Just asking about job salarys
By Aeo-Rebellion •
I know a close friend who works in a Bank at a Highly regarded post in Doha. The Problem is that when you compare this salary to other people(of western origin)who are working blow him, his salary looks rather small. Is this common in most banks/Jobs for westerns to get paid a hell of alot more then arabs?
And if so can i have a reason why pls.
Thank you in Advance.
So if a south-eastern Asian worked at the same job as a westerner and they both put the same amount of effort in, the asian would get paid less cos his ethnicity is stereotyped as being “used to having a decent lifestyle”? that seems a little racist to me. Isn’t there a law against this?
Hey, A.R.! It's not like Westerns need more money than ARABS (which will never happen!), but than South-Eastern ASIANS. That's just because they're used to a decent lifestyle...
I hope you dont mind me asking, Why do Westerns need more money to live then arabs? it dont make sesne to me.