Salary 12000 QR

By zeeshan.siddiqui •
Hi, I have been offered a salary of 12000 QR Basic + 5500 Housing Allowance (Or Housing Provided by company) + Transport Allowance 1350 + Return Ticket for myself and my family (Wife + 2.5 Year old son). I need to know whether this package will be enough for myself and my family to live in Qatar and save some amount of money as well.
Secondly how much a decent car cost in Qatar if i buy an old one to drive around Middleeast. Will it be best to buy a car on Finance or Cash.
Please put your suggesstions here and help me out in making decision
Can any one tell how much it's to rent a Audi a5 for a month or if you have a e-mail for the company.
I am planing to move to Qatar in march from the uk can any one advice if the west bay is a good area close to central.
Can any one tell how much it's to rent a Audi a5 for a month or if you have a e-mail for the company.
I am planing to move to Qatar in march from the uk can any one advice if the west bay is a good area close to central.
Congratulations on a better opportunity!
'hey justuju ke khoob sey hey khoob tar kahan'
Congrats Zeeshan. You're going to a better place than Qatar.
Sorry ghazalz..
I have rejected the offer as got a really great offer from one the companies in UAE and thinking of accepting it
I'm pretty sure you would have accepted the offer :P
Zeeshan welcome to Doha, i am also canadian, so have you accept the offer yet or not?
say YES and GO !
Now u should pay me ur first months half salary for givin u such a bombastic idea....:)
Any last minutes ideas everyone...
I need to call or email them within next couple of hours to either say Yes or No
Thanks for your reply. Can you please guide me through the finance process of Banks. As you mentioned that
A Bank Leased Normal Saloon car (Camry,Civic) will not cost you more than QR 1600/month with a five year plan.
Can you please mention few banks from where i can get more info in regards to buying a car, secondly should i buy a new (Civic, Camry) or an old one. How much a new one costs in these days
Thanks Everyone for your replies and helping me out in making decision to either go for the opportunity or not.
After an hour of negotiation from the company they said no to increase my Basic salary but were willing to provide two bedroom appartment furnished and were happy to provide 500 QR for utility bills. I was also told that they will review my salary next year but cannot increase at this stage.I need to say Yes or No to this offer by tomorrow.
Now my question is should i go for it or leave it.
Zeeshan, You didn't mention how many years of experience you have in your field, so cant say if the salary is okie or otherwise. But overall, its pretty good for a family of three. You can have a decent two bedroom apartment in Mansoura or Muntazah in QR 5500/- and for QR 6000/- in Al-Sadd, all of these are nice localities. A Bank Leased Normal Saloon car (Camry,Civic) will not cost you more than QR 1600/month with a five year plan. QR 3000/month should be enough for your grocery. QR 1000/month would your maximum bills for electricity, internet & mobile.
You can also go for the 'search' option on Qatar Living & can have a more clear idea of the expenses.
Advice: Please, dont go for the Nissan Tiida :P
ask for more... it is getting more and more expensive in Doha.. :(
the cheapest car rent is like 1500 per month, if you buy a car you need to have insurance wich is like 4.5% of the car value per buy a small new car you need to spend minimum 50k
Just need to know guys can i utilize my 1350 of Transport Allowance to pay for the rent of my car or finance installments
just think like this....if ur company provides ur house and utlities and stuffs,and the transport allowance(i suggest,u may ask them to include a car in ur package) u might basically have 12000QR left in ur hand frm which u have to cover ur other the maximum extend, ur food and other extra expenses may reach 4k-5k,depending on ur life style,so u will have may be 7k as a months savings, assuming exchange rate of 0.62 canadian dollars for 1QR, u may be saving 1800-2000canadian dollars a ask urselves if its okay wid u.....if the answer is YES, welcome to Qatar :))
i have fully furnished accomadation for 5000 Qr
contact at 33073822
Given that you are a Canadian Citizen, the package is atrocious. It is very unlikely that you save or in order to save your living standard will be severly compromised. If you have a job and are settled, no point in uprooting and disrupting the family.
though its not really a good offer but its quite reasonable and you can save more of it depending on your lifestyle.
I will straight forward about your package. As a Canadian citizen with an experience and with a family, the package is really low, not even near to good. You should be offered at least 30,000 QAR as a full package including all allowances. You will not be able to save that much for this package. Not worth it, believe me. See other options. All the best. (try UDC United Development Company) or QF (Qatar Foundation)
Hi, Package is not bad. now the rents are reasonable. but may be raise in future. so keep discussion with companny.
good luck.
You must understand that you might be banned from working in Qatar if your sponsor doesn't give you NOC. Think twice before you go into slavery!
So what everyone think that should i reject this offer or just go for it and work for them about a year or two and then find a decent job in future
Yes - but this is not the flat interest rate per year - because of their way of caculatin the loan. You still pay all the time the interest rate on the full loan amount - doesn't matter how much you have already paid back...
You can rent a nice by ANY standards 2 bedroom flat for QR6,000. But you have to look for it. And you can buy a good quality used car for QR25,000. The scools are expensive here. But I'm sure your wife can find a job as well. It's not a fantastic salary, but you are not going to get more here for the work you are doing. So, take it, it's probably better here than in Canada.
an american or european taxi driver gets more pay than any asian qualified engineer or doctor usually seen. thatswhat mostly head to the arabian gulf.
How I wish I have that kind of offer. your housing allowance is bigger than my base salary :D
The interest for loans has been limited to 6.5% BY LAW!
Mate, better look for some other opt. - this salary just keept your head over the water. You will not find any western standard villa or flat furnished less than 10k per month. A small rental car like Nissa Tida is 1,5 - 2k per month, to buy a car you need either cash or a resident visa for a car loan - the cars are cheap, but the bank interest are not cheap - up to 10% per anno. Internet, phone, pay tv will be another 1-2k per month, school 50k per year, or kindergarden is 15 - 20k per year, insurance 4k per chear - the lowest option.
Just posted without reading your post, good luck and wishing you the very best.
As a network engineer you should be paid a little more, renegotiate you package..........give them valid reason based on research- the reason why i'm saying is this because Dohas a little more expensive than Canada plus you a family. Remember this is Doha lifestyle and expenses are different, your salary is based is on what you earn currently.
Thanks Everyone for your replies...
I have already been told by the company that this is the best they can offer and now i have got some time to think about it
I know its not best package compared to packages being offered to people working in IT companies in UAE, but having a look at the replies from everyone i can say its not bad as well. Please reply if anyone think that whether i will be able to save some amount of money from it as well, and what will be the cost of living in Qatar
mate live in qatar is very costy 13000 QR is not enough
the houses are expensive , the schools for your kids will be very expensive
i don't recomend you to come
As u r canadian, it's not that good or very high salary for you....
RSoul...No you are wrong! There are many companies who pay same allowances to employees in same grade irrespective of their citizenship ….so do not generalize!!
Yes i have been told by the company that if they will provide the housing they will try to find a furnished accomodation for me or either provide some allowance for unfurnished accomodation.
that much incentives you are getting on the basis of citizenship not on ur qualification.
You should ask the company to provide you furnished accommodation as you wont get a decent furnished accommodation for 5500. Negotiate little more on your basic.
Its better to rent a car initially and then if you decide to stay here for long… you can buy a car.
Hope they are providing Medical insurance for the whole family.
Its a not a bad package .... not the best either.
Since (Or Housing Provided by company), it is not bad. Housing is expensive, so opt for that rather than the 5500.
Find out what the company will provide by way of housing, you will only be able to get a small apartment for 5500QR here
Yes i am a Canadian Citizen and the job is for Network Engineer at one of solution provider company in Qatar
Salary depends on your job role and experience - usually company's in Doha base salaries on your current salary. They will say to you salary is tax free and therefore you are earning more, but its always good to renegotiate your offer. I'm from the UK and managed to come come to a reasonable settlement with employer. My advice would be push as far as you can
I'm in a similar situation to you, see if you can get car allowance it would really help or try and get your company to pay a percentage towards buying a car?
I am moving to Doha in 2 weeks and have just signed my contract, i get car allowance so i will be renting a car out for the first two months and then perhaps look to buy a car - this will give me time to get to familiarise myself with the market.
Also find out if bills are included in your package???? it might me worthwhile to take the company accommodation as these are usually included. If you do not like the provided accommodation check if you can move to another premisses. I hope inshaAllah this post helps you wishing you and your family the very best.
Salary depends on your job role and experience - usually company's in Doha base salaries on your current salary. They will say to you salary is tax free and therefore you are earning more, but its always good to renegotiate your offer. I'm from the UK and managed to come come to a reasonable settlement with employer. My advice would be push as far as you can
I'm in a similar situation to you, see if you can get car allowance it would really help or try and get your company to pay a percentage towards buying a car?
I am moving to Doha in 2 weeks and have just signed my contract, i get car allowance so i will be renting a car out for the first two months and then perhaps look to buy a car - this will give me time to get to familiarise myself with the market.
Also find out if bills are included in your package???? it might me worthwhile to take the company accommodation as these are usually included. If you do not like the provided accommodation check if you can move to another premisses. I hope inshaAllah this post helps you wishing you and your family the very best.
12 000 is a pretty good salary. Not sure about the housing as I don't know what that could get you. If they supply a house and pay all the utilities then you should be able to save a bit (depending on what sort of lifestyle you want to live).
Not bad, Along With all ur allownces, it ends up with a fair deal. Welcome to Doha.
What’s your job? Are you a Canadian?
answer to these questions will help you get a better reply to your query.