How much I can save???
Hello there,
I have signed a offer on single status. Total earnings 22350 QR/month.
I will be taking care of everythnig including family tickets, visa, medical, schooling, housing etc.
How much I would be able to save? We are 4 in a family.... Only 1 kid in primary school (preferably Indian school)......
Please advice all you good people out there...
It all depends on what lifestyle you want to live, many here are living on less than that, best thing to do is do up a budget, without a budget its easy to spend and not know where your money goes..
Housing for 4 (a double bed room) = 8000
Monthly expenses = 3500 (for an indian family)
Medical for 4 = 350 average (if you go for insurance)
School for one kid only = 1250 (indian school fee + etc for kid )
Visa for all (pro rata basis for a month) = 250
Air ticket ( pro rata basis for a month) to any destination in India = 750
Savings can be 8250 per month
I dont find lulu cheaper as others, well at least not the things i purchase anyway...
don't forget to do all the shoppping in LULU
still your post making me laughed Afaque.
hi novita, seriously is there any other vaild answer to this post...Everybody has his own way of life and priorities.
afaque, nice joke.
don't go shopping, no eating outside, no branded accessories, no weekend trips, don't spend on your children schooling and everything will be saved........good luck
i think 5000 or 4000 what is ur job can u tell us? if u want to unlock ur iphone pm me or call 5125244 .