is this offer is good or bad ?

By justloverman cl... •
is this offer is ggod or bad ?
hi there good day
is this offer is good enougph or what ?
basic 5000
housing 3000
transportaiton 1000
ticket allowance 1000
market adjusment 3500
furniture allowance 25000
for a bank corporate officer with wife and daughter in qatar egyption
3 years exp
please help
waiting for visa now :)
wow nice offer, grab it the opportunity now, this may change maybe next year 2011, ^_^
but where is the good areas to live in in qatar
thanks all for your kind replies :) i already accept it
Good means good, Average is average and bad refers to bad.
That's good, you have accepted the job...Congratulations!!
I will be moving to Qatar early 2011 and was offered a salary of 16,500QAR per month (including all allowances, only extra they pay is a return ticket home every year for me and my wife)
I am European and married. I am 33 years old. No children. I would like to know if this is a reasonable salary to live on - apart from the experience our goal is to see as much as possible in the Middle East & surrounding region.
What are your suggestions? I would like to know about cost of living and renting costs (car & house).
Many thanks
I will be moving to Qatar early 2011 and was offered a salary of 16,500QAR per month (including all allowances, only extra they pay is a return ticket home every year for me and my wife)
I am European and married. I am 33 years old. No children. I would like to know if this is a reasonable salary to live on - apart from the experience our goal is to see as much as possible in the Middle East & surrounding region.
What are your suggestions? I would like to know about cost of living and renting costs (car & house).
Many thanks
many thanks all i accept it el hamdullah
but any one knows if grade 11 is good
on lighter side RIZK is in INDIA not with Allah ( LOL) only take it as a joke.
Accept the offer.Work hard and INSHAALLAH you will get a good raise.Always remember,the Rizk is with ALLAH SWT.All the best.
is okay, u can save
Rent 4000
Transporation Car EMI : 1500
Food expenditure : 2500
Misc expenses ( Phone & others) : 500
Total you will spend around 8500 so still u can save around 5000QR so accept it and welcome to Doha.
The salary is OK to live normal life in qatar. in my opinion if ur daughter is not going to school yet then go for it, but if she is young (in school or in the university) then you might face some difficulties
any body here
Please more comments and advices
what do u mean by it is an average salary scale does it good or not
It is an average salary scale.
Saving depends upon your life style only :P
thanks the investor so do u think it worth it for my age
Hello, i am egyptian as well but older than you. Listen you can accept the offer but do not expect to save a lot as you will pay almost 4000 for rent, about 1500 to 2000 as car monthly installment & about 3000 at least for monthly expenses without having too much fun. so you will be able to save about 1000 USD per month which is fine for somebody in your age. but if you are expecting to save more then do not come or ask for more.For furniture allowance it is going to be depriciated over 4 years but they will not pay it to u every for year check with them again,for end of year profit share do not expect more than two to three month for the basic maximum. also for promotions it is not that easy may be after 3 or 4 years.So you may accept the offer to gain the gulf expriance then you can start searching for another job in gulf as they always say for egyptians " you do not have gulf experiance"
the monthly allocation is as follows :
work on grade 11
basic 5000
housing 3000
transportaiton 1000
ticket allowance 1000
market adjusment 3500
total of 13500 per month
and 25000 for furnishing my apartement
plus the following
Medical for me and my family + Life insurance + Bounous + profit share
thats all
i'm 25 years i have 3 years of exp,
thanks alot.
I am just trying to understand. Your ticket allowance - will they pay you for your ticket on a monthly basis? or will they only give you QR1000 when you are leaving to go home?
Sorry your breakdown doesn't make any sense. I get the Basic Salary and Car Allowance and Housing....
What is a ticket allowance 1000, market adjusment 3500, furniture allowance 25000?
Are they giving you money to furnish your home? You might as well pocket that money and use it towards getting furnished apartment - which for a 2 bedroom is about QR8,000 - If you are only earning QR13,500, your salary diminishes drastically and you are only left with QR5,500 for a Car, monthly utilities, groceries, school fees and entertainment.... and if you are only getting QR1000 for your airticket home, then you are going to need to save for the rest of your ticket and that of your wife and child.
thanks all but there is plus the above monthly allocation 13500
a bounus + profit share + medic insurance for whole family + life insurance + furniture allowance every 4 years + end of service one month over every year and my child is still 8 month old far away from school i could get pormoted or something and here in egypt not very good than that :( and i still 25 years old
so what do u think
double it
The lowest grade accomodation costs at least 4500, Schooling for your child costs at least 1000 per month with transportation in ordinary arab or asian schools, your own transport and utility will be at least 2000, food expenses wont be less than 2000 ,yearly ticket to your country for the whole family would be at least 6000 per year. That leaves not much. But if you have a worse condition over there then grab at the opportunity.
You will be able to find better prospect later on.
lousy and the market adjustment is separate so no bonus no end of service and possible during leave you done get.
basic should be 15-18k min and everything on top
how about schooling? this is expensive here 20k x 4
what do you expect
Maybe this is good, I dont think so. Housing is expensive! Better to get them to give you accommodation. Have you thought of education costs? Better to ask someone in your own situation! i think this is not a great offer for someone who has to work in a suit! Think carefully!
whats good for me, maybe bad for you.