which is best airline to use from London to Doha? BA or Qatar Airway?

Hi all,
Any help regarding the best airline to use to travel from london to doha. Coming on tourist visa first to be then converted to RP. I have read on other threads that I can get tourist visa only through qatar airways is this true? Which is better British Airways or Qatar airways.
Prompt response would be appreciated.
Many thanks to you all
Wow thats great!! Thank you ALL for the input, Hope to land in Doha on Saturday. See you guys soon.
Hi hope this is not too late. I would fly with Qatar it is a 5 star airline and direct and the service is good. Have flown Ba not too bad but you have a 1 1/2hr wait at Bahrain(you have to sit and wait on the plane) and it gets very hot and very uncomfortable. Emirates is cheap via Dubai. Good luck
Regarding the Qatar Airways ground Crew,
I had a very pleasant experience the last time I flew QA. They were very polite, they helped me re-arrange my baggage (one weighed more than the prescribed 32 kgs). I guess you need to be a little early to get good service from any airline. If you pop in at the last minute, you tend to get roughed up as they are all busy with too many things to handle. For me it is just the cost differential that would justify BA over QA.
BA fare is a whole lot better, though a little bit restricted (date change will impose penalty & sometimes fare can be non-refundable...you can fly to london for only QR 2480, the cheapest in the market though it has to booked as early as possible coz its always running full. QR will give you a fare of QR3610 for their 5 star service.
and have had alot of QA friends which have left, sad sad me :) haha
It depends on what you want i would day, if youre looking at flying with an airline which doesnt treat its employees very well then by all means fly QA, as you will always see the crew smile, as they are most than likely forced to smile or threatned with termination if they dont :), i have always flown Emirates and till today have had no complains with them, the only problem would be the transit in Dubai, a pretty busy airport. Else your could always use BA they use a 747 from Doha to London if i am not mistaken.
But thinking about it, you would have to use the same airport to check in anyway, 5 star service doesnt just start when the plane doors closes, its the whole package from when u would start your journey, and with QA i dont see that happening, the airport is dreadful, they treat most people there like a herd of cows which are going to be packed into a sardine can.
Emirates may not be a 5 Star rated airline but if you read in among the grading of the airlines your can actually pick out which one is a better one, emirates has been operating much longer than QA, their inflight entertainment is the best in its class, no other airline can come close, their are the trend setter.
Man u sound like a X Qa employee or something ...
May b they did'nt like the color of ur bag :P
Why QA is a five star airline I dont know.
The cabin crew are fine... but the ground service is dreadful.
My bag has been lost twice... not an apology or anything.
I flew Ethiopian airlines a few times this summer and I thought they were amazing. Really polite and manage to give a professional service in all their offices despite frequent power cuts.
with UK passport : you fly, you land, you score - simple.
Fly with anyone you choose, be sure to have credit card to pay QR 100 for your tourist visa at Immigration after you land, once in Qatar your employer (a school / college, it would seem)will do the needful to change your TV to RP.
Your employer should really be advising you on all of this. Who will you be working for?
Good luck.
Direct flight (of course) and,I think, cheaper than BA. Must be or I'd fly with another airline! Cheaper flights around, but takes longer cos you have to go via other places en route.
Alcohol no prob. Best not to arrive here on a crest of vodka though :P
I fly out of Gatwick (preferably on an aircraft) cos it's more covenient for me.
Tourist Visa? Never occurred to me that Qatar Airways supplied it - I thought you paid for your visa (2 weeks I think it lasts for a tourist) at Doha Airport when you arrive. They take Visa for the visa. Costs about £50? dunno - something like that.
Why are you all still up, anyway? :D
P.S. coming to get your RP? hmmm anyone know if that will take longer than 2 weeks? Think someone else should advise on that one.
I flew with Qatar Airways and they did serve alcohol if you wanted.
The service was good I thought though it's only a fairly quick flight - around 6hrs.
I joined the QA privelige scheme so if you choose them be sure to go online and obtain your membership and then the points and miles for your flight.
I think right now BA gives a lower fare than Qatar Airways. And Qatar Airways won't serve you any liquor, if you prefer it. Depending on your nationality you may be eligible for Visa on arrival, in which case you can travel by any airline you like.
QA all the way. You'll get great service and it's mileage program is worth it.
QA is one of the only Five star airlines in the world.
(The others are Singapore, Cathay pacific, Malaysia, Asiana)
before anyone says anything, no Emirates isn't.
It's true, u automatically get a tourist visa if u go by QA. Have u considered Emirates Airlines? I like it.
Qatar Airways, it's very comfortable and has great hospitality and service.
./`I don't wanna waste another day-Keepin it inside, it's killing me./`