Single female teaching in Doha
Hi there guys,
New to all this. At the minute I want a change. I have a passion for teaching and travelling and I am thinking about a move to Doha to work in the international teaching circuit. Anyone out there part of this already?
I suppose I am want to ask all the usual questions about living there, but my main focus is saving. Is it possible to save as a teacher working in one of the international schools? Normally accomodation and flights are included in the package.
I have been warned away from Dubai by friends as I have heard teachers can save every little. Is this true for Doha?
Many thanks for your time!
As you hold a British passport, this is an extremely low offer, especially if it doesn't include furnished, single accomodation and annual tickets home.
mod note: please create a new thread for your query rather than hijacking someone elses
You need to commit to the country to save. First year is hardest, but second and subsequent years you'll be putting pennies in the piggy bank.
Did you Google it first?
If you are from UK - then you can have good salary here, but its up to you and your life style how you save it, but still at the end of the month you will have good money in your pocket
Success is as high as hard you hit the ground
It really depends on your life style how much you can save. Cost wise things are pretty similar to Dubai. But may be not so many opportunities as in Dubai to
Unless you can give us an idea of (a) what your salary will be - it can vary widely and (b) what your life style is like - lots of trips/travel; going out to dinner frequently; clubbing, etc. we can't help