioned schooling on the phone but didn't include it in writing.
I'm thinking NO.... working on a nice decline letter at the moment....I'm not expecting a negotiation phase either.
Thanks for your comments.
Good point!
It is not the Gulf necessarily, it is anywhere that will pay...
It's the 3 years experience thing. If you were one-of-a-kind with 20-25 years they'd open negotiations. But there are others who have your qualifications. And I get the impression you want to come to the Gulf. Oddly enough, they pay more to people who don't!
The other thing is:
I just got an offer from Saudi, no salary/benefits details either.
Once I discuss these jobs and a competitive package with my current employer, I'm certain I'll get a raise...
Why do you "suspect there won't be too much negotiations"
Thanks again.
Thanks Mandi.
Will update once an offer is on the table!
They know what a competitive salary is in the US for your position. They should offer about 25% on top of that. Plus, plus. But since you have only 3 years experience it may be on the low side of that. I suspect there won't be too much negotiations.
No, just any school an American kid would want to go to. And by full I mean reports of 1,000 on the wait list.
Salary/Package: What should I expect? I'll appreciate some guidance in positioning myself better for negotiations.
Schools are full: is it just American schools?
Many US companies are advising employees with children not to come to Doha because of the schooling situation.
yes to improve the road and not just traffic engineer all professional cause without them nothing will improve here in qatar,, as for the second question read my first post,,
ok flor I dont want to debate on this im just sharing what i know,, you dont need to correct me cause for sure the OP knows if my answer is wrong or right or if it can help or not,,
Im also just saying that we need him and no matter what the salary it's better him to come here, but im not forcing him, he have a mind on his own
engineer? Was that your logic?
The OP is asking an advice about MONEY or shall we say SALARY package. Do you have any suggestion?
yes i mean Qatar have a small population but still traffic is bad,, the OP can contribute for the sake of drivers
both I guess lol!!
that profession here?
BTW, are we talking of traffic engineering or traffic engineer?
lol read my first post,, we need him,, Qatar is a rich country for sure the offer is good or even better,, risk can lead to success
but read the last post of the OP.
they improve roads and round bouts and even pedestrian lanes, more on planning, In order to expand we also need to improve our roads, less traffic better economy
How old are your children? Schools are full, and make sure the company pays the fees.
Well...I was just kidding with my comments on putting a touch on the roundabouts....I'm definitely not the solution to Qatar's traffic problems, I sure can contribute my cents....and you never know...:)
Asking why Qatar since Im comfortable in the US: the numbers have to come out right....
what im trying to say to the OP is come to Qatar cause right now Qatar needs professional cause Qatar is booming, and to expand we need people like him,, I just twist my sentence a little bit
Honest opinion, you already said it, you are comfortable and happy there, why go here?
And if anyone here thinks that this guy can solve the traffic problem here, are you serious?
Why? Is there no traffic problem in the US?
To the OP, if you are only asking about salary, you can try the search button above and you'll find a lot of same discussion. Don't concentrate on what you "know".
I would love to put my signature on those roundabouts, that is one of my specialties.....the numbers have to work out though....
Any suggestions to what I should be negotiating for? I know there is going to be some negotiations.....right?
derbghalleff dont be selfish man!! what ever the offer just come here and help make Qatar a better driving place,, people are dying here it's awful
Your salary in the US plus 25% plus housing, schooling, transportation, etc. As a US citizen you are NOT automatically tax-free.
Net take home here does not mean the same as in the US. There are no taxes here, and benefits most of the times, exceeds what you actually take home. Do not set high expectations, start the wait game, you need to be good at waiting to enjoy your coming to Qatar.
Maybe 30000 net is a low expectation ?!
Then what should I aim for?
Is 30000 Qatari, exclusive (net take home),a high expectation? Is it a confortable salary?
Please come at any offer. All our roads here are terrible, we need you man. Seriously, wait until they offer you the details, then let us know to discuss. Typically companies do not offer you what you want, rather what budgeted for the position.