Fresher Electrical engineer salary

I have got a job offer for 1500USD/month (~5400QR) Also there is a Per Diem (220USD/month). I'm not able to understand this Per-diem. what is this guys?
Do they give this money or what?. in qatar for graduate engr postion.I'm a fresher from india.Is this salary Ok?
company provided shared accommodation and transport and annual air tickets? How about this offer. Please mention the cost of food(Vegetarian) per month.
,me also a fresh electrical engineering graduate from india.want to work in qatar.f u cud pls help me out as to where should I apply to get a job. Thanks in advance
Don't know many people there! I guess will know in sometime once i get there
Molten bhai I always give that figure which has less risk... :) I always keep buffer to reduce the risk..
I know some lucky people who spend 4 days of the week at their friends , colleagues , neighbours , QL buddies homes and save a lot .....
Sunday, 22.12.2013, 10.41 hrs ...
Yasir , Vram can cut the cost of food to half i.e. 500 - 600 QRs .... But he needs to be of ' friendly nature ' to do this ....
Sunday, 22.12.2013, 10.37 hrs ...
@muhammad yasir
oh! ok any idea how many years they put contract? it a good company for fresher electrical engr
any idea how this company for freshers.I'm a fresher electrical engineer.
ya its an irish engineering procurement construction management company in qatar
Food Cost will Be 1000 Qar to 1200 Qar /Month
Per Diem its for food my dear so your salary will be (1500+220) & you will get this money 220 USD every Month.
is this a Irish Company?
Any Ways offer is Good... Best of Luck...