Why is QL becoming like this?

It's sad you know.
I remember when I became a member of QL. I think it was 4 years ago? yeah.. I was newly married and moved to Qatar. I joined QL and became cyberfriend with lots of people. I remember it was a nice place to chat and stuff.
I know I am not a frequent poster now because now I have been more busy, with a baby, and job. But still lurke from time to time, and its sad to see how people attack others with their post.
Why? why not talking in a more respectful way? sometimes, or better, most of the time, its very harsh.
I am NOT saying at all that everyone is like that. On the contrary, everyone is nice, and everyone is unique. But we are friends here. If someone posts something weird, just write something nice as 'your post is weird, you should recheck what you wrote' and not 'dont you know how to write?' arghhh!!
Anyway, just wanted to pooint this out.
Chill everyone! this is a friendly post, trying to promote friendship in this amazing forum :)
well, susan this is now the ql. you better stick to your goal - making friends.
may you have all the patience you need.
you're weird legal_pad!
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
EXiled cite another example. This one is too complex for my simple mind.
If I am on a plane with tech fault, I am probably gonna crash! What good is the hot girl then for me?
QL is like a hot young girl lost on a desert island holding two large coconuts waiting for some big loving when you are stuck on a plane with a technical fault and a nasty sexual disease.
QL is becoming like what?
I never attacked somebody. Somebody attacked me.
Suzan, the best thing you can do is rise above the negative comments and either ignore them or don't get personal back :-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
I was expecting QL to be a very informative and helpful site but then some if not most posts here are rubbish and of course rubbish posts begets rubbish comments :(
What I hate most is it's sadly becoming more and more a venue for some to boast whose the better race and whose the worst race.
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Where were the mods? Thats disgusting Gunner! Alexa you should report him too Admin.
As long I'm still married to a Filipina, I'm going to continue to write about the filipinas weird stuff.
“terrorists rely on an endless supply of people living in extreme poverty, with no other options in life. The only chance we have to see the end of terrorism, is to end extreme poverty.”
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning
Leave him alone Alexa. Let's just respect his dreams ;)
...to a point. After that, it has to be in the real world.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
britexpat: Thank's for looking out for my interests. I'm really a fetus.
And oh...I didn't know things have come to this.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Cheers jervis!! u r right!
I am trembling, so scary! :)
For goodness sake..
Telling Da that you're in your teens is like waving a red flag to a bull..
Be very careful!
I did like. I'm actually 9, but I like for people to think I'm more grown up...
Females are never suppose to tell their real age.
now quick edit your comment before some one reads it make it 9.
I'm offended by that.
I think for that you need to make friends and chat with them. there you can expect politeness. On forums only fun lies in attacking each other...
DaRuDe, I thought you were older than me. I'm 13.
nope wrong am 10.
This is the kind of answer I was talking about when being rude. Anyway, are you 13?
What are you some kind of a friendship COMPANY/INDUSTRY??
ok fine. How can i apply for it and where to get it.
and if you are busy and busy and busy whats the maid doing sleeping or watching movies or out with friends :?