Arrogant Qatari's

By swe74

I am getting really tired of many Qatari's arrogant behaviour.

The other day I was on my way to the Villaggio Mall when I see a Qatari brat burning rubber with with his supersonic BMW in the roundabout adjacent to the parking area. This is around 6 pm so place wasn't empty.

I just laughed at the whole thing and didn't enter until he was done playing.
When queuing up to get in to the actual parking lot (I had about 5-6 cars ahead of me) I see the same BWM in the mirror coming behind me on the left side of the road (it's not a two lane road, he's just on the wrong side), because he obviously can't wait for his turn. He get's in right in front of me and he almost hits the front of my car. His stupidity makes me furious so I give him the horn.

His pride can't handle the horn, so he just stops his car and completely block my way. At this time there are just the two of us in this road. After a while he starts driving really slow, rolls down his window and points with his index finger and thumb... I have now idea what that means, I'm just tapping my finger to my head demonstrating that he is dim.

He can't handle that either, so again he stops (we're just infront of the main entrance). Now I've reached my peak so I get out of my car, he opens the door (he's probably in his early twenties), I yell at him to MOOOVE. He just turns the engine off, gets out of his car and walks straight into the mall, leaving the car in the middle of the road.

It's not the first time I've had these encounters, and it's driving me crazy. Some Qatari's (especially the youngster) have NO COURTESY whatsoever to other people. I'm so sick of it I'm even thinking of leaving this country. I've lived in a numerous places around the world, but this is the most unpleasant experience by far.

By nouf84• 1 Jan 2012 13:12


By nigelreid• 3 May 2008 00:42

"It's their country" - isn't that what we're always hearing?When people lose all concern for others, care nothing for the needs or rights of other people, drive like selfish arseholes and act with impunity, jump queues, push others out of the way, well, this is what it looks like.It's one way of living life. Although there is no right or wrong way to live, you can judge for yourself the value of considering other people and accepting responsibility when we're in the wrong.Just be grateful that you can leave it all behind at a time of your choosing.  

By bleu• 13 Feb 2008 12:21

The number for the police is 4695555 or 999 ( Never tried to speak english with them! )

By bleu• 13 Feb 2008 12:13

Gypsie, Jauntie :

The new laws apply to almost everone, the qataris as well as the expats. It's funny how somany think that we can do whatever we want with no consequences,10 years ago this was probably true, but it's not like that anymore.


I personally have 4 pts on my driving license (10 to go).


When I see somebody blocking the road or parked in a disabled spot, I immmediately call the police. That's what you should have done when he left it there. 

By anonymous• 17 Nov 2007 12:10

If you just taken his plate number and report him to the traffic they will take care of him they are very serious and could hold his car for up to 3month plus fine

By anonymous• 17 Nov 2007 09:46

The road conditions under fog are four times more dangerous. Specially when you don't have a clear field of depth and your eyes are in continuously distracted by the movement of the mist.

Still those Ignorant driver are speeding and slow down, instead of maintaining a normal and moderate cruising speed.

Lots of cars with No lights on or any kind of signaling device to distinguish their location in the distance.,

But those truckers are smart to stay put during those conditions.

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.

By anonymous• 17 Nov 2007 09:16

Good morning all:)

This morning was quite foggy ( not froggy :D) Driving was a bit more difficult than usual. I was obliged to turn on the lights, open my window start horning and shouting at the same time " FROGS ON ROAD BEWARE" " FROGS ON ROAD BEWARE" " FROGS ON ROAD BEWARE" ...... You know how fragile we are :P

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 17 Nov 2007 09:16

Good morning all:)

Thsi morning was quite foggy ( not froggy :D) Driving was a bit more difficult than usual. I was obliged to turn on the lights, open my window start horning and shouting at the same time " FROGS ON ROAD BEWARE" " FROGS ON ROAD BEWARE" " FROGS ON ROAD BEWARE" ...... You know how fragile we are :P

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 17 Nov 2007 09:11

Was he wearing a SPIDER MAN suit when he jump out of the car?

I agree

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.

By Ragnarock Raider• 17 Nov 2007 09:07
Ragnarock Raider

Though i'm yawning like you wouldn't believe lol

My wife has an ear infection, so i've had to take care of our baby daughter the lawst few days...I think i've slept for under 4 hours going on 5 days now lol

Sometimes I wish I had a 2 day weekend instead of a 60 hour work week and courses 3 nights a week lol...but oh well, c'est la vie!

At least we can be thankful for this lovely weather (though it IS a tad on the warm side for my tastes).

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Stay safe my friends.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By diamond• 17 Nov 2007 09:07

Hi TCOM, I know, generalising is a dangerous thing to do. It breeds all kinds of nasty things like, for eg, racism.

Best not to imho.


Love is the answer...

By t_coffee_or_me• 17 Nov 2007 09:03

good morning DG... i hate when they generalize ... all 5 fingers are not same

I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here

Than a whole truck load when I'm gone

By diamond• 17 Nov 2007 09:01

Morning RR, couldn't agree with you more. I trust your weekend is going well. What a perfectly beautiful day we have today.


Love is the answer...

By Ragnarock Raider• 17 Nov 2007 08:58
Ragnarock Raider

Let me just say its not cool to generalize....

Having been guitly of it myself in the past, I hope we can be more constructive in our all means, call out any bad behaviour, offer suggestions as to how things can be improved....but concluding that everyone is like that and its a lost cause will not help in the least!

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By diamond• 17 Nov 2007 08:51

Yeah, we're all just a bunch of lazy bums...all of us, each and every one of us....yawn...must go back to bed...I've been up for a few hours...far too long...zzz


Love is the answer...

By Koufalia• 16 Nov 2007 20:58

I have been here for two months and one thing I realized is how lazy these people are. It takes for ever to accomplish even the simplest task because of red tape and because of their bad attitude. All I know is that if it wasnt for expats this country would just be another state in the middle of the desert.

By amnesia• 5 Nov 2007 22:07

@butter, most? that's offensive in the least.

If there are alot, it is different than to say 'most'!


By thatguy• 5 Nov 2007 20:40

i have no problem admitting that i get tired of the arrogance... BUT... you must keep in mind that this is there country... and ten years ago it was empty so the couture shock comes from both sides...

also remember if you are in your own country and some one from another country gets in your way... do you not get upset... because it is your country...

i am only stating facts and i am by no means trying to say what they did was right... i am only saying what is true.

By JhunBug• 3 Nov 2007 16:06

If that happened to me, I will push his car with mine... nah.. I'll just ran him over and I'll be writing this comment while I'm in jail..

By buttercupryle• 3 Nov 2007 15:49

They are very uneducated and arrogant..

"Manila I'm coming home!"

By buttercupryle• 3 Nov 2007 15:48

They are acting undeucated and it's true they are arrogant..

"Manila I'm coming home!"

By diamond• 1 Nov 2007 13:55

aaawww, litteratuer, I'm very decent too...plenty of people like me...what sweeping many of us do you know personally out of the 200 000?


Love is the answer...

By litteratuer• 1 Nov 2007 13:50

older qatari's are usually very decent people..the younger crowds have never known hardships and most of them are raised as brats..but there are mannered guys also..

very curious ur skin color white,brown,black? i am pretty sure it must not bewhite..the locals generally dont pick on that color...

I am just asking, not to start any controversy.. never hurts..

(the other person)

By anonymous• 25 Oct 2007 19:19

see guys ....she run away lol

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By diamond• 25 Oct 2007 19:14

Grenouille, you are playing with me and me and my high IQ are not playing :)

Actually make that the last thousands and thousands of years.

Must go, I promised to be at the Launch Bid and I'm running late.


Love is the answer...

By anonymous• 25 Oct 2007 19:08

Anyway, girls have always been better at class :d They do not have as many outside-hobbies as boys :) ( talking about Arab girls ) . So, they have more time to study lol. nothing to do with intelligence level :)

On a more serious note, I don't think there will be any remedy for the so called 100 years of sexism ednured essentially by women. Too late .

But we 'll keep cheriching our sisters , mothers and maybe our wives if they're good at cooking :D

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By diamond• 25 Oct 2007 18:46

Salam Frog, the reason that the girls are being offered jobs is because they are outperforming the boys and getting higher qualifications.

Nothing sexist:)

Although if it was sexist it may go towards redressing the all the sexism they have (and still are ) endured for the last few hundred years.


Love is the answer...

By anonymous• 25 Oct 2007 18:33

Then... girls are the first choice of employers? then... those employers should be sexist. I understand now why so many men/boys have nothing to do than doing car acrobats on highways:D Shame :D

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By diamond• 25 Oct 2007 18:06

Arrogance is arrogance and there are arrogant people the world over. However this does not excuse these idiots.

Xena, I beg to dffer on this generation having everything coming easily. It is actually getting harder for locals to get jobs. Before even if a boy did not pass high school he would get a job in the army or police or in a government department as a trainee.

This is becoming less and less the case. A high school pass at the very most basic level is a must for a low level job. And for any chance of a career a degree is necessary along with a good working knowledge of English. And most of these boys are slowly learning that to have any decent kind of life they must do better

The current epidemic of boys failing high school is very slowly decreasing and the government are working hard to reverse this trend too. No worries with the girls of course and now that more are willing to enter the workplace they are often the first choice for employers.

Girl power :)


Love is the answer...

By Xena• 25 Oct 2007 17:37

It doesn't matter who you are... respect, is respect....

I will always respect someone, until they disrespect me, then heaven help them....

I just feel so sorry for this generation of kids, cause they are learning that everything come so easily... what is going to happen if the rug gets pulled out from under them?

By amnesia• 25 Oct 2007 16:29

Well if that happened to me, I'd have exploded.

I don't know what I'd have done, perhaps called a few friends to tow away his car.

I wouldn't have let him step into the mall either. If he ignored I'd have shoved his head. Just reading your story makes me boil.

I'm a VERY patient person, but respect is very important and I can lose my temper in a snap if there is a lack of.


By anonymous• 23 Oct 2007 18:44

i know what you mean..i hate these muthafuckas...

By nib• 17 Sep 2007 12:50

why u all the time say 'they think they own everybody' seems like u also agree with that.

unfortunately i only met arrogant arab girls.. waiting to meet with boys!!

By anonymous• 17 Sep 2007 12:43

in their school syllubus to give a chance to learn culture and know the efforts their ancestors put to made this country like.

By KellysHeroes• 17 Sep 2007 11:49

is not in the new or old traffic law. Problem is in enforcing the law on EVERYONE without excpetions and exemptions

By anonymous• 17 Sep 2007 11:31

The Gov. is building a Race Track at the moment for young people to Race Away to their heart's content out of the roads.

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 11:22

Yeh I was thinking of it but my company said I'd have to pay for it myself. So I'm on the roads still...

By coolquietman• 17 Sep 2007 11:17

swe have you considered taking flying lessons??

not cheaper but safer lol

skip the entire traffic

u can fly over any arrogant driver...

do it right - the first time!

By jauntie• 17 Sep 2007 11:15

to pass comment. Touch wood, so far I haven't been involved in nor seen anything death defying on the roads. Then again, I don't travel during rush hours, so.......

Really can't add much apart from, as I said, hoping the points system will curb some of the madness once it kicks in.

By joewilliams• 17 Sep 2007 11:14

My (sole) Qatari friend says his peeps are genuinely worried about the traffic clamp down, particularly drink driving (which will mean immediate prison for them, apparently). It sounds like the government are getting serious about how local people abuse the road system but until we see some results there's no reason to believe the system of secret privileges will improve at all.

incidentally, I feel like I should stick up for young men a little bit. Although the young lads steaming down the fast lane are dangerous, I suspect they don't cause half as many accidents as the old guys meandering from lane to lane, not signalling, stopping for no reason.

And as for teenage boys: I was one once. Guilty as charged. But as I'm sure I felt at the time, in the words of Milwall football fans:\

No one likes us. We don't care!

Joe Williams

[email protected]

By jauntie• 17 Sep 2007 11:11

try a search for 'new traffic regulations'

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 11:10

"Well Jauntie, what's going to stop them from driving without a license ? And if the cops wanted to throw them in jail, daddy would call up his friends and get him out ;)"

This is one of the main issues... Some people stand above others...

By Cornellian• 17 Sep 2007 11:09

I heard they didn't apply to Qataris. Don't know for sure though.

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 11:07

I was reading about new traffic laws in the paper but it didn't say what they were specifically. Anyone who knows?

By Cornellian• 17 Sep 2007 11:07

Well Jauntie, what's going to stop them from driving without a license ? And if the cops wanted to throw them in jail, daddy would call up his friends and get him out ;)

By Gypsy• 17 Sep 2007 11:05

Jauntie, do you actually think these laws will be enforced against Qataris? I'm not convinced they will.

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By Cornellian• 17 Sep 2007 11:04

So in conclusion....Girls rock! Boys suck! lol

By friend4fun27• 17 Sep 2007 11:03

A nation or place can be proud of with its new generation only...

Its the society and edication making the new generation behave like this...

"Who wil do a job if they have a option to get money freely sitting at home... "

WHO CARES ABOUT THE VALUE OF THINGS THAT ARE GETTING FREE.... Really even the government spoiling by giving many things free to certain extend..


Come On lets hav fun !!!! 2day is Urs, Dont Dream.. Do it Now

By jauntie• 17 Sep 2007 11:02

once the new traffic laws are in force (and ENforced) they young boy racers may learn when they eventually lose their driving licence for a few months or so. Fines won't make any difference to them - drop in the water - but points on the licence should do the trick.

By joewilliams• 17 Sep 2007 11:01

They did, and it didn't. If they'd taken all her money from her while she was inside, it probably would have. Like you said: such behaviour is caused by such an abundance of wealth.

Joe Williams

[email protected]

By Oryx• 17 Sep 2007 10:59

What should we do about teenage boys in the UK?

Some are completely feral.

I was walking down the street in Eritrea - a group of young teenage boys thought it was 'cool' to say swear words in English to attract my attention.

I went over asked for the parents... they apologised.

an hour later i walked passed a group of teenage girls.. they were all giggly and smily and shouted 'hello friend' 'welcome' etc.

I was on a bus in Uganda the teenage boy kept trying to over charge / and get money out of me - knob head. The teenage girls wanted to discuss with me single vs mixed education . The future for ugandan girls etc.

Those incidents are a good illustration that teenage boys are prats and their female counter parts have much more developed social skills ... and that is regardless of race religion or creed.

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 10:59

"Maybe if the kids were forced to do well in universities and get jobs instead of getting paid for sitting at home, they would be more mature and appreciative?"

Very true

By Gypsy• 17 Sep 2007 10:58

They threw Paris Hilton in jail, didn't change her.

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By Cornellian• 17 Sep 2007 10:57

That's how it is with all spoiled brats, once they're thrown into the real world and realize how hard it is to actually have to work for money, they become more appreciative.

Maybe if the kids were forced to do well in universities and get jobs instead of getting paid for sitting at home, they would be more mature and appreciative ?

By friend4fun27• 17 Sep 2007 10:56

"Some are fortunate and we can see many are unfortunate to live here "...

The best thing one can practice here is to keep ur head cool.. Dont get ur business...have sme gud frnds... and once u feel enough.. go back to ur home place...


Come On lets hav fun !!!! 2day is Urs, Dont Dream.. Do it Now

By ksarat16• 17 Sep 2007 10:56

In Da House are on a rage to ruin the richie richs of this set them straight...way to go the end of this drive (campaign)...i wonder who many of the blokes wud still have their Assets intact...this i have gotto wait and see...


" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 10:54

"I think it's always worth considering that as a very sensible measure to protect the interests of the nation and all of us that are fortunate enough to live here, everything we write on here will be being read by someone in government."

Yeh it's a great place!

By friend4fun27• 17 Sep 2007 10:53


lol.. better u do ur business.....


Come On lets hav fun !!!! 2day is Urs, Dont Dream.. Do it Now

By joewilliams• 17 Sep 2007 10:52

First comment: Never a truer word spoken.

Second comment: Remind me to be polite next time I see you in order to protect my assets.

Joe Williams

[email protected]

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 10:51

They need education. And a less generous welfare system.

By Cornellian• 17 Sep 2007 10:50

Amen to that Oryx, teenage boys are obnoxious everywhere. Ask me...I have a teenage brother!

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 10:50

Since January 2006.

By Gypsy• 17 Sep 2007 10:49

I don't know Corne, but I'm a big fan of a swift kick to the a$$. :P

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By Ragnarock Raider• 17 Sep 2007 10:48
Ragnarock Raider

I just can't help feeling that more equitable laws (that don't care how much money you have) enforced vigorously would certainly cut down on this uncivilized behavior.

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By Cornellian• 17 Sep 2007 10:48

I doubt their behavior is going to change anytime soon. Many were raised that way, alot of money, maids, drivers, etc so they were brought up to believe that they own everyone. Through education and interaction with expats, maybe they'll start to realize that they don't own the world and they need to respect others.

What do u guys think? What do u think would change their behavior ?

By Oryx• 17 Sep 2007 10:47

fact: teenagers esp. boys are globally obnoxious

they are out right scary from where i come from and pose a serious violent threat.

these boys just need their mums to clip them round the head and some traffic rules enforced.

I think they could be turned around a lot quicker than in some other countries.

I teach some of these boys and actually they are extremely polite...and touchingly shy. its just the bravado of immaturity of being in a fast car.

By Colt45• 17 Sep 2007 10:46

You have 2 options to vent your anger and frustration if anything like this occurs again... R7 and Ksarat16... both are birds of a feather... lol!!!

By Gypsy• 17 Sep 2007 10:45

It has nothing to do with driving laws or any of that stuff, the fact of the matter is we live in a small country with a very large number of very wealthy people. Spoiled wealthy brats act the same way everywhere, there are just more of them here so we see it more often.

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By r7• 17 Sep 2007 10:44

All im saying is Doha is a great little place to be ... Don't let a few rotten xperiences get to u ...

By novita77• 17 Sep 2007 10:44

How long you been here? if i may ask?

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 10:43

I always take it easy. It's not my behaviour that needs to change.

By ksarat16• 17 Sep 2007 10:43

Cake's right here dude...let me know when i can come to ur off and drop it off...;)


" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "

By r7• 17 Sep 2007 10:42

Hey b'day boy whers the cake dude ?!

By joewilliams• 17 Sep 2007 10:42

I think it's always worth considering that as a very sensible measure to protect the interests of the nation and all of us that are fortunate enough to live here, everything we write on here will be being read by someone in government.

Joe Williams

[email protected]

By ksarat16• 17 Sep 2007 10:41

Looks like ppl r having fun on the roads...

Guess u shud take it easy Swe74...

Colt - R7: U guys are onto ur usual u guys doing ...

Hows everyone in the house doin...


" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "

By Colt45• 17 Sep 2007 10:40

LOL!!! even then they wud have road kill...

By r7• 17 Sep 2007 10:40

I didnt mean drive against the rules or anything i just meant drive defensive u know .. so they dont push u around ... Im the last 1 to break any rules xcept for speeding :)

By friend4fun27• 17 Sep 2007 10:39

As r7 said..

This is a place one can live only " if u'll get used to it !!!".

U have to be used to this all.....One have to compramise many things...

Or else one can go to their place... tats very clear frm his experience..


Come On lets hav fun !!!! 2day is Urs, Dont Dream.. Do it Now

By Colt45• 17 Sep 2007 10:38

Where is the respect? or shud I say RESTECPA!!! (like my good pal Ali G)

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 10:38

The only reason is money.

And - if it wasn't for the expatriate workforce they'd still be on camels.

By Colt45• 17 Sep 2007 10:37

Yeh rite... it might take sometime, but you'll get used to it... like 25years maybe... (that's how long R7 has been!!!)

By Ragnarock Raider• 17 Sep 2007 10:36
Ragnarock Raider

Wrong is wrong no matter what....just because others do it doesn't mean you should too!

And you radvice to drive like the crazy ones will only exacerbate things...I really hope you were joking =p.

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By r7• 17 Sep 2007 10:36

Instead of Tea I'll give u some PEE !!!!

By friend4fun27• 17 Sep 2007 10:36

Better get the Mobile no of Nouf84.. Let Nouf84 do it for us..

"listen swe74 mate... u wna key his car??.. do it.. bat it down??.. sure.. blow it up?? go ahead!!! "

Keep ur head cool....


Come On lets hav fun !!!! 2day is Urs, Dont Dream.. Do it Now

By r7• 17 Sep 2007 10:35

It is an x'cellent country to live in y do u think xpats outnumber the locals by such a huge number... Its peaceful, clean, safe a little slow :)

and work here is pretty good as well... Its home to most of us who have been here for a while ...

It might take a while but u'll get used to it !!!

By Colt45• 17 Sep 2007 10:35

Stop talking crazy and go make me some Tea... bring it to my office discreetly...sssh!!!!

By Joan• 17 Sep 2007 10:35

LOL @ way!

By r7• 17 Sep 2007 10:33

This is there Home n they Reign Supreme, its silly to think tht they would have any thoughts about us Xpats well not all but just the troublemakers I mean ... Ppl should learn to deal with it n just move on n not whine about getting cut off or whatever... When in Qatar do like the Qatari's do u drive the same :) keeps them off ur back !!!

By swe74• 17 Sep 2007 10:33

r7: If you read my post I mentioned that this was not a one-time encounter with an arrogant Qatari. It's not this single incident that annoys me. What I don't like about this country is that some people think they stand above others.

Qatar could be an excellent country to live in.

By friend4fun27• 17 Sep 2007 10:30

There can be someone who dont know what culture is and even dont know the value of food and money, as they got it free.

Next time U can get a picture of the vechile with number and post in QL.

Let other QL members be informed of this. So all who sees these guys can be cautious........

At the end it comes like "U r a visitor, U can leave if u dont like". Coz many here believes money can buy anything.. But tere are gud people too, who is helpfull and have humanity...

"Let them show thier culter But its upto U 2 show what Ur culture is "... Be patient...

hmmmmmm lol !!!


Come On lets hav fun !!!

sorry guys..ladies PM me if ur interested...Sorry if ur not..

By irrysa• 17 Sep 2007 10:29

ya, sure there are good and bad ppl in every nation. but here somehow the young ones are mostly really bad. and what's worst, the ones from the big families.

If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.

By joewilliams• 17 Sep 2007 10:28

Also: anybody else spot the irony: there's this massive car culture here among some of the young 'uns. Not one of them can drive! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Joe Williams

[email protected]

By Cornellian• 17 Sep 2007 10:27

Actually some of the new Qatari generation are awesome, it's just the illiterate spoiled brats that give the entire nation a bad name. It sucks! Unless the government starts enforcing strict rules on those type of arrogant people then the country will never progress.

Oh and for "If he was in another country I know what I would have done!!!!!!! In europe,SA,Aus,USA etc etc he wouldnt last a minute"

---> If he was in europe or elsewhere, he wouldn't do that to begin with!

By novita77• 17 Sep 2007 10:26

I know you are joking. And also it seems you have so much time in hand since you change employer :D

By KellysHeroes• 17 Sep 2007 10:26

You should blame the security and the traffic police who are not doing their duties properly buy keeping their eyes closed sometimes

By irrysa• 17 Sep 2007 10:26

well, the young ones are the worst. they can be really spoiled nasty brats in here :o/

If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.

By novita77• 17 Sep 2007 10:26

I like that boy. Met him already :D And he is very nice indeed ... a courteous young man as you said (I am sure he will be big headed when he see this post) lol

By Gypsy• 17 Sep 2007 10:24

No Novi I'm not. Bajesus is a very courteous young man and I can't imagine him doing something like that at all. But even he has to admit there are quite a few Qatari males his age who would.

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By joewilliams• 17 Sep 2007 10:24

NOOOOO! I'm not recommending illegal activity, just joking about!

What I actually recommend is you follow him into the shops, help him carrry his shopping and then thank him for reminding you that he's more important that you, before kicking youself up the backside while singing 'Hit me baby one more time' by Britney Spears for his entertainment as he reverses backwards round the roundabout on the way home. That's a much better idea.

Joe Williams

[email protected]

By r7• 17 Sep 2007 10:23
Rating: 3/5

These incidents r not a daily thing ... plus most locals here r really friendly n polite... If u thnk u should leave coz of this thts just lame ..

By novita77• 17 Sep 2007 10:23

you pick a fight with bajesus eh?

By Mastermind• 17 Sep 2007 10:22

I too have faced such lot of experiences. The drivers in this country really driving the vehicle as road is their own and the reason for majority of road accidents are due to this. There is no line control, speed control or courtesy.

Comparing with Dubai( though its hectic to drive there), the driving is more pleasantful eventhough there are some crack there but only a 10% and others are ready accept them. I learnt lot of good expeiences from Dubai road. But here, only a 10% shows the good manner and for them the driving is really a hell.

Some expamle is that , if your car is small one, then, whatever your speed is, the car behind you will blow the horn or spark the head light just to show that he is big and you should head down. Other one is not keeping the lines especially on R/a. All the vehicles take minimum 2 lines or sometimes 3, even the other vehicles are behind.(clearly knowing that the car hit backside will be fined).

why the authority doesn't look in to it? Only huge fines will improve the stuation while the others make you irritated or you try to save yourself from reckless driving?

I expect some comments and I hope the authority will open thier eyes.


By Gypsy• 17 Sep 2007 10:22

Older Qatari's are very courtious and kind, no matter how wealthy they are. It's the younger, wealthier generation (not one's like bajesus) who are arrogant. This is the problem when you live in a country with 10,000 or more Paris Hiltons.

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By novita77• 17 Sep 2007 10:18

i will key his car and tell the police Joe Williams from QL recommended to do it...

:D :D

By anonymous• 17 Sep 2007 10:18

next Qatari generation. I dont know what will happen to next Qatari generation.

They should think that they are in a small well. All the world outside the well, there is a different life...people giving respect to others and getting respect.

By joewilliams• 17 Sep 2007 10:17

Next time key his car.

Only joking of course, I would never really recommend vanadalism.

Seriously though, do his wing mirror. do both his wing mirrors.

Naah, I'm just kidding, he's probably a lovely bloke underneath. Stay legal, kids!

Joe Williams

[email protected]

By friend4fun27• 17 Sep 2007 10:17

Might be coz its "SHE..." not "he". lol


Come On lets hav fun !!!

sorry guys..ladies PM me if ur interested...Sorry if ur not..

By army001• 17 Sep 2007 10:17

Sad - but U find some guys like that here! It really does get on your nerve. But dont worry - there are many good guys also here. I guess for you its been bad luck! But hold on - U will come across some good guys..


"Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching "!

By novita77• 17 Sep 2007 10:14

i remember one of the poster (Honey) on this board post few months back ... she had a flat tyre ... no one stop to help her. Only a Qatari stop and change the tyre for her. So there some nice Qataris too :-)

By sohbetocean• 17 Sep 2007 10:12
Rating: 2/5

Yes, another moment of anxiety on my morning drive...the landcruisers blazing off the crowded street (at 120 km per hour) and running along the side in order to cut in front of a line of 50 cars. And of course, someone was kind enough to let them back in at the front. Arrogant and discourteous..unfortunately :(

Anyway, be careful! It's a jungle out there...

By Ragnarock Raider• 17 Sep 2007 10:12
Ragnarock Raider

I am in no way justifying this person's's atrocious. Having said that, my experience is that these brash and inconsiderate "young ones" are becoming a VAST minority and I have seen them getting yelled at by older Qataris...they give Qataris a bad name....I know it doesn't help when you encounter them knowing that they are rare, but just be patient and realize that (hopefully) this drawback isn't enough to counter all the advantages of being here. In the meantime, if it helps you get it off your chest vent all you like on this forum!! And you have my support....inconsiderate people (everywhere) need to be taught better!

Stay safe.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By foxwell• 17 Sep 2007 10:12

You should of reported him to the police, although then again....!!!!

If he was in another country I know what I would have done!!!!!!!

In europe,SA,Aus,USA etc etc he wouldnt last a minute

By Colt45• 17 Sep 2007 10:11

Welcome to Doha... or should I be saying it was nice having you here? lol!!!

No really, some of them can be really annoying and don't give a damn about being courteous, hell that word don't even exist in their dictionary. And just to prove they are one up, they resort to that kinda stuff that you just mentioned.

On the other hand, you also will get the really chivalrous Qatari's who will give you right of way etc...

Sorry to hear about your experience, must have been one of those really bad days for you.

By anonymous• 17 Sep 2007 10:09

And he owns the other people (Foreigners) too

By novita77• 17 Sep 2007 10:06

obviously he think he own the road, or in this case own the country that he think he can do as he please.

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