Potential job offer
I have been working in Qatar on and off for 2.5 years now. My company is a UK company and I am a Uk resident only using business and visit visas while I've been here.
I now have an informal job offer from QF and I'm looking for some advice on what they're offering. I'm a 26 year old male
I have been the lead/manager of the installation of a very specialised product in qatar foundation. There isn't even anyone inside my own company who can understand/maintain/operate/repair our product even half as compitently as I can. Without blowing my own trumpet, I am the only expert on this bespoke product.
Employer - Qatar Foundation
grade - 11
vacation days - 37 per year + 2 weeks for Eid and all other national days
work timings - 07.30-15.30 roughly
basic salary - 11k
housong allowance - 7.5k (+3k after marriage)
travel allowance - 2k
school allowance - tbc
medical insurance- fully covered
x2 return trips to UK per year
I dont have a diploma and I'm told that I can't move above grade 11 without one, meaning that I'll be stuck on this same salary
can anyone offer any insight to QF salary grades? I saw someone on grade 15 making 30,000 basic which is a massive step up. I'd like to see the grades next to the expected salary if possible
would I be able to study in QF with a discou to get a diploma?
Will they help me with housing?
And is it a decent offer?
if I'm working abroad at the moment I make more than this offer but when I'm in the UK it's less.
I'm considering the post as I can do the job with my eyes closed and my current job requires constant traveling and 60 hours minimum per week , often working 15+ hours to finish projects in time. And there is lots of uncertainty with my company's future at the moment.
Any help of advice would be grea appreciated
I know there is little to no room for negotiations with QF but I guess I would like another 4k on my basic pay. That's why I'm trying to get the info on the salary/grade system but I've searched for hours and can't find it.
I hope I could move up a grade as I'm the only person who can do this job compitaintly as it's a totally bespoke product.
Any experience with that in QF?
The offer is reasonable and you should be able to save.
QF won't sponsor any studies and you must make sure that you can get an RP with your qiualifications
Born and raised in U.K. And still live there. Only travel on short term projects
This one has just lasted 100000X longer than originally planned because...Qatar
Are you a British passport holder of UK resident
that seems a decent offer since you are an undergrad and single. as per your post, you might get more once you get married and hopefully get your diploma. goodluck!
Thanks blueshift , I have an online course in mind anyway but I thought I'd wait and see if I can get into an actual class here
I'm not familiar with Qatar Foundation employment conditions, but I doubt they will provide you with a free or discounted tertiary study.