Would you know if your partner was gay ?

Another British MP has come out of the closet and split from his wife..
His wife of 20 years says that she had absolutely no idea that he had gay tendencies..
So, my question... Is it possible that you could share your life with someone for 20 years, produce 2 kids and still not pick up on any warning signs ?
To answer the original question.
Yes, because you would be gay too
Three of you in bed, and your not the getting all the attention.
Hardly surprising though, seems if your a Tory MP, you'll come out eventually. Goes together like fish and chips does Tory & Hidden Sexuality.
NO! You're just getting in touch with your feminine side..
It's when you start thinking about bottoms that you should start worrying...
Brit I have been trying someone's high heels recently.. Is that bad??
How have you been ??
The answer is no.. I've got past that stage.. Just stick to her high heels now..
You mean you never tried out your wife's bra in awhile, brit?
I think this is slightly different. Your case concerns his "work" activities.. Whereas here we are talking about being fooled at home and close quarters..
I know of some women who marry gays.They even have their own children. Some of them though may not know that their partner is gay. It takes time to know a guy is gay unless you've been exposed to different types of gaymen. YES!!! there are several types of them. And a lot of them are CLOSET. Meaning, they act like a real guy outside, but inside, they go crazy like hell listening to how Mariah Carey sings! =) I kinda not believe in bisexuality. Once a person prefer having sex with the same gender, I think that person's already a homosexual.
SO my answer is.... it actually depends on the woman's exposure to homosexuals. If she happens to have gay friends, maybe she can see some signs at an earlier point of their marriage.
am sure dot.com is not gay :P
who was in the Security Industry always told me, that if you want to hide things, make sure you do it within your routine.
Always stick to a routine, it will delete any doubts anyone might have about you. It makes you out to be boring and unimaginative, so no one will suspect you of anything....
salam nephew,
kali ke kher ow.
Trore, da Kali na Pakhair Raghley
There are some really stupid people out there who are totally lacking in imagination. Once I saw an interview of the wife of a notorious serial killer whose husband torutured and killed many people in the same house where she was residing and she never got a clue untill her husband was arrested.
His wife is apparently completely traumatised by his admission.
He says that he finally realised that he's been living a vile lie.
Must admit that I feel sorry for her, but wonder why she didn't pick up any signs.
hey..i am not tasting anything...lol
just speculating based on the information available..
rishi dont taste from all the sides ,, taste will remain same from every where ,, stick on ur point of view ,,
ashraf, It could be possible that woman was silent just to avoid the social stigma..
rishi, a SMART CHAP who wanted to taste the FRUIT from all the sides...:)
that wat we are saying how she been un aware, means she had some guilt too.
give her husband a best actor trophies.
moonblues, you got a point there but its surprising that he hid his instincts from his wife for 20 years and she didnt even have an inkling of it..
moonblues, we don't have any problem with his sudden declaration about being GAY for so long..The only thing is that he hide this fact from his wife with whom he was married for 20 long yrs..He must be cheating her too behind her back..
sorry dramana
sorry dramna
ashraf, I am not "he"...I am a female. And I certainly don't get it why it has anything to do with being British.
Gays, upto to 2or 3 years back was a hush hush affairs, but now some countries have allowed same sex marraiges,and people started accepting it has to do with genes. Now the guy is confessing his hidden feelings and proud to announce.
What a world.
It could be possible..But i think such type of MEN are absolutely fool to follow such weird tactics by declaring themselves as GAY or BISEXUAL just in order to get rid of their respective wives.....
yeah ashraf, this could be his wife's strategy as well..:)
women are smarter..
soniya, can you rule out this possibility?
soniya ,, if he has made his mind ,,he must have search woman already ,, and sure that woman gave him this idea to act ,,lol
u women are too samrt
rishi, but who will marry to a GAY?? :)) I am sure no woman would get agreed to chose him as her life partner..
valid point rishimba ,, so as for woman ,, she may be doing the same ,,
the man is smart..he acted well for some days to get rid of his wife..:)
i wont be surprised if he gets married to another women after a few months of the divorce.
khawaga ,, i think the British community is so fare and clear and advanced too that u cant hide any thing ,even this type of relation or feeling ,,how it happened she must know but just broke so late.
ashraf: what does being British have to do with anything? I may have missed a post.
him constantly requesting bum sex should've given it away, well, unless he's the "catcher".
if u r British , then i agree
You are soooooooooo right! Exactly :)
At death I have seen secret second families become known and all sorts.
and Ashraf - I dont understand you point.... Brits are very reserved and probably a lot better at hiding stuff than others
khawaga u r right but they are British
How much do we really ever know about the people in our lives? Married couples manage to hide all kinds of things from each other: money problems, infidelity, illness, you name it. A sexual preference is no different.
sonya u may dont know wats bi or wats gay,, and darmana must know ,,that's why he is so sure.
but ya it is possible that a man can have both feelings but dont express it for years.
atlast thy decided...now tht matters
Some may keep it quiet for the sake of their children, wait for them to grow up so they're old enough to deal with the whole situation.
Oyrx, I don't think that the husband would have taken this big step for reasons other than number 4. But yes, all of them are the possibilities.
1. the attitudes of society changes
2. as you grow older you can want to meet your own needs instead of expectations of others
3. it just becomes too stressful living a lie
4. the couple were drifting apart anyway?
Oryx, yes may happen with time that way. But isn't 20 years too long for one to discover the truth about one's spouse? If needs other than sexual was what they were comfortable in, then what made the husband come out in open about his sexuality after so long?
Exactly non-Merci
you can be emotionally very compatible but rubbish sex life and then vice versa - what you look for in the dynamics of a relationship reflects you needs.
So you look for the emotional and overlook the sexual...
and what you want from a relationship can change overtime
Well, i don't know...I would not necessarily say there is something wrong in the marriage. It depends on how the relationship is...as Oryx said, they may have been very compatible and sex was not that important. Maybe they got along well enough that even though sex was not that bountiful,they were content with how things were.
Oryx, that my point exactly....if a wife of 20years who is sexually active in her marriage can't discover her husband's sexual orientation, then something is definitely wrong in that marriage itself.
drmana, I just commented on the way u called that WIFE as an IDIOT...
it happens but usually more in conservative societies where homosexuality is a taboo
if the wife has little experience of sex - she may just think that her husband has a low sex drive and then if she isn't enjoying it she thinks the same about herself....
emotionally they maybe very compatible
i have thought at times...poor woman doesn't realise her husband is gay
i remember the most common cause of women getting aids in mexico was their husband's infidelity
2o years of being together without even knowing that her husband is also a fan of hello kitty & tweety bird? oh come on... maybe she's busy playing fire with other guys... lolz...
plz clarify
wat were the symptoms defined by this lady for a gay husband.
Soniya, I don't think you understood what I mean....but whatever...I am no expert on this.
No drmana, you can't call all wives or ladies having BISEXUAL or GAY PARTNERS as an IDIOTS..Just tell me, is it their fault that they never come to know about their other halves???? A woman always seek an unconditional love, caring nature,lots of responsibility and of course secure bank balance from his MATE..If a wife was getting all these, why would she care to look for other matters??
In this case, i would rather call the MAN/HUSBAND having GAY relationship as an IDIOT and FOOL who didn't think twice to spoil the life of his woman...He could have told this it to her long back instead of showering his love and even blessing her with TWO KIDS...
a great chance to learn, here u see , experts opinion ;O)
still i'm a learner :P
Dot.com, you surely can give your expert opinion here :-)
Soniya, If a person who has same sex orientation is satisfying his wife well then either he is bisexual or the wife is an idiot. That is what I meant.
Ah!! and dot.comji would enjoy then with a sip of hot cup of tea/coffee...:))
let the girls speak out on this topic ;O)
drmana, no marriage is possible without any sexual life..right?? :))
If a person is satisfying his wife well and even had the babies, i don't think any wife would ever come to know about it unless she puts some detective agencies behind him...
Guys like this become so used to living the lie that they become experts at it, to the point that when they are at home or working they actually believe they are straight. Most likely he never admitted to himself that he was gay. Sleeping with men was just a "bad habit"
soniya, that's possible only if his sexual life with his wife was non-existent.
It could be possible if the better half would never come to know about the sexuality of her partner..
I am sure he is not a gay but he could be a bisexual.
My question....How can one pretend to be straight for 20 long years, bear kids with wife and keep wife happy and then suddenly one day decide to end it all?
He is bisexual that means, not homosexual.