honestly want to make some honest friends

Hi,every body
I am Steven Song from China. I am new here, working in a Qatar-China company, living closed to the Air-PORT. My main business is construction sales and renting, such as concrete pump etc.
I want to make some honest friends here, not just for business, who can share life of happiness here.
My MSN is [email protected], and SKYPE is SONYONGLIN2008.
Waiting for your repondence.
Steven Song
hI rEv h0w R u
say it again please. Thanks
-: I may not agree with everything what you say, but to the death I will defend your right to say it :-
THANKS for your kind reply
Maybe the words cause some ambiguity. Sorry
iM h0neSt pErSoN In tHe QL bEliEvE iT 0r n0t dEpenD oN uR BrAin, kIdnEys, LuNgS , Etc eTc So SoNg wElc0Me 2 QL sInG 4 Me 1 s0Ng
lol pajju bro...yes i m very disloyal..hahhahahaa
i am honest since birth...
welocome to Ql.. Just join the QL forums, contribute and receive at the same time.
On QL a man is known for what he writes.. So choose your words carefully. You will find plenty of likeminded people on QL.
Derek Edward Trotter
soniya no ur not honest :P so plzz out from this thread :P
U will hardly get ne trustable, honest and loyal frds on QL...lolzzzz..But yes, its too gud to be a member of this site..U will never feel alone..
sorry im not honest, but im friendly;)