Wii Mods

Softmod your wii!!!!
I can softmod your wii so that it can read pal and ntsc games and also backups. Process usually takes less than a day.
This is not illegal as you have paid for your wii and are allowed to change anything in it as it belongs to you.
This will also not void you warranty as this is only software modification.
Call For More Info =)
Contact no: 5543583
Email: [email protected]
It is true that modding a wii can be quite risky, specially if you dont follow the right procedures!
But that is not the case here. I have modded about 20 wii's and still keep in touch with every owner to check if they are experiencing any problems with their modded wii.
The other point you made was that you have a bricked wii, my guess by from what you wrote on your post is that you had your wii modded on a certain version and then tried to update through nintendo. This would have not happened if i had modded your wii as i always make sure to be on the latest version so that you dont have to avoid any updates or that by accident you update your wii.
There is no use in keeping your wii on a old software version as everything you could do on a 3.2 system you can do on a 4.2 system now which is the latest version...
As you see I'm not someone who doesnt know what he is doing. I hvae been doing this for months now and have modded several wii's including my own which works flawlessly.
I might be able to help with your bricked wii, if you give me some information about what firmware version it was, softmodded or chipped, how it got bricked, etc i might be able to find a solution for it as there are many ways to unbrick a wii.
Edit: All of the respective owners from the wii's I have modded are yet to experience any kind of problems with their wii's due to the modding. In fact they are all glad that they modded their wii as now they do not have to worry about pal or ntsc games
Believe me, based on experience and lots of money spent, and a useless brick at home. It's not worth it. even the DVD's you want to play from pirated sellers will require you to update something and wouldn't play anyway.
"Don't look back in anger"
Pretty much yh. =)
The modding itself may not be illegal. If you get busted playing an illegal game online you might get banned from the service though.
sorry i used the wrong wording in my initial statement.
let me make it clear and tell you exactly why it is not illegal...
a wii softmod only enables the user of a wii to be able to play backup games and never at any instance suggests that the software will be used for piracy, the mod itself was made to enhancethe playng experience.
This does not void your warranty as it does not tamper with any of your original Nintendo wii hardware or software and is completely reversible at any time.
Here are a few articles found in the internet that explain why this is not illegal...
1. It is perfectly fine to have wii softmod backup enabler on your wii. There have been many people calling the homebrew installer an illegal piece of software however those who are looking forward to install the wii softmod backup software can take solace in the fact that the homebrew installer is simply a way to enable backup games as well as games from old Nintendo gaming consoles such as the NES. Furthermore, the creators of the hack have expressed a strong stance against piracy and thus only offer legal methods to a more enhanced Wii experience.
2. Soft modding a Wii is used to enable a homebrew channel that enables a homebrew channel made to backup Wii or Gamecube games. IT CAN BE ILLEGAL TO BURN GAMES BUT NOT TO INSTALL HOMEBREW.
3. everyone seems to play "pirated" games these days it is still illegal! Although chances of getting caught is equal to 0% I just wanted to point it out anyway... Softmodding a Wii in itself is not illegal in any way though. You can use this to play back-ups of your own games, you can play imported games, you can watch dvds on your Wii, play games you have made yourself and so on...
and so on you can find many articles about it.
the services that i am offering are not illegal in any way as i am not promoting any illegal software or piracy.
i am glad you brought this up =)
if you have any more questions or comments, please do not hessitate
agreed with Shyams,
it is illegal... and if there's a problem with it after being mod, it can void ur warranty.
To quote ur words...."This is not illegal as you have paid for your wii and are allowed to change anything in it as it belongs to you."...
u pay ur Wii for the license to use their software.
since you started... let me tell you is illegal to modify wii in any form... and there are instances where you might brick you wii during your firmware upgrade over internet. its good to play games which you cant afford, but bottom line is, ITS ILLEGAL.