Be smart this Ramadan, don't waste food
ADVANCE WARNING: Ramadan Kareem to all who celebrate across the entire Middle East [and beyond].
Be smart this Ramadan, don't waste food, many people [particularly in Africa] do not have the privilege to eat so only plate up what you are willing to consume.
Think about your fellow man [not gender specific], especially the one who goes without this Ramadan and think yourself lucky you have money to buy food where he does not.
Be compassionate, donate something to those who are less fortunate even if it is small change.
And whether you are religious or not, pray for a peaceful end to the situations in both Syria and Egypt.
Perhaps during Ramadan the leaders of all those warring factions might contemplate the benefits of finding peaceful solutions to otherwise difficult situations and instead of viewing them as hopeless, try and reason with the rationale of what peace can do for the entire region instead of it being in constant turmoil.
Very true. Thanks for all.
Remember and pray for domestic servants who slog the whole night to serve food to household and guests, and are also required to work day time , while fasting.
Agreed, I will try to be compassionate and foriving this Ramadan :)
Ramadan Mubarak to all of Qlers and not Kareem - Good one, let us follow these tips.
Ramadan Kareem to everyone.
Ramadan Kareem to you too.