Advice on Salary

Hi All,
I am close to being offered a job in Doha. I am presently working in UK for £45,000 gross salary. What is the minimum salary should I be negotiating assuming above average living life style. I am single but getting married in Sept.
Thanks for the replies...Here is more information as requested.
My take home comes to £31,500 and everything in UK like flights, schooling, house is from my pocket.
I am thinking of starting to negotiate with QR20,000 per month + house allowance, car, flight.
Is it good start???
If housing is coming out of your pocket then that will cost you min 1000pound a month perhaps more depending where you want to stay and what sort of accommodation you want.
This would offset any gain of not paying tax on your wages. Plus you will have to pay for flights.
Most companies here give at least one flight per year.
And throw in health benefits.
I have advised before that you want 2 grand in your pocket minimum PLUS housing on top. That way the downsides of Doha (yes there are some) are out weighed by the money. And sweetens the pill. And don't forget you will HAVE to buy a car. Please don't think you can't !!!
Does it include schools,flights,medical,car or housing.
45K is only good if your housing is on top or provided otherwise you will be paying out half your wages on RENT.
more info needed
if you decided to raise family in doha, be careful with housing and schooling. Make sure it is including in your package.
What's your net monthly take-home pay?