Is it a good package

I have got an offer in qatar with basic salary of 18000 QR plus other allowances. So totaly it will come around 31000 QR per month. They will not provide me the accomodation. I am living with wife and 2 kids. Is the package offered is good ? Can anybody tell me what will be the rent for an 2BR accomodation in qatar coz I am new to this place.
Girish, QP will provide housing. And the take home should be more like 20K. Will meet up when I come to Doha. Flying out tomorrow aren't you?
" I have a mind that ticks like a Clock, and like a clock it regularly goes Cuckoo "
You need 10k for a housing, nothing fancy, thrn u need 4k for groceries and another 4k for the kids activities then 2k for a small car. then 2k for school and 3k for u and the wife,then the rest u will spend with unforseen expenses so u will maximum save 2k per month, if thats enough then go for it. dont get me wrong, i'm not saying its a bad offer but dont think that its agreat one either.
I always tell the truth, even when I lie
31k is not a good offer if you want to live a decent life, add school and medical expenses and trips baxk home u will end up just living without any savings.
I always tell the truth, even when I lie
what hamlet is trying to say is that most people on this forum dont make so much and ur salary should be more than enough for a very decent if not luxurious life.welcome to qatar.
just out of curiosity what do you do.?
do it right - the first time!
I didnt get u sir ? Pls be more clear
Some people are so lucky but they are fool enough to keep on wondering, are we lucky enough (that is the most most descent comment I can think of right now) Big big sigh......
Thats really funny. My wife is a postgradute in computer . So she can get a good job for her maintenance. Am i right ? Cna u tell me the salary she can get ? She has 6 yrs of experince in bahrain as team leader.
31000 QR includes 2 kids school fee (2500 QR) and the medical expense, they will take. So tell nme how is the package. My wife is a computer postgraduate and she can alsso go for work (as programmer/ software engg). Can anybody suggest how much she can get ?
Rent 8-9k per month
utilities around 1000.
Petrol: Dirt cheap
School: 500- 2000 pm
Car 1700 pm for rental lancer
if u dont like going to government clinics/hospital than medical can be expensive.
without insurance, per visit might cost 200 plus medicines.
Wife maintenance cost??????
schooling and medical?
31000Qr. thats perfect just leave everything as it is and catch the first fligth to doha tonight.
Really a perfect offer. wish you best of luck\