Why do people talk about themselves?

Why do some people talk a lot about themselves? Do they think whole world is keen to know about them and their antics? I have noticed in many online forums, there are some memebers who talk about herself/himself to make an impression rather try to portray themselves as the perfect human being alive.Why cant they start a blog site? What you think is the motive behind doing this? Do you all enjoy reading about other’s lifestyle and whereabouts? I do agree web forums are places where you get to interact with people from different backgrounds, doesn’t mean that all comments directly or indirectly relates to self appreciation. If we want to know about a person we are free to ask them in public or in pvt. I don’t know if I am comprehensible.
I anticipate positive and negative comments. No offense meant.
may I quote you...Azilana asking for a opinion is fine, but commenting on others thread to highlight their achievements/lifestyles is kinda wierd.
Weird in what sense? I do apologize if I may sound dense to you. But isn't it what a public forum is all about? You share ideas, opinions and views on different topics and facets of life (particularly here in Qatar). Like one QL member who posted/commented earlier...some may post or share some personal informations to prove a point.
The only difference I see here is that....MOST OF US HERE KNEW/HAVE MET EACH OTHER OUTSIDE THE FORUM. So, more or less, we know the real people behind the username/avatar/signature.
No offense meant, Kitkat...
It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do and THEN do your best.-W. Edwards Deming
some people are more open, others are too closed...somebody likes to share his/her personal experience, others prefer to philosophize on the abstract themes... that's why we are different..and that's what makes this forum so various..
and no its not a silly comment..too many DO gossip...no good ever comes from that!
See Kitkat, if you don't use any organ it becomes vestigeal....At least IMHO I don't want to loose my tongue....LOL..Well, let me count how may 'I's and 'Me's and 'My's in my post...1,2,3....
[img_assist|nid=43195|title=Save Water Save Life!!!!!!!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=120]
ok, if you will talk about others, some may perceived it as gossiping...i know i know a silly comment..:D
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
ROFL ... hahahaha jus kidding..LOL is this what you meant?
Jokes apart.... you feel so because you dont talk much. But many are enoying it and learning many things from that. But I normally tend to keep my mouth shut..lol My mother used to tell me when I was a kid learn to listen first then to talk.
Kitkat I got a friend like you, who hate to talk and listen.. open her moutn only for eating.. LOL
if you all are the best i gues i am the worst congrats all you best Ql's
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
I know you are voted as the best by all the boys in QL...still I wont agree... I am the best... I am sure about it..LOL
let me edit my previous comment.. LOL it sounds so awful…though it was a sarcastic attempt.
Because I get a lot of information which are very useful and I can give answers to some questions with my limited knowledge.
Gypsy Gal ..LOL I kinda got such messages from some people, Which I think is not going to help anyone in any way.I wish there was an ignore button.
we tend to make our opponents to respect us and understand where we stand in the world sociaty but sometime we try to hard and end up boring the opponents instead of respect and agreement we should get.
so there..nanny nanny booboo (Just kidding hon...)
and its not to promote ourselves or our lifestyles..its just life in general..I'm bad about telling tales...but that is the way I was brought up...throw in personal experience to help get your point across...or just be friendly..A lot of folks are closed about their lives...but that's them and their choice. One of the good things about forums is..if you don't like what you read, DON'T read it,or skip that person's postings....Kinda wonder now that if you don't like to find out about others, why are you on a public forum? *scratching head*
your profile is very defensive... maybe you feel over shadowed by people...or insecure...
I can only speculate because I dont want to offend you by asking you a question...
I think everyone is free to participate in their own way by their own methods... how you choose to is your right to be respected and how others choose to is theirs.
When i see certain IDs.... i just dont get involved...
i know what you mean! ;-)
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
base on my opinion, maybe it is not all about them to be the star or what we so called want attention, they may be talk about themselves in a way that they just want to share what is good and bad they have encountered, sometimes we need such those person sharing their experience good and bad so will be able to avoid whatever we need to avoid, learn a lesson to what they have learned. I hope you got i what i mean. i am just happy reading some of their post.
I agree with u in what u said ... it's kinda giving an example from a personal experience .. not intending to show up .. sometimes and for some people it's unintentionaly .. I sometimes do that too .. not trying to show up but i don't know why i talk about my self ..
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"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
Frog...Probably thats why I felt it odd to read people talking about temselves.
IOU..lol Hope you got what I am trying to say. Barging is fine, if the other perrson is keen to hear about it right?
I am not a good debater, What if experiences are too good to be true?
There are many members in here who really write good stuff. I just love reading them.
am with you and sometimes I feel that too to some members, "the bragging type" of writing. But who will never brag (even slightly) about their achievements, places they'd been to, things they bought, etc. etc. ;-)
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
Kitkat lol I've checked your profile -->"I dont like to talk about myself....betta dont ask me personal questions. PM from perverts are not welcome! " I see what you mean now :d , and you're not intimidating me by your BOxing for self defense :D Hey , you don't touch jauntie :DD
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Once upon a time a lady called Jauntie from UK joined QL to make us all laugh with her hialrious comments......
you can continue mam.
Well Talha and I talk about footballers...
but I guess we share experiences.... which is about bonding and may be of interest...
I certainly find people's experience interesting
If you wish to remove that element Kit Kat why don't you start a debating society... and have a thread every week based on a theme with strict debating rules?
Otherwise as a community website I think the personal element is the very element of its sucess.
sorry that was a joke. Because I said
"I don't talk about myself" however by saying so, I just did.
Gypsy probably that’s why I don’t talk to people much, unless I really wan to know them. I am not talking about sharing something what happened to them. Your topics are always good for a debate. Though I am not good in arguing I don’t attempt to comment.
Azilana asking for a opinion is fine, but commenting on others thread to highlight their achievements/lifestyles is kinda wiered.
jauntie please do and attach an ALbum of photos for the fun :DD
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I think it is not talking about themselves or myself is the real intent but talking about those personal experiences that mostly the basis of our opinions and to voice it out in a specific discussion (of course am forgetting the so-called hijacking always exist in every corner of the discussion ;-)
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
about MYSELF !! woo hoo
I would say 'all contributions gratefully accepted', but I'm not quite sure what contributions I would get! :P
they want people to talk about them....joke only.
Anyway...you might gotten a wrong impression. You see, they talk or start a topic about what happened to them or around them to share the ideas of what other people's views and opinions about it.
Some take it lightly, some don't...that's when the problem starts.
It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do and THEN do your best.-W. Edwards Deming
i always talk abt footballers
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Talha (1988-20??)
Qatar Football group
Generally when people communicate they tend to share stories of their lives and personal experiences. If you don't like that, don't talk to people.
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
Those who want to know about you, will definitely ask you or more details maybe available on your website.
we call it self ego.... its like monkey praising its own tail lol
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
I don't talk about myself. (hee hee)