
By haseena321 •
hey friends...
plzz help a girl under my father's sponsorship..k ..doing my final year degree searching for a job nw..starting my interviews ..frndzz tell me...what can i expect from my starting...
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2500 is way to low ...3500 or higher ...u can get that ....according to my experience in qatar people are getting much then they deserve ...u have done bba so inshallah u will get a good job ...ask them 4500 ...
for the beginning u can ask the following for the post of secretary/clerk,,,during 3 months probation period.
Basic salary : Qrs. 2,500/- + Transporation by company
Thank you my frnds for your valuable doing BBA final year.yes frnd i have an attractive CV.ALSO I had some training during my university years ..k ..thankyou.i told you dis is my 1st time.i dont knw what salary i have to ask them plzzz ..both of you all are very experienced plzz give me an idea...thankyou
It really depends on your degree, and how much experience you have. If none.. then you will have to begin low, but if you have had some training during ur university years then u can negotiate something higher but u have to accept that you will be somewhere and that definitely is not high up the ladder..
Good luck
start making a good c.v
You may expect many calls from different companies for an INTERVIEW.... if you have posted your REsume's to ANY...!!
Many Offers from different Companies...
Wat else more you expect ?
A GENE !!! LoL
Cheerz & Best of Luck for your JOB & FUTURE !!!