QAFCO _ Salary Advice

I am an Indian Engineer with 9 years experience in the Oil and Gas Sector ( Natural Gas Processing ).
I gave an interview for Staff Engineer position with QAFCO and have been offered the following
Grade 12
Basic pm : 11000/-
Car Allowance : 2000/- pm
Loc Allowance : 1365 pm
In addition they say that 2 months basic salary is usually given as a yearly bonus/gift.
Taking the bonus into consideration the pm net comes to 16,000/- QR
My questions are
Can an engineer with 9 years experience get Grade 13?
How different will be QP/Ras Gas/Qatar Gas Salaries from QAFCO. Since my experience was with Oil and Gas my preference was always for such companies.
Since I work for a government firm in India, car loan, furniture grant and childrens education is taken care by my firm too.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
The Salary and allowances were discussed before 5 of us (from the 18 or so called ) were taken in for interviews.
So I dont think this had something to do with how my interview went.
One of the other guys with 11 years of experience was given an offer for the same amount as well.
With regards to housing
1. If housing in Messaied is not provided, QR 7500 will be given as housing allowance.
2. For people staying in Doha, an additional 1300 QR or so will be given as compensatory allowance.
3. Standard medical and childrens educational fees will be reimbursed.
Thanks for the inputs, I found this offer to be unattractive at the very start, and the QAFCO guys did ask me whether I found their pay attractive in the interview.
What grade and package he can expect? How many grades are there in QAFCO are the basic pay same for all in the same grade ? Is accomodation really an issue draining the hard earned money? QP or QAFCO which holds better prospects for career & benefits.
How far families live from QAFCO sites, and any one can say what all benefits employee family can expect, schools, hospitals , malls, sports club, cinemas are all these a part of the socio culture. Are womens safer and employable in Qatar.
Do Qataris appreciate contributions of expats. I even hears small childrens spatting at some Indians. Mischevious really!!! In India we use to slapp such kids. Is social security strong enough in Qatar in general.
For your cooments
We are all brothers in the same boat...
The salary which you are getting for Grade 12 salary compared to the QP standards is in the lower range. You can bargain for atleast 13000 QR. You didnt mention anything about the accommodation ? Here part of your salary goes in paying the rent. Just confirm whether its accomodation allowance or if they are giving you family accomodation. Accommodation allowance wud be better..coz thats where all QP employees save a lot..
I find it hard to believe that QAFCO is planning to exploit you with that package. Either the interview might of gone extremely bad or your degree doesn't measure up to be an "Engineer". Secretarial positions make that much or more.
Grade 11 and above is Senior Management IMHO. I could be wrong but arent Grade 12 employees designated as 'General managers'?
This package given to you is very less... :-(
With 9 years experience you should be getting a Basic pay of around 25,000 plus....
In Qatar Petroleum a Technician gets paid 15,000 above. QAFCO is a daughter company of QP so therefore there shouldn't be much of a difference between QP and QAFCO...
Think before you take up this offer or better bargain....
Don't look at the bonuses...
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