Arrival Imminent!

By genuwine33 •
Hi all,
I'm new on this site, was looking for some quality tips before I make the leap. I'm a single guy from Australia. I'm currently about to reach a final offer agreement to move to Doha on a permanent basis in next 6-8 weeks. I have a few points & queries if anyone wishes to respond:-
- My offer includes an living allowance of QR6,500/month OR a 2 bedroom furnished apartment in lieu. Looks to me that Qatar is just as pricey as Dubai....Would I be better taking the furnished apartment provided or try and negotiate a higher living allowance? (which will be difficult);
- What's life like in Doha generally (on a social level), Dubai is pretty cosmopolitan, is Doha similar or completely different? (i'm hoping there's a bit of a nightlife going on :)
- Can I lease a decent vehicle (like a chrysler jeep etc) for QR 2,500/month;
- Is there any specific advice you can provide to a new comer which will benefit me from any mistakes you may have made in the past - whether financial, political, working environment etc...
- Is Doha a pretty lonely place for a single person?.....
Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks for your honesty, I prefer a good dose of reality. Better know now so I can expect the worst.
PS- I've taken the company apartment.
Take the apartment. It would just be easier, and the two bedrooms tend to be a good size here.
On a social scale here, things are what you make it. If you're into sports than there's loads of clubs and organizations. The bar scene however is kind of dull. It's a 10 to 1 ratio guys to girls, so as a single guy you will find it difficult, and until you make friends, you will probably find it lonely.
For QR6,500 you won't get much better than your Company's offer.
social life is what you make it there is a good golf club, rugby Club and a Sub Aqua Club etc. If you have a good crowd at work that is key.
Yes 2,500 will get a Nissan Pathfinder or Mitsibushi Navara type. Some of the smaller rental firm might get a deal on KIA for less, I was quoted 1900 for a Sportage, new.
No particular advice. just grab oppertunities as they come you can do that or sit on your bum bored by MBC TV.
See above answer, It's what you make of it!