Consistently delayed salary...

I've been in my last 8 months of my 2 yrs contract. Since the beginning me and my co worker had always delayed salary. I've always talk to our manager about the situation. He always said sorry economy is very bad. Ok I said to him if you cannot afford to pay our salary give us release so we can look for big and better company so we support of our family. He always said he has plan and we give him a chance.
Today I'm sick and tired of begging for may salary, and today theres good client coming in and he is still the same full of promises. He ignore his responsibility without asking are you still eating? still have money or how about your family.
Can this be a ground to ask for my release? So I can look for better company. I think our manager did'nt tell to our qatari sponsor about our situation.
Pls. Help
I would say you are unlucky & also lucky at the same time.
Unlucky to work with a company giving late salaries & lucky to work with a company that din't still terminate the contract amist the Economy Crisis.
However, even if you get release from your sponsor you will not be able to transfer your sponsorship with any other employer in qatar as you still dint complete the intial two years of your first employement. There is a maximum chance that your application would be rejected to pass thru CEID clearance & further Labour Department clearance.
its just eight months to go.. i can understand your situation,, but taking release at this point may not help.
Economy is very bad?? Sometimes, this is overused to make an excuse or implement some kind of business strategy ang tactics of these unkind and selfish companies who never think that THEIR BEST CAPITAL ARE THE HUMAN RESOURCES.
In my point of view, it is not by saying "the economy is bad". If he says this, he has to prove it with your companies BALANCE SHEET or CASH FLOW or income statement.
Why, doesnt have your company collections from your clients? in order for the company to effectively manage it financial resources, i think it has to reinvent its fiscal and human resources management strategy.
I think, your company has to give you release if it cannot be able to pay your salary. Coz contractually, your company has to pay for your services on a monthly basis or whichever is provided in your contract.
If it will refuse to give you release, refer this case to MInistry of Labour, but be sure to have a proof that the company is not paying you.
give thanks in everything!
a lot has already been laid-off because of the present economic woes;
youre lucky you still have your delayed salary