Why so much of Hate??

Formatted Soul
By Formatted Soul

What the h*** is happening to QL?
What do certain of its contributors think they’re doing?
It seems that most of the ”opinion” (for want of a better word) being posted here recently is no more than juvenile anti-this anti-that or anti-the other diatribe.
No effort to analyse, to understand, to move forward, to give a balanced view.
You hate arabs? Go join the Marines. You hate jews? Go get training in Afganistan. DO something, for heaven’s sake.Leave QL alone.
I hope QL doesn’t become a two-bit sounding board for racist, bigoted, thought. Be it against Jews/ Arabs/Muslims/ Indians/Pakistanis or whatever..
Because sickening, cheap-shot and rabble-rousing posts may one day sound the death-knell for this site, and it will be more like a college-kid youtube forum on the 9/11 conspiracy theory than a serious opinion forum.
Come ON!! Get real, some of you.

Love is the answer!

By Roadtester• 26 Apr 2009 15:08

The answers i gave queen were all positives derived from the illegal drug industry. Now if you want a specific answer you must define:

a)Drug - prescribed/illegally obtained/illegal drugs??

b)Abuse - over prescription by doctors?,illegal obtained?

Some people would call it 'abuse' if you give drugs to sedate hyperactive kids, some people would also call abuse giving kids too much antibiotics as this can lead to antibiotics resistance.

By Queen Bee• 26 Apr 2009 06:46
Queen Bee

Adey i was oversas so couldnt respond ....

I ll request you to go hru the entire thread once again from the begining.......pay attention to what i wrote ....and then compare to what you are asking...

All i asked is if u can put forth few 'for' arguments for 'drug ABUSE in pre teens' and u come up with loads of other topics and ask for debate's...either u dont understand what i asked for or u are yet to grasp the gist of the discussion..

By sameer ahmed• 21 Apr 2009 10:35
sameer ahmed

fs a real good post worth readin dis time hope ppl do more thn jus readin

By Victory_278692• 21 Apr 2009 10:20

How was the Dinner? All still lost after the Dinner post.

Remember to invite us as well next time.

FS: See the comments, they are not Peace Loving People only LOVING people around...

From QB, I have learned so many adjectives "someone with that horribly, annoying, irritating, cheap, obnoxious, crude, roadside romeo avtar"..

By Arien• 15 Apr 2009 17:34

Ukeng lol


Listen to Many..Speak to a few.

By Formatted Soul• 15 Apr 2009 14:28
Formatted Soul

DA is wearing a Love Proof Jacket.....so dont love him..lol he accepts only my brotherly love..lol Ooops I mean sisterly love..looooool

By DaRuDe• 15 Apr 2009 14:27

Sure there are many ways of making LOVE but no way of making Hate

now how do you do that that you are saying dont make hate.

By adey• 15 Apr 2009 14:25

Just noticed her last post was yesterday.

"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365

not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the

many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers

were given. Satan - 10."

By DaRuDe• 15 Apr 2009 14:24

she was here in the morning its you who was snoring loud in the bed sleeping she waited for you and left.

By GodFather.• 15 Apr 2009 14:23

My message to all......

Make Love not Hate..



By Formatted Soul• 15 Apr 2009 14:22
Formatted Soul

She will surely respond..no worries...and all are not free all the time!

By adey• 15 Apr 2009 14:20
Rating: 3/5

She hasn't come back.

So, it seems that debate can change minds.

"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365

not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the

many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers

were given. Satan - 10."

By Formatted Soul• 15 Apr 2009 14:20
Formatted Soul

But I love you...dont worry! LOL

By DaRuDe• 15 Apr 2009 14:17

but i still hate you alot dont worry.

By MissX• 15 Apr 2009 14:15


Yeah repeating points to people is sometimes like hitting your head against a brick wall. But now and again you meet someone that seems just that little bit more enlightened after a verbal bashing. A gentle and intelligent verbal bashing of course :P

By Formatted Soul• 15 Apr 2009 13:38
Formatted Soul

you misread me..i didnt mean 'YOU'... I meant repeating ones own points..in general..

By MissX• 15 Apr 2009 13:33

Noooo but you're wrong FS. Arguing for the sake of it is great sport. I love getting people thinking and considering things they may have never have even thought about before. I may not be able to change anyone's minds but to get them considering a different view point whether the majority support it or not, is a very satisfying objective.

btw what exactly did you mean about repeating my own points without backup? It was the first time I have posted in this thread.

By Formatted Soul• 15 Apr 2009 13:23
Formatted Soul

There is not point in arguing for the sake of it. It should be convincing...Repeating your points without valid backup wont make a good argument...

Bottom line is arguing is just waste of energy...nobody is gonna change their view/belief or mindsets..

Its like trying to straighten a Dogs tail..lol

By adey• 15 Apr 2009 13:22

Of course one can debate Drug abuse in pre teens.

"Drug abuse in pre teens." is not a question so there can be no 'for' or 'against'

However one could ask the question:

Would legalizing all drugs, provided they were regulated by the medical profession, curtail pre-teen drug abuse?


Is the ready supply of illegal drugs causing an increase in Drug abuse in pre teens?


Is pre-teen drug use increasing?


Is school based drug education in primary schools an effective method to halt the increase in pre-teen drug abuse?

"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365

not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the

many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers

were given. Satan - 10."

By MissX• 15 Apr 2009 13:17

A lot of your words made sense Queen Bee but I have to disagree with you on one point. ALL topics are debatable. Although I would find 0 support from anyone on QL, and don't agree with it myself, I could make arguments for pre-teen drug use, the example you used.

Everyone in the world thinks differently, has a different set of morality field sticks, and that is why people's opinions will always differ. If there were no for and against opinions for each and every topic that is raised, then there would be a straight forward answer to each one, and our world would already be living in peace.

By Roadtester• 15 Apr 2009 13:09

I think a lot of problems come because people jump to thinking someone is criticising them, when they just want to get a range of peoples views a 'reality check' of something reported.

Its also interesting that some people feel you cannot discuss anything. Though I think this brings more negatives than positives.

If you keep brushing it under the carpet, eventually you will trip over it. ;)

By Happy Happy• 15 Apr 2009 12:48
Happy Happy

The thread is flowing well, so far. I was concerned your call-for-peace thread, would turn to a private Live Broadcast of Grudge.



By Formatted Soul• 15 Apr 2009 12:38
Formatted Soul

hmmmm... this thread was posted on 1/1/09..still active!

What does that mean?........We are all peace loving people for sure..lol

By Roadtester• 15 Apr 2009 12:20

I can reel off anecdotal information about how the cash in circulation helped the southern american countries pay off world bank loans, via drug cartels and the taliban were 'taxing' some drug lords in Afghanistan. Drug dealing provides an employment route which is dangerous but sometimes lucrative.

Queen Bee that is a strange topic to choose as it is one that is universally accepted as wrong for your health and backed up by a weight of scientific fact much like smoking. Scientific debate is much more different to social science / theological debate which doesn't always have data to back it up.

By lovely_noori• 15 Apr 2009 09:47

i toltaly agree,, btw i havent read ur qustion

By anonymous• 15 Apr 2009 09:25

Power to the non believers, it’s a great feeling to have and hold.

By Queen Bee• 14 Apr 2009 16:03
Queen Bee

Goldmdm....can u please explain the reason for me to have dinner with someone with that horribly, annoying, irritating, cheap, obnoxious, crude, roadside romeo avtar ?

By Queen Bee• 14 Apr 2009 15:49
Queen Bee


No wonder you guys come up with such topics...blame it on the school.

I'll repeat what i posted earlier that NON DEBATEABLE topics are those which cannot and do not have a 'for' side of the argument.

However if you consider non-debateable topics and controvesial topics different based on dictionary meaning, I dont have the luxury of time here to educate you on why in debating parlance there is no difference between the 2. if your school taught that-

"'Controversial' topics can be answered with intelligent, fact based answers to break myths's"

may I request you to put forth some of the 'for' points for the following topic:

Drug abuse in pree teens.

Cant wait to see your pearls of wisdom here and a request....just answer whats been asked without beating around the bush or else we both will be accused of trying to hijack this post (As if we havent already)

Jackfrost.....seems that having inhaled many a breaths under a continous false identity has hampered your thinking and the effects are showing.

Frankly I prefer intelligent women to (dumb) man debate on world's finding on forums such as QL....my dinner discussions are usually romantic.... so i ll take a rain check on that....

By anonymous• 14 Apr 2009 13:44

If your where a women QB, i would love to take you out for dinner some time. It would make a great intelligent dinner conversation; it has been long time since I had an intelligence dinner date between a women to man to debate the world’s findings with.

By Roadtester• 14 Apr 2009 09:05

Well sorry Queen Bee, at school we were taught to be able to debate many topics even those that we dont support/believe in

'Controversial' topics can be answered with intelligent, fact based answers to break myths.

Crying racism all the time makes you as dumb as the poster.

Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. (English Proverb)

To the people who don't believe in free speech - stop posting ;)

By shoeaddict• 13 Apr 2009 22:57

just this answer,the reason why we have HATERS here in QL is because theyre INSECURE-of everything.

be wary of the haters,posers and the wannabes.

By Queen Bee• 13 Apr 2009 19:22
Queen Bee

Talk about yourself Jack.

Are you telling me you did'nt check my profile?

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2009 18:44

How many people here are who and what they say ther are.

Even we have people from the north pole.. Where are from QB???????????????????????????????

By Queen Bee• 13 Apr 2009 18:20
Queen Bee

A fake...in short.

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2009 18:17

I change mine every couple of weeks, along with my age, my sex, my occupation , my picture.

By Queen Bee• 13 Apr 2009 18:02
Queen Bee

What is there to feel better about Jack...btw u seem polite for a native from your country.

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2009 17:50

indian have a twisted tounge,like a parrot.

By anonymous• 13 Apr 2009 17:32

You have a good command of english for a national from india...

By Queen Bee• 13 Apr 2009 15:41
Queen Bee

Road tester,

Does it look to you like I am joking?

No, not every topic is debateable....I am not sure if during your schooling days or otherwise u were part of any debating team or ever took part in any debates and elocution contests.

FYI, a topic is debateable when a 'for' and 'against' arguments can be made on such a topic. And as a rule of thumb, controversial topics, topics with religious/racist/nationalistic undertones, howsoever light, are NOT debateable topics.

But here in QL, many authors post topics which come with a heavy undertone of race/religion/gender etc. But then again it takes certain level of education and civic sense to differntiate which are debateable topics and which arent.

The problem with those dumb people who post non debateable topics and those who support is that they dont realise the difference and instead go on endlessly justifying their lame arguments. They cannot be blamed for the simple reason that the very educatio or civic sense which tells a person right from wrong is absent in their upbringing.

In anycase its folly on anyones part to raise a race/nationality/gender related topic and not expect fireworks as no one nation is devoid of racism. YOu raise the stink, you face the music.

So if you raise racism/caste system topics and Label it as 'controversial' topic, or justify by saying 'I raised this topic because I want to understand more about this country's culture".....it doesnt work that way.....you may safely assume that you are raising a harmless, innocent, valid topic but what if it has racist undertones?

Its the responsibility of the author to realise what he or she is writing and shd be prepared for any kind of backfire.

Whats quest for cultural learning / controversial to you maybe racist to others and vice versa.

Hope this clarifies your question on Debateable topics.

Victor, your suggestion is very valid esp the 'purpose' part but the Moderators may not fancy as they expect QLers to be mature enough to diffrentiate right from wrong.

By Roadtester• 13 Apr 2009 11:22

I agree if someone is just going to start venting answers then let the post die.

The problem is some of the controversial posting could be answered intelligently, but they are not people instantly cry racism or (insert country/culture) bashing.

Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. (English Proverb)

To the people who don't believe in free speech - stop posting ;)

By Victory_278692• 13 Apr 2009 11:04

Queen bee is referring to the sensitive topics, when put to debate, it stir for insult, racism and scratching the old injuries....one should be responsible while posting forums for discussion on QL.

I personally won't give any comments to idiotic /stupid forums and let those forums get dumped.

As I have experienced at QL all sorts of people around and having different vision and reasons to be at QL. Post forums for fun, just passing leisure time, some are really curious, new to Qatar, just for debate for no reasons, for information only and no debate (which is NOT at all possible) and some would like to seriously debate and wanted to have compile our opinion.

We should ask QL MOD or ADMIN to have a mandatory drop- box, to let the author of the forum should say What is the purpose of EACH FORUM to avoid the confusion.

By Roadtester• 13 Apr 2009 10:38

Queen Bee said - "Not every topic is debatable"

- Are you serious?

Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. (English Proverb)

To the people who don't believe in free speech - stop posting ;)

By Stone Cold• 12 Apr 2009 20:24
Stone Cold

Who says hate dosen't exist ? I hate you because of this..You hate me because of that. Lets hate each other and accept the fact of life. Even the gods hate each other.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2009 19:34

you are one of the main offenders and your reply.. oh please. i think youi should read it again and take heed

By Arien• 12 Apr 2009 17:08

Gota live with it mates.When u get abused for no reason, we also will turn one, You try hard to ignore and walk away but you fail,..huh not old enough. :)


Listen to Many..Speak to a few.

By anonymous• 12 Apr 2009 16:53

from the people who have small hole to their brain,and start saying something stupidity.

By Queen Bee• 12 Apr 2009 16:35
Queen Bee

Ya FS u r right....healthy debating is confined to schools only.

In QL it usualy starts when few ignorant buffoon's start a thread on race/nationality/culture etc without realising whether QL is the appropriate forum or not and whether the topic is debateable or is one just to point fingers.

Not every topic is debatable....but then these are the things taught in schools and civilised society. Such civic sense is ingrained in the upbringing of people but then not many contributors here are fortunate enough to have that kind of upbringing in a civilised society making them wise enough to diffrentiate what topics are debateable and what not and what should be posted on QL. Classic case.....http://www.qatarliving.com/node/459352

Hope these people act their age.

By Snowstorm• 12 Apr 2009 15:07

Visit my photo blog @



By Formatted Soul• 12 Apr 2009 14:08
Formatted Soul

Unfortunately…… healthy debating is only a part of School Curriculum and it does not exists in real...:(

By Roadtester• 12 Apr 2009 13:52

The problems I have found come from people who can't except someone from another culture wanting to find out about controversial things within their culture.

Instantly the thread goes off topic and people have to find something wrong with the original posters culture or cite racism/islampohobia/zionism/unscientific observations etc - Just look at this thread http://www.qatarliving.com/node/459352

classic hijack - they aren't prepared to start a new thread, while diverting away from the original.

Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. (English Proverb)

To the people who don't believe in free speech - stop posting ;)

By Victory_278692• 12 Apr 2009 09:46

our OWN actions and be responsible for our comments..

I agree that this microcosm of the wider world and reflection of diverse world....

QL, a small chat-box in the huge and bigger world, where a small community reperesent their own experiences and PoV's, which will differ for obvious reasons.....

As far as possible raise concerns (if any) and keep our own views's with due respect to all the communities and religions in a positive manner.....I sound very theoritical but one could make at least some efforts.

By Happy Happy• 10 Apr 2009 02:26
Happy Happy

QL is a microcosm of the wider world, a mere reflection of the turbulent diverse world. No difference.


By anonymous• 9 Apr 2009 23:19

there is always going to be hatred as most people are racist. They may not discriminate or prejudge but they are racist.

Looking through the posts on this site, none of us are innocnet. You're kidding yourself.

By anonymous• 9 Apr 2009 21:46

“Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people, “Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has appeared enmity and hatred between us and you forever; until you believe in Allah Alone”…

(Surah 60. Al-Mumtahana, ayah 4)

By anonymous• 7 Apr 2009 17:46

about religion this morning,and 1 guy answering non sense.WTF!

By arecel• 7 Apr 2009 17:19

the problem with the "truth" is that it only applies to each one of us. there are universal thruths, yes, but then there are also truths that are just really beliefs handed down to us by our parents. some people here are so narrow-minded and immature that they will not try to see/analyze the other side of an issue. they resort to name-calling ang cursing instead of trying to understand the pov of the other. let's not forget that we all have different backgrounds, so expect to have diverse views on certain things.


By AbuSaif• 7 Apr 2009 14:46

Good to see the positive attitude guys

By teepatter• 7 Apr 2009 14:21

I think some of the people on QL should be put on "probation" for a period of time (a week, a month??), their posts would only appear to them and the moderators. They would only appear to others after a moderator approves them.

Moderators should have a special page for "Moderated posts" where they could easily approve or delete these posts without needing to go to the actual forum thread.

...and where will be freedom of speech?-no hurting words,no discrimination etc...all praises, good words,good feelings,no pain..no pain!?

By Roadtester• 7 Apr 2009 14:06

Curious said

"people must know the truth by any means necessary"

- I agree, the problem is that some people can't/won't accept it.

By Victory_278692• 7 Apr 2009 13:52
Rating: 3/5

for offering me appropriate words to say...

When I am in flow of thoughts, find sometime difficult to express or use correct vocabulary.

I try to balanced out my comments / views (avtaar) as much as possible but sometimes PoV's differ and require reconciliation.

By SPEED• 7 Apr 2009 10:52

so better use the word THOSE ....

By the way am in WE :-D

By Victory_278692• 7 Apr 2009 10:15

But tell me Where One could find LOVE....?

We have lost our lives in our day to day war of survival and whenever get some breathing space we watch either TV or read newspaper; and what we found there is hate, war, fighting for land, wealth, jobs and women.

As somebody said "Internet is modern time revenge machine", which is somehow true; once we get a chance to stress-out our anger and frustration; we jumped and bash at QL members as much as possible....

Please don't take me wrong (when I am saying we, it meant for those perverts)

By anonymous• 31 Mar 2009 19:59

or passion for what people believe in?

My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.

By CuriousButDetermined• 31 Mar 2009 16:03

You have a point FS..However, I believe when objective thoughts, factoring in mutual respect, are expressed then advantages overweigh disadvantages..people must know the truth by any means necessary

By anonymous• 2 Jan 2009 12:53

Even I have noticed it,some people are so rude and disgusting.If we post some topic mostly we get bad comments rather than good and people c only a chance to insult others like tallq,darude and many others.i also request the ql members to be polite while giving der suggestions widout hurting others sentiments.wen I posted about India den y others have to poke der nose,I only welcomed Indian suggestions not foreigners.Atleast lets not have India-Pak war on this site which is meant for locals and QL really helps people in one way or the other.I am wid u formatted soul,get going and a good topic to share

By Formatted Soul• 2 Jan 2009 12:49
Formatted Soul

I’m somehow disturbed however by what is going on, with most of them claiming that emotions have blinded them from seeing the truth – as a matter of fact I’m wondering whether having emotions and passions is a crime to humanity?

its the inevitability of fate. when you transform the real world with all its contradictions to the virtual world, it would be naive to believe that this contradictions/ racism/ struggles will simply dissolve, especially after taking into consideration the advantage of the e-life which is the ability to remain anonymous and thus escaping the judgment.

By CuriousButDetermined• 2 Jan 2009 12:26

Formatted Soul..

Nice topic...I agree that we should all engage in professional debate...we all can present our views in a way that does not hard cultures or individuals rather than taking a confrontational stand without proper justification..

Our problem is not in our ignorance because history has ran for long enough to give us all the knowledge and experience we need to avoid past mistakes and do things right..however, our will is the issue..so many people distort images, hide the truth purposely to achieve something that is of interest to them only while humanity goes to hell.....too sad...

By omar92cs• 1 Jan 2009 22:55

haha really funny:

You hate arabs? Go join the Marines. You hate jews? Go get training in Afganistan.

Im the one and only

By nadt• 1 Jan 2009 22:11

well said, a great post to start the new year here on QL

By bleu• 1 Jan 2009 21:16

I think some of the people on QL should be put on "probation" for a period of time (a week, a month??), their posts would only appear to them and the moderators. They would only appear to others after a moderator approves them.

Moderators should have a special page for "Moderated posts" where they could easily approve or delete these posts without needing to go to the actual forum thread.

By tubelight• 1 Jan 2009 14:56

Totally agree with Yoda. I see posts here using the word hate against hate/expressions of hatred etc. this would not lead us anywhere..

By irf77• 1 Jan 2009 14:54

I think 90% is becuase of provaciated quiestion so respones against any religions nationality the mods should keep a good eye on these and any iniatiate such topic or resposne ban them regardless of who they are, old people or new members should't matter, otherwise continue to expect this on qL

By Platao36• 1 Jan 2009 14:32

Peace and love ;)

Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By yoda• 1 Jan 2009 14:30

hating the hatred does not help.

By anonymous• 1 Jan 2009 14:26

I should consider this forum, the very first Confession of the Year.

I totally agree with you.

By mjamille28• 1 Jan 2009 14:21
Rating: 4/5

yes sometimes it's just depressing to read the comments... especially the name-callings that are totally uncalled for.. :(

By jumpinjackoo• 1 Jan 2009 14:02

have nothing to do so they bash other people. well it is the internet, nothing you can do about it.

In this modern world, internet is the great equalizer.

By bleu• 1 Jan 2009 14:02

Formatted Soul?? Did you just come from hajj? :P

I agree with you on this, there's so much hate on QL, and it sometimes gets ridiculous.

I really hate it when people use foul language when it's clearly uncalled for in the discussion.

By Hu Wan• 1 Jan 2009 13:55
Hu Wan

"It's easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil from the human spirit". A. Einstein.

By brutus_ceasar• 1 Jan 2009 13:33

Bravo FS...... good one



Heard your wife left you,

How upset you must be.

But don't fret about it...

She moved in with me.

By Pajju• 1 Jan 2009 13:31

well wrote !!!

By DaRuDe• 1 Jan 2009 13:27

damn you kuriye

By Formatted Soul• 1 Jan 2009 13:26
Formatted Soul

Your rude words sound more like music to many ears..lol

By anonymous• 1 Jan 2009 13:25

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By DaRuDe• 1 Jan 2009 13:25

specially nice charming pretty words from my mouth that you love to hear right :D

By Formatted Soul• 1 Jan 2009 13:22
Formatted Soul

its always nice to see the beautiful words flowing out from our mouths smoothly in a poetic way to express some of the most noble human sentiments and call for peace, love, respect and so on and so forth ... but once we read something we don’t like then we forget all about what we have been talking.

By anonymous• 1 Jan 2009 13:19
Rating: 3/5

You Wrote it, I read it, Hope the world reads it and so be it.

Happy New Year to you

God is Love - Love is God

By ONEmakikomoto• 1 Jan 2009 13:15

true: ql is a battleground for ideas.

bad: some are making this an understatement.

PS: not to mention the manner some put their thoughts into words.


call me ONE.

By DaRuDe• 1 Jan 2009 13:09

i still hate you for stealing my cookies :/ yea will fight you for that.

Why didnt you mention cookies thief YOURSELF in the topic. :/

By Amoud• 1 Jan 2009 13:07
Rating: 3/5

FS, it is all DaRudes fault ...

In all seriousness I couldnt agree more. I think some people vent and express their general "anti" views here on QL because they dont have the courage to do it in real life as it shows how hateful they actually can be.


"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"

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