
Can someone explain the Muslim View on Theft?
I was leaving Virgin at Landmark Today and I followed a group of 3 Qatar Teenagers out of the store.
At the Security Detector the alarm started going off so the guard asked the group of teenagers if they had anything that had not been payed for. All were very outraged but eventually the younger one owned up and handed a Stolen Game back to the security guard.
The shocking part was he just let the thief go.The Police should have been called and his parents Alerted.
This is a poor lame anti jew post. You're an ignorant.
i wonder whats the christian view of that , and the jewish view,,
and whats up with these stupid remarks
from jackfrost?
is that acceptable in here
he shows up with his rotten fucked up face
this time promoting his homosexual behaviour with little boys
its not funny ,,
i wonder if some other nationalities did that,will they get away with it if its their 1st offense?
I agree they should've been taken to the police station to put the frighteners on them and have their parents called, but no further action should be taken if it's a first offense.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
I saw a Qatari man (mid 30) on Blue Salon and when he pass on the guard the detector alarmed, after that, the guard check the plastic bag and simply took the cap and bring it back to the salesman, then the qatari just go out of the salon as if there wasnt anything happen.
After i saw that, i asked myself, what would happen if the man was not qatari or not arabic, would the guard just act like that? hhmm... may be not. :( that why the word decrimination was made.
I mean like stealing the money and other staff in home
to a degree to realize how serious stealing is.
The stealing can start with a small thing such as egg and ends up in stealing a home or a car.
lol eby you serious???? Calling police for theft is blowing it out of proportions????
What should we save police for, hmmmmm 1 murder is enough or only a mass killing deserves to be reported to Police.
I do personally think the Police should have been called. Sure as Hell they would have been for an Indian/Philipino so bang these little brats up.
Letting them off is the worst thing you could ever do.Chop His Hands off.
I beg to differ..I think what that security man did was correct considering they were teenagers .. okay the kid did steal but he was caught and he would learn from that.. calling police would be like blowing it out of proportion ..u have give kids space to learn from their mistake.
spoilt brats, should have put behind the bars.
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
So please allow me to put it hear
A jews guy went to a shop owned by a Muslim man and the Jews guy wanted to buy something like a thoub (Traditional dress for Qatari men), the thoub was having a defect and sales man did not tell the Jews guy about the defect and the thoub was sold for 3000 QR, when the owner of the shop came to the shop, the owner did not see the thoub and asked about the thoub, the sales man said the thoub has been sold, the owner said to the sales man did you explain the defect to the customer? The sales man said no, the owner became angry and took the 3000 QR and went to the Jews guy and told him excuse me the thoub you bought has a defect and here is the 3000 QR.
The Jews guy said to the owner but why are you doing this?
The owner said because my religion tells me to be honest and not betrayd customers. The Jews guy said and the 3000 QR which I gave to the sales man is fake ones and for your honesty here is an original 3000 QR.
The Jews guy entered Islam because of what he have seen from this honest owner.
Be honest and remember honesty will always benifit you.
...taught at home.
Who is raising them these days, parents themselves or maids or the TV channel culture?
No control from the parents side, whatever they try to build at home, the schools environment breaks it.
The fact is no more good manners.
the guard seems so afraid with the boys knowing they are he simply let them go.better to castigate them to avoid such crimes..
Spare the "rod" & spoil the child.
I don't intend Physical punishment, but atleast the parents of these boys should have been made aware of their "extra curricular" activities.
I think the problem here lies in the guard's behavior, i'm sure he was like chicken when dealing with qataris, last week-end a big fight was at the landmark between a guard and couple of qatari boys who were not allowed to enter the play ground area which is restricted to families, police were there and all were taken to the police station,
guards that are hired are so lame, they are there just to stand like a tree and get paid,
let's assume that that boy was a poor asian, nepali or bangali, do you think that would have been solved by talking to him only???
i have NO idea what makes the guards so scared of qatari boys, i'm sure if they call police or their parents that it would be so appreciated.
what we used to do , is a bit different...we used to have monopoly like 100$'s so there was this old man who owned the shop , we used to go to him buy stuff for like 3 dollars and give him the fake 100$ bill...but even then we used to come back to him and tell him that it was fake...the funny thing is that we kept on doing this over and over again...and each time it worked!!!! the same fake bill and the same old man
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
Years ago, I got caught shoplifting as a child too.
Without losing any part of my body, a very good lesson learnt.
Stealing is very bad and the police should be called, otherwise this child may steal again.
If some knows there is a punishment and this punishment is not excuted, then the guy will do bad thing again and he will like the punishment because he knows that the punishment will not be excuted.
to get calls about kids shop lifting. Inveribly the shops would want to press charges, if they were a certain age we used convince them not to but we did 'arrest' them, take them down to the station, lock them up in a cell and wait for the parents to come down to collect them.
Never had a parent complain about that. Infact, they were always greatful saying that they hope it scared the kids enough not to do it again.
most of the time, it was peer pressure - a friend daring another one to steal something.
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better to do something about this... or else those kids will think that there's nothing wrong with what they did...sigh~
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
I would have preferred if the guard took all the teens to the manager's office, and called the parents.
I'll raise you a double inshalla....
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
do something bad, just pray and all is forgiven.
welcome to QATAR
peace :)
Thanks for the wakeup.. I seemed to have drifted..
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
i must clarify in my first post,,,thankx
Well why didn't you say so in the first place anteeca? I simply picked up on your initial elaborations on the subject. Had you posted this response first, I would not have posted asking you to clarify your original opinion.
It has nothing to do with Muslim / Non-Muslim. Perhaps the guard had instructions to be lenient or he felt that the kid had learnt a lesson.
Years ago, I got caught pilfering asa child. The nice shopkeeper embarassed me, but also made me promise to never do it again. It was a lesson learnt..
a crime is crime,,here or any part of world,muslim or non muslim, why people want to make any issue, ok, the theft is muslim but what about that security guard, may be he is non muslim but in other mean he also share the crime,,dear,,,plz open eyes,,,my point here that dont make any issues,,,,solving the issues is the aim but here,,,mostly people creat a new issue....anyways....AGAIN,,,,,CRIME IS CRIME....
Don't think this is anything to do with Islam. It's just theft pure and simple and the police should have been called. What a bad lesson these kids have been taught about life.
anteeca are you saying it is the West's fault that this crime went unpunished? BTW I think chopping this lads hand off would have been a bit severe. But he does need to be corrected. We all make mistakes, and we should learn from them without loosing bits of our anatomy. There is good in all of us.
If this crime happen in Saudi Arabia so as per saudia islamic rule, he never use his one hand as this is big crime but then the western community critisized saudia/islamic rules...