Hit and Run

Last week me and my husband we stood stationary at traffic lights on the B Ring Road near the new petrol station turning left. It was single lane traffic. Seconds later we jolted forward and heard a loud crunch. One driver didn't brake in time and struck us from behind. After the initial shock, my husband stepped out of the car to check the damage. The driver admitted fault and as we were trying to sort it out all the other drivers began honking their horns as the traffic lights had turned green. We told the driver that we should turn left to allow the traffic to pass and stop to sort out the details. He mentions "matar" which to me meant the airport, but that didnt make sense. I told him no and to turn aroud the corner.
We turned the corner and found a safe spot to park up, at which point the other driver just sped off! We quickly took his registration number but were left in shock at the sheer audacity! As we had only been here a week we werent sure where the police station was and what we were supposed to do. We drove along to see if we could find the other car but to no avail. Luckily, there was a police car parked up further ahead. I got out of the car and spoke to the police officer who informed me he was just coming to the accident and his car broke down. What are the chances! He told us to follow the breakdown truck to the police station where we gave our details and the drivers details. A week later, they traced the driver and told him to come to the police station to make a statement. He was supposed to go yesterday but he didnt turn up.
I thought people were afraid to commit such acts in this country due to the strict laws. Is this a regular occurance? Does anyone have similar stories? What will happen to the other driver if he doesnt go to the station to make a statement?
same here in Canada...CCTV in all prominent junctions & streets. It not only helps in traffic control but tracks crime incidents too!
But you know what....how can they have it in Qatar? They do not want to capture videos their own people doing menance on the streets...lol!
lol - have you been to London tcom? There's a CCTV camera on every street corner!
hmmmmmmmm CCTV is this not going overboard .....Qatar is not a Developed Nation and even Developed Nations dont have it
I'm wondering if theres a commmand n control system in place here? CCTV ? So when someone tries to hit and run, they can take out the vid log for the date and time, zoom in on the plate number and get em!
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
I am so sorry for what happened to you on your first week here-CrAzyAlbaAzee - I have read that it often happens here. I must say you are lucky the police traced the guy out and tried to get him to the police station.
Everyone says that the trafficjams in Dubai are worse than in Qatar but I was there last weekend and never saw any jams and I felt a lot safer driving around there than in Doha. I just felt that the law enforcement agencies in Qatar should be more strict and and enforce laws equally regardless of nationalities because at the end of the day, human life is endangered and it is of the same value whether one is a native or not .
Hi Alba,
I just left Qatar 18 months back & cannot imagine driving has become so crazy nowadays. It used to be crazy before but at not as mich as this and at least police used to be prompt those days. But again, sadly they have different set of rules for locals, Asians, Westerners etc.
Generally speaking driving is tricky over there and always keep scanning around (even when stationery) for other approaching vehicles as very ofetn they will not watch you while approaching. Lot of people drive rented cars and do not care about damages done.
Good luck & happy stay in Qatar...lol!
it is a mater of comunication what he was tring to say
go to matar he men we should go to matar police station or ( old airport trafice center )
any how i am shure that he went there and coplaned ,you just geve the the regestration No and you will find your report is ready
I am sorry to hear what happened to you, but at least you got the plate number.
I was, deliberately and intentionally, hit by a big car on the Corniche, while driving 75k/h, because I didn't give the driver behind me way, as he was beaming at me!
I was so in shock after my car veered off and could not note down his number! He drove away like a sissy! He wasn’t man enough to face me!
God Bless
I was "hit and run" by a police captain once,He just sped off. I just learned he was a police captain when I went to airport police, nobody there believed that he did it,they called the captain, the captain asked them to give cash to me for the repair. that means he's not insured or his car's not registered.
" I was born intelligent, but education ruined me..."
the car cant be sold or bought by any one till the fine is not cleared by first owner.
ok, so when the police identified the car and contacted the driver, is it still possible that the driver and his car was not registered and doesnt have insurance? So how would they be able to identify the car/driver?
In November of last year the same thing happened to me in the UK. Someone drove into the back of my car whilst I was stationary. It also happened to me 5 years ago as well! I managed to get both their details but it seems I attract such car accidents! lol!
I guess I should be thankful that its never more serious!
a car every year and it cant be registered if you dont have any insurance.
Car registration is yearly, you have to take it to the police station, and if the car is older it needs to be inspected and deemed fit for the road. Also, registering the car means putting the vehicle under a specific person or company name so that the owner of the vehicle can be identified. At this time you also renew your insurance. _____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
What do you mean by "registered the car"? How often do you have to register a car?
Lol, or the last time they registered the car was when it was purchased.
I dont get the insurance/fine system here. Back home, the more offenses you get on your record the higher your insurance rates are you are a high risk driver. I really think they should do that here.....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
in most cases they dont have the insurance also
He may not have had a license believe it or not. We were rear ended by a 13 year old boy once and he ran like a scalded cat. _____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Tell me Intelligent...what happened. I want to hear stories...
You r lucky. If I will tell u what happened to me, you will hardly believe.
I cannot say that it happens regularly. But surely, the driver has only made it difficult for himself, by doing what he ahs done.
the other driver is gonna face the music sooner or later
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
thts bad really really bad.
well he cant escape for long