Wintour at the Court of St, James

OK.So I'm a fan of Anna Wintour and love her magazine..
It seems that she is now trying to move from Fashion to Politics..
As per Observer "Anna Wintour, the formidable British editor of American Vogue, has been named as a leading fundraiser in the re-election campaign of Barack Obama – an effort that has led to renewed speculation that she might be in line for a political appointment, potentially the US ambassadorship in London should the post becomes vacant later this year as expected."
I think she'll make a great Ambassador - Chic and Substance.
What say you ? Is too much given to such supporters ?
Sadly the lobbyists expect payback :O(
If we do not learn from history we are bound to repeat the same mistakes...
It is Ancient History :O)
She'll make a good Ambassador and probably throw some great parties..
It has always been like this, moza. Caesar borrowed money from Crassus to be elected as a consul. When he got Gallia as a province he had a problem to pay back his debts, therefore he decided to march into Rome with his army. The rest is history.
It is sad that becoming US president in a large part depends on how much money you can raise from donors. Campaining funds should be fixed at a maximum level for each candidate.
I think she's qualified for the position. And nobody backs politicians for nothing.