Wife Residency

By kaiser21sevillano •
I'm quite confused, I applied my wife for family residence visa which is currently here in qatar for a visit visa. I told the immigration that I am applying for my wife residency and they gave me a form "Application Form for Family Entry Visa". Now, I have submitted all the requirements, but when I asked someone to check it, the receipt of the application says it's "family yearly". Is it the same with the family residency? Please advise. Thanks!
Possibly you filled up the wrong application form.
Thanks. But when I checked the MOI website my application is under the visit not under residency.
Yes it is for residence permit
Dear it looks you are extremely ( not quite ) confused, you are repeating the same question under different headers. Better check with your PRO or the typing guys around immigration office, they will confirm to you.
Good for one year ....
Mon , 17.03.2014 , 10.35 hrs ....