why michael jackson's skin turns white??

hi all, please click on this link and watch the video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCHf2yhhFUg
pls let me know what you think about it? do you believe it or not?
hi all, please click on this link and watch the video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCHf2yhhFUg
pls let me know what you think about it? do you believe it or not?
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Can I get the contact details of the doctor for treating vitiligo
manufacturing fault
i've had this vitiligo thing when i was young, i had it on my hands, below my eyes, elbows and knees. my dermatologist treated it so now it's completely gone. the dr. gave me oral medicines, injections and a device that emits yellow light called bioptron.. everyone says it's not curable but it actually is... rip mj
I feel sorry for MJ - May he rest in peace. Its time people leave him alone.
He's dead, forget about this, it's all over.
hence the signature "white glove"
And his bleaching his skin white made it worse, I guess...
Drac said:
I guess i was WRONG!! for thinking Micheal turned his skin color to white on purpose.
maybe because he's dead!!!
ask dracula about the dead!
seriously yes there is as mentioned in the link skin depigmentation related to melanine deficiency.