Are Qataris been had by Katara

I thought Katara was all about culture and all but a recent tweet had me thinking otherwise
As seen in the pic, beach access is a no-no if you are wearing the traditional arabic thob. Me wondering? What about you?
Is it any different from me doing a Beckham and wearing a Sarong and flip/flops on the beach ?
Probably the same reason they banned thobes in bars, they don't mind the locals drinking but it makes the country look bad if its in national dress....
Image dear boy, image.
I agree Moza. I didn't say I found it to be reasonable, simply that when I had been talking about it earlier to a Qatari friend, there was a decision, from day one, that thobes were not to be allowed on the beach and that this was probably for the reason above.
I think you really hit the nail on the head - no one can stop lecherous men sitting and gawking at women and girls in swimwear, but at least they won't be doing it in thobes.
Actually fubar I don't find that a reasonable reason to ban it. You can stare equally at women whether in shorts or a thobe. Maybe they don't want the image of Qataris staring at women in national dress, if they are dressed in something different they can always claim they are dirty expats....
Maybe the thobe would flutter in the wrong direction in the wind ... :)and since its a place frequently visited by families....
super man's attire
Damn.. I spend half my vacations walking up and down beaches and not going in the water...:S
However I do understand the reasoning of not allowing people to just sit and stare.
The beach isn't for walking on. It's a beach club. I was told that this was to discourage people from going to the beach fully clothed to sit and stare at women in the water.
If you want to watch people swim and play but have no intention of actually entering the water, there are plenty of seating areas for you on the promenade overlooking the beach.
Does seem odd. I can understand no thobes in the water for safety reasons, but no thobes when walking on the beach? Weird.
You are the first sane voice i have heard
Now that is crazy, why ban it? Is it for safety reasons?
is lungi too prohibited
So what you do on a beach wearing thobe??
you need a beach attire to be on the beach??