
Okay this is a bit of a rant! I warn you...
Why do unemployed people get better things than us employed people?
This girl I know doesnt work & yet she goes out every weekend, gets drunk, goes to clubs. She is going to 3 major gigs here (in the UK), where the tickets rose to £100 or over! Yet she just lies in bed all day?!
I work hard for my money and cant even afford these luxuries yet she does? It's totally pathetic!!
Sorry folks. Needed to get it out my system.
britexpat,i guess politics is spelt the same way all over the world eh?...d.i.r.t.y...
unfortunately lisa that is a fact in real life...some girls have all the luck. life sucks sometimes but you just have to carry on and make the best out of it. instead, have a more positive outlook in life. things will get better soon if you really work hard on it. goodluck
sadly where I'm from, no such things. Obviously you can see most people don't get what you're talkin 'bout :P
there are rich communities in every country,,
some of them likes to missuse thier wealth specially the once who don't know the hard work involved behind making them, and hence do not value them.
Happiness is within one's ownself. Best and the most enjoyable things in this world are for free. 'You can't breathe without money'only Qataris think like that.
Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you!
its true thats all can come into your mind,,, but it did help me to make my own money...which makes him wise. and a wise thinker...
u also shuld start thinking wise and stop calling unknown people miser...
or maybe you are used to misers in such cases..
i am sorry for your loss ..
u can call your own dad miser ,,if he does not give u anything. thats sad
EMN i dont agree to that...My dad was rich but he never let me Spoil & i had to work & still i am working!
at the topic stop comparing urself with other & look there are many who dont even get what u havin!
220v....Well he is a miser thats all i can say!!
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
and a lot of voodoo....lol
My father is rich and does not give me a penny...because of which i have my own business now.
no ..its all about having a rich father....
its all about having a rich father....
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
its called Fate i guess..
its happening to me also...in a different circumstance....
but hard work does pay of sweet results 1 day...
just don't giveup your goal.
keep the faith.
The sad thing is that neither party is willing to risk antagonizing this group becaue they are a long term vote bank...:O(
Why blame your friend when your people voted the government facilitating this system into power luv?...
we don't anything about that girl.
thats for sharing with us.
But there are so many things behind the curtain which may or may not be painful.
You can not say that she is happy
future belongs to those who dreams
she's living the dream.
If you keep thinking like this you will become insane very soon it might be hard but humans never get satisfied until they learn how to be contented.
Because the Labour government , PC brigade and liberal neo pinkos have created a "scrounger" society where hard work does not pay...
Doing what you like is freedom, but liking what you do is happiness.Never live a comparative life.
Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you!