.. Who is this person ! ..

By Molten Metal •
---------- funnies -------- humour --------- by MM -----------------
Hello Everybody ,
Try to identify , who this person might be !
Fri , 30.05.2014 , 07.32 hrs
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Jasminejasmine, Don't mislead innocents every now & then. Don't make a stupid of yourself on every thread. You lack manners. Perhaps you 've been told about learning a thing by somebody before .
Fubar...so what do u classify urself since ur still in qatar living
Relax Jasmine. The intelligent people have all gone over to Doha News.
Alam , Keep smiling ................ Joys ....... Sun , 01.06.2014 , 15.00 hrs
Is that you :O
He can't be Molten because with such a small kid on his back how can he be so comfortable & post so much fun here on QL. Jasmine , You stink with jealousy , don't degrade yourself to that level with your cheap crap.
There are 2 person...a big one and a small one ...which one should we identify
Jj...r u fine or early morning sickness or mood change
JJ, Stop begging ..... not allowed ............ ........... Sat ,31.05.2014 , 09.21 hrs
JJ , Your anger is justified , everybody have personal issues and it has bad effect on ones intelligent , it's evident from the fire you carry in your mind , if you can see the door , leave at once ...... keep the poison of hatredness to your own mind , donot vomit here & there , you are un-welcome untill you cure fully , ........... Sat ,31.05.2014 , 09.11 hrs
Shame this childish and ignorant rubbish continues to clog up a site that used to be used by intelligent and educated people for proper discourse.
because you posted it and you are asking so its you :P
Yasir , Why it can't be R2R ? ................................ Sat ,31.05.2014 , 08.11 hrs
While male is definitely a sitter .................................. Sat ,31.05.2014 , 08.05 hrs
Cox , Baby is hanging , lol ............................. Sat ,31.05.2014 , 08.00 hrs
you... :P
Male Baby sitter