Who's civilized?

Life is very very simple we just need some food to live and good people around us but the world seems to be very busy and in a stress to make money so why they want to make money and no one seems to feel enough of it?
Because that's what we've learned to be the only way to happiness since childhood the idea of going to school and work so hard to make money and when we make money we must make even more we shouldn't stop until we die. So did this is really the only way in to live, could we just sow and eat what we've reap and be around family and friends.
What we call "civilisation" has placed people inside a big boxes which they think they are free because they are dealing with papers called money and these papers are valuable because someone said so. We've started dealing with each others like products whose expensive and have too much of these papers and we should kiss his ass and who's a useless product who does not have enough of these papers.
The truth is no one need these money we can all live very happy without it the question is do we have the courage to break this fake system?
What You Think?
Money is the root of all evil. Everybody shall be given ONLY how much one need to survive rest to distribute to others who really in NEED.
Concentration and imbalance distribution of wealth and income generated the greed, wars and crisis all around the globe. commercial interest, buying and selling of natural resources at premium and cutting edge / unhealthy competition to demonstrate my product is the BEST (Firearms, missiles and guns) create more chaos and killing of innocent human lives either in Nairobi mall or in US Navy yard. Who is gaining and who is losing?
lol Marco!
Marcooooo,,, HANGOVER part IV :/
Rack City beetch, Rack, Rack City beetch / Ten, Ten, Ten, Twenties On Yo Titt*es beeetch!
Giving out loans by banks should be stopped to a person who has a job already ..... !
Money with Respect and Peace - This is what is NEEDED
Yes, the major issue is imbalance of income and wealth.
In pursuit, we live in war and crisis.
It is the Time to write off all currencies and live happily ever after.
Thelonius ,, Amen to this
It's easier to time travel back to the stone age.
Too many complications will come about, maybe even death and mayhem, in the quest to eliminate the need of money around the world, and God knows we just can't afford to take that chance!
pm... :)
milk in Jadeed...
We can't farm on the moon
n1v9n : Muahahahahaha! Naughty!
hmmm , you can milk huh
I dunoo how to farm. but I can milk tho.
Live on the moon
you will need money to get the land that's obvious my friend but you will use it only once, to be free not to be slave thats the point and thats how you can go out of the system.
Relax and try to be open for a non popular ideas.
Farming in qatar.. rofl...:))
"Get a land" ,,,,Needs money (To buy the land I mean)
"Start farming" ,,, Needs money (Equipment and seeds are not for free)
I really believe that you have a msg, but it's not applicable nowadays
"Money is the best deodorant." - Elizabeth Taylor
Very simple just get a land and start farming thats it!
no wucking forries
But explain to me again, How can we live without money?
Yes it's not all about money
But money is a necessary, I can say it is the first priority.
Did you hear about the expression
"Money talks"