
By delmasalla •
hi, the last week i knew a man from qatar, i live in Colombia now, and he's visiting my city, he said me he wants marry me and live in qatar with his family, i'm flight attendant but now im unemployed, he doesn't want me to work as a flight attendant, and he says is a profession which not spend time with family.
my question is, if i marry with him, can i live how is my culture or how is his culture? can i use my clothes or what kind of clothes use the woman in qatar?? can i study normally anything else??? thanks for the help
Xena ...yes we share the id of sharkqatar!
if you have only known him for a week, please forget the idea!!! tell him you dont want to get married but you want to keep seeing eachother (that is if you like him) go out with him for a while then make your decision.
happy I am not sure about being a good boy yet, long way to go :o)
WK...:) seems u seriously became a good boy...:)
lol happy I am sure you do ;)
I like such women though...:)
Some men promise anything to get laid.
Some women believe anything to get laid.
I sence a Troll.....
do you and your wife share this ID? Cause sometimes I can swear its a woman posting and then other times, like the one above, you seem to be a man... just curious:-)
Impossible a Qatari man will accept her wife work as a flight attendant.........forget that..
And yes there is family life as he say...maybe why not to work in Qatar airways ticketing/reservation...or the administration of Qatar airways?? get married as a Qatari should you become Muslim..
..about the clothes...conservative and respectable clothes..there is Qatari man married European woman's ..i'm married with a French..she became Muslim..she wear abayaa and scarf.I do not push her to cover her face...
For sure at 40 year old that man is married or been married and divorced...
He need authorization fro the government..
You have to be clear from the beginning of your intention and be very clear!!
Living in Qatar is different..but nice..come here to see if you think you can adapt yourself to live here..if you like it ..try to meet his family..check and ask all questions you have in your mind...
Then make a decision!
good luck!
them you will discover the businesses that family is in. They supply building materials, plus they seem to make fake marble here. At 40 he is likely to be married with kids.
Being a flight attendant in Qatar is fairly low paid and has enormous restrictions in your private life. Go on some of the airline employee forums and you will see the reputation Qatar Airways has. I would be seriously surprised if a Qatari man would allow his wife to work as a flight attendant as they do not have a good reputation here for the most part, except for being attractive party girls :)
advice of those here that are telling you correct information.
Has he said he will marry you in Qatar? Or overseas?
That will be your first inkling of whether or not he is being honest with you....
If he marries you here, he will have to get all the correct permits, so then he might be talking honestly with you, BUT
if he says he will marry you in a foreign country, as in yours or US, then I am sorry, but don't trust that, since that marriage will not be legal in Qatar and you have no rights if he decides to leave you at any time.
Please be careful... I do know wonderful kind Qatari men, but unfortunately, a lot are only in relationships with Foreign women for one thing...
I know these posts are all sounding a bit harsh, but its reality here.
only i know he have 40, and me 28, he told me that his family live in qatar and is very recognized, Nabina is his lastname, i don't know if he's married, i don't know about his family, well thanks for your help, but one more question, if i'll get a job in qatar how flight attendant the restrictions are similar thanks
IF HE IS QATARI, he cannot marry you legally without the permission of the government.
Without a LEGAL marriage you have NO rights. Even with a legal one, you have limited rights here in Qatar.
May I ask how old he is? How old are you? Is he married already? Is he even telling the truth if he says he is not? Have you spoken to his family? How important is his religion to him? What do you know about him? How can you trust someone you have only known one week?
Those of us here in qatar, hear your story over and over again, with women from all over the world. They think that marrying a Qatari is going to have them living in a palace living the life of a princess. Do you have any idea how rarely that happens and how often these girls are used for sex and then tossed aside?
Wake up! If he is serious, he will do this all legally, give you time to visit his country, meet his family and let you see that he is not hiding a wife and kids, or trying to pull a fast one.
well thanks for opinions, because he live in los Angeles he has business there, in qatar and in china. because if he lives in LA, after marriage wants to live in Qatar, is there when you women do not have any say??
You mean you are in love with Qatari national, is it? and he wants to marry you.
1st: make sure he is not already married here in Qatar.
2nd: are you both of same religion? You may need to convert to Islam before getting married
3rd: Does he have permission from his government to marry a foreigner? Believe me, he needs one for your marriage to be valid and recognised here
4th: Are you ready to sacrifice your career for this?
5th: Qatar is an Islamic country. Women need to dress here modestly. See Qatar guide at the top of the page to get an idea about dressing.
6th : there are few colleges here for you to study but make sure he will allow you to study as you have mentioned he doesn't want you to work after marriage
7th : Be careful and make decision wisely
All the best
Darling, forget this idea. VERY FAST.
You hardly know each other. Inter cultural marriages are hard enough at the best of times. They are a little harder when they concern males fromm the Middle East.
Step back a little. Take things slowly and see how it pans out. Don't rush into marriage.
someone from across the world with a completely different religion and culture that you have known ONE WEEK? FFS, do you not even realize that Qatar is a VERY conservative country and this Qatari man (if he is one) will have to get government AND family approval to marry you (since you are not a qatari woman). Qatari women wear an abaya (a long black robe), hijab (scarf covering hair) and many wear niqab (full face veil). Is that anything like what you wear in Colombia?
Have you looked into what legal rights you would have as a woman married to a qatari muslim in the shariah courts. Check and see what happens to children, when a woman divorces her husband here and wants to remarry. She loses custody of her children, although he can marry up to 4 women AT THE SAME TIME. How dod you feel about your husband having other wives along with you?
Open your eyes, princess. A decision like this needs more information than just going on an internet forum.