Your Vote Counts!

Hi Everyone..
My sister is enrolled in the web portal competition for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics Doha Bid, which is called Sahem. It is open for participants throughout the Arab region and there are several levels the contestants have to undergo until the final top 3 winners are chosen. Currently voting is taking place on Facebook so that the 30 finalists will be narrowed down to 10 finalists. I would like my fellow QL community to cast their votes for my sister as I'd really appreciate everyone's support, and I truly believe that every vote counts. Tonight is the deadline and it would just take a second to cast your vote. Unfortunately, this part of the competition isn't based on how good your idea is, as contestants aren't allowed to disclose much of their idea except for a brief sentence explaining what the idea is. However, I promise you that her idea is very unique and innovative and is worthy of your votes, and all will be revealed when the time comes. So, please, take the time to vote for my sister by clicking on the following link
Among the contestants her name is Aisha Al-Naama.
Thank you for your support!
Done, She is currently holding the number 1 position :-)
Huge wave of Criticism about Doha Asian Games 2006 made them paralyzed, now recovered and back in action.
For me English is just a business and common communicator language only, for me its enough to understand it and let others get your point, we are not in examination hall or in interview situation where we really need Excellent command in English.
Am done with voting.
Hey! although this has got nothing to do with english, i was drawn in by the beauty of your presentation-informative, clear, u DT, pls dont edit lest u end up being embarrassed...and just so u know, i'm VOTING!
At least now down on his knees
Facebook revolution and imploring? :(
Its not too late! you can still vote :) just click on the link in the OP and then you can vote for my sister..
i'm late :(
I know the QL'ers can do better! Where's the support? :)
"Your English is very poor, at least its begging!"
Care to elaborate on how my English is "very poor"? I'd appreciate your feedback, provided you use clear examples.
"The way you are asking for support.Am stunned but got the picture."
How so? I mentioned that, unfortunately, the voting isn't based on the idea itself, as contestants aren't allowed to disclose anything, save for a sentence that conveys the basic concept. Basically, its a popularity contest. The more contacts you have, the more votes your likely to get. Perhaps its unfair, but these are their rules, not ours.
"Any how consider me and my gang supporting.Good luck for the competition."
Thank you for your support. Me and my sister truly appreciate it.
Your English is very poor, at least its begging! the way you are asking for support.Am stunned but got the picture.Any how consider me and my gang supporting.Good luck for the competition.
I think we people in QL shud take this as a challenge and prove we can make a difference . Coz I see very people responded to this thread. Common guys... It's QATAR.. Vote for AISHA AL NAAMA.
It really makes a difference. Can you get others to vote as well? only a few hours till the deadline..
She's actually not even in the top 5 at the moment. It would be okay if she were at least in the top 10 as that is the immediate objective. However, thanks for your support and if you could get others to vote for her as well I'd really appreciate it! Every vote really does count
Sorry, I clicked the "Vote" button but they want me to login. I deleted my facebook account last month. However she is in top three as of now. All the best to her.