Why no timer at Toyota signal

By venkateshr •
At toyota signal , the traffic department installed nice signal and nice cameras. But why there is no timer showing the signal countdown. Many a time , cars are caught on red as the yellow changes real fast.
What you say folks?
I guess - if they fix timers - they wont be able to make as much money as they do now from guys who cross the red signal. So why waste revenue opportunity ? :-)
"Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching "!
There was one on corniche road at pedestrian crossing signal near family park. Recently been removed.
NOT to keep asking my father 'why?'
Because he would just answer 'zed'. :D
We have so many why's here will it ever get answered or solved
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
that count down right before it turns yellow/red..I love those things..wish they'd have those back in the States..
There are no timers anywhere in DOha.