rich text stuff

I guess everyone has this rich or not rich stuff now, and maybe someone has already commented on it.
I think I understand it, but the other different thing is that I don't seem to be able to create paragraphs when I copy and paste, say, a joke.
I can't see anywhere in the new task bar to change the format.
I tried the 'make a natural break' thing in case that would make the paragraphing work, but it just showed up as typed in text (I did remove the "s)
Is it just me finding it weird?
I think it's because previously anything that wasn't text would be discarded when you pasted it into QL. But now all the pictures and formatting and stuff are pasted as well. Switch out of rich text mode should mean only the text gets pasted, I think.
It's just that I only started having probs with layout from other web pages AFTER the rich text stuff started.
I just couldn't understand why that should be. No biggie, though. I shall get it sorted out, eventually! lol
Thanks for responding.
What gets selected when you copy and paste depends on the layout of the web page you're copying from, so nothing can be done about that by QL.
I guess that what DaRuDe suggested should work - disable rich-text and just paste the text in, then enable rich-text and insert any pictures you want.
Is it the same for everyone else?
I mean if I cut and paste a news item it breaks up in the sentences. I have had to take the space out between words to avoid a line break. I know it copies all the ads and pix, but I can cut those out - although it takes time and even cancelling the rich text doesnt help, well not that I recall anyway.
Entering paragraphs with the usual 'hit enter twice' gives a HUGE gap in the text - but I understand not to do that now, although I see others still do and it takes up yards of purple box space as a result lol
More concerned about how the cut and paste from news items works ... I LIKE to see the pictures but not the adverts etc and it takes time to cut all the peripheral stuff out!
All seems a bit odd. :(
hmm you can disable the rich text too while doing the copy paste. and when done cant you still make the paragraphs?