The Worst Intersection in Doha, Qatar?

Saw this on the internet and had to share it with all the QLers! A must watch!
Update : Darude gives us directions in case you want to visit !
Its just behind Lacigle Hotel
The way going right is going to the Sadd Plaza signal
The way going left is inside to Bin Mehmood
The way going up is to back side of La Cigle Hotel
The way from down is going to the back side of AlFardan and Honda Show room
Update 2 : foolish provides us with a map so you can head out to this spectacle:
that video is from youtube 1888 and is really old....
I could give you 10 intersections, that show this old clip as..... a doddle....
i live near this and drive and also walk around this on a daily basis!Its not always crazy infact its a great short cut most of the time.
This is great! Now I have a visual when I write to my friends "driving is no fun in Doha"
moskhila! everyday!
I pass through Every time I'm coming back from Work!
I have Small computer shop i'm working in afternoons In bani Mahmoud!Its fun to drive around there some drivers make you lough allot! Actually the video is running about 2x- 4x speed! The Movement is very slow in real! if not you'll watching crash bloopers lol! Have A Great WeekEnd
It's really a disaster,... I have the following notes :
1- It's very crowded, much more a lot of intersections in Doha, which is full of traffic lights, yet there's no traffic light not even one of the famous things here "ROUND ABOUT". I am sure there'll be a minimum of 1 accident daily.
2- no body is using the indicating signals. and most of them do not know where they are going, they just decide at the last minuet.
3- pedestrians are in danger. but they are also careless. they prefer to cross from the middle of the intersection so that they'll not do it in 2 stages...oh my god,...!!
4- look at the white F**ken bus,..where the hill he's going,..!!
5- this route is important cause it's saving a lot of time. it should be enhanced,.. hopefully in the next 10 years,..!!
who will say Qatar is one of the richest country in the world..
or change neither..
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
For a rich country like Qatar.... many things should be much more better than now!!! this is the 3rd part of the world :)
Alot of intersection needs a traffic signal.... alot of roads needs to be repaired...even open manholes...have you seen an open manhole ... after you've pass to ramada signal before you reach la cigale ..until now it is still open
Even some R/A should be installed a traffic signal because if you will leave this to traffic officer....uhuh!!! totally the flow of traffic will be worst..just like the R/A near MOI medical services... you can exprience a huge traffic once this traffic officer manipulate the flow of traffic...
ed mendoza...why do you have to repeat what i say huh???
You can't teach experience...
its near king george hotel and apartment. There is a deep hole on the the center of the intersection that serves as roundabout.....
This might be a good alternative to reduce traffic congestion...
This is one up from the Ramada junction, I think the one you can do a U Turn to Toys R is no better or worse then any other and do you know why? Yeah traffic is crap here, too many cars etc, poor traffic management, but at the end of the day it is even crapper drivers!
You see it all the time, people going through red lights and then having to stop on the yellow box, blocking anybody else driving. I will stick my neck out here and say that 3/4 of the drivers here do not have a effing clue ahout driving or driving rules, hence the shitness of the roads here!
Didnt see many Landcruisers in that clip so not 100% convinced it is doha traffic we are looking at. :))
What's so bad about that? Everything seems to be moving... Try the intersection at Al Saad & Al Waab around 5-6pm and you'll find yourself backed up to the Sports RA for 40 min. and as far as congestion goes, try any city in China and you'll find a circus 20 times that size.
Nice to see Doha is on the internet map though, now maybe instead of people saying "where is that" they'll say "Oh, the bad intersection place". LOL
Looks like any other traffic intersection in Doha...........
Yes, it is really very difficult ntersection with a very huge hole in the street.
drivers get confused there
I used to live in that area (closer to that intersection) but as i moved elsewhere, i do not have to drive to it anymore loooooooool
You can't teach experience...
lol Tanya ....
i knew the place, me and my huby passes this way morning & afternoon, in one corner is George II hotel, where there is a hole in the road..i mean in mids of it that serves as a round about..hahaha
i used to pass here when i have to go to alsadd...
who's voice is that singing in the background? sounds familiar
they've should have canceled this one specially after they made intersection near Toys R Us. there's a road leading to that same area just behind LaCigale.
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Hmmm, don't think I've been through that one yet, but it does look bad.
I'm even used to all the dicking around with roundabouts here, but I can't believe these guys that think it's perfectly fine to stop their vehicle on the outside lane. Some bloody consideration please.
No good, I'll be busy snoring zzzzzz :-P
yes yes sure why not after midnight 1am
You can't teach experience...
Talk about city planning...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Where I'm staying.
I'll tell ya it's nerve racking getting across that intersection every morning. I very nearly got creamed last week. The thing that pisses me off is that no-one indicates which means as a pedestrian you just have to play frogger and get to the other side as quick as you can...
Even worse though is that construction site on the corner. The noise is killing me.. all night...
Got car stoved in around this junction
i would say that this is not the worst but ONE of the worst in Doha!
...or maybe they just thought that if they can't get into the traffic in the Al Sadd-La Cigale intersection, everyone wants to take a shortcut on that road...from all sides!
Even the Karwa bus takes a stupid route on that area but can always never get out and he goes back to the La Cigale intersection. I counted 4 times in 2 years the bus driver of a certain route makes a 'shortcut' to that area and failed to get out.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
for the stalking directions >:-)
what time will you be passing by...
You can't teach experience...
not a patch on the old Crazy Roundabout
Darude...that was some cool direction
"Bin Mehmood is in Bin Mehmood"
the van was funny :) i guess he thought that he stuck. when he turn back, the traffic had unjammed. then he turned his way back again :)
can u please cut a piece of google map of that area..kinda interesting...
Hi Jane, gr8 post, it reminds me about another YOUTUBE post about Indian traffic, as some one said about it not the the problem of the drivers, but the problem of the traffic system, Doha needs to improve lotz wd respect to the traffic system, hope u guys agree wd me.
This is true and ridiculous! There is no traffic sign in that intersection. I drive there every single day. Any ways, side streets in Doha have too many signalization problems. The state just does not care, and it is an easy fix.
yup.. it is in Al Sadd.. i used to pass it before..
really Darude - but this is an interior road. I heard some driver call it " the mechanical street". Is it?
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
Thanks a lot bro, now I got which location u said
Hey! That's just behind/beside my office! Yes, that's in Al Sadd/Bin Mahmoud area. It just shows how undisciplined many of the drivers are in Doha.
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
would't look that worse if the video had been played at a normal speed.
thought you knew alot about Bin Mehmood
its in Bin Mehmood
This does not looks like any place in Doha the video must be for some other place:D
I have to use it daily.
Its just behind Lacigle Hotel
The way going right is going to the Sadd Plaza signal
The way going left is inside to Bin Mehmood
The way going up is to back side of La Cigle Hotel
The way from down is going to the back side of AlFardan and Honda Show room
no answer for where it is then no evidence that it is in doha. :)
Self controlled traffic management system (SCTMS)in operation!. Tell us JaneO1, where is it from?
yeah,pray tell where in Doha - Glitter Graphics~ 200km/h in the Wrong Lane
where is this?