where to buy sherman tank
want to buy sherman tank so i can feel safe on the roads here. every trip is like buying a ticket in the lottery maybe odds are better in the lottery.do these drivers think its a playstation game or whats their problem.every crash just seems to be so unnecessary and with some courtesy and patinece totally avoidable i am here almost 4 months and i know my luck is running out with every crash free journey
You can buy actual-size inflatable main battle tanks on eBay.
alexa what about a nice pink one with matching accessories seems to the way to go here
for imagination i mean i have made up some great new words since driving out here such as
you crusy toe nail dirt scum
you ****knuckle
You the belly button scum
along those lines - its entertaining!!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
The feet on the dash board is a sign that they now are very professional drivers, so u can't put ur feet up until ur as good as they are, u must prove ur abilities and skilss by going as fast as u can, cutting people as much as u can and under no circumstances...i repeat no matter what... NEVER use signals! :-)
whats with the feet on the dash board and can i join in but the most idiotic is the children sitting on the drivers lap in any other country they would be thrown in jail or at the very least have put of the road its bordering on child abuse at least putting kids in danger and W C Fields once said 'i love kids but i wouldn't eat a whole one
na i used to not any more now am sick of it.
and dont say marhaba or next thing he will be askin for ur number :D
i'd say to him, Marhaba! it's a PEACE sign.
Are you driving a cruiser? j/k
Naah he wouldn't even notice, he'd be too busy trying to crash other cars :-)
20ft away?? in no time less than 2sec he will be back to u then. so what will u do then. just say was sayin hi to u.
it's a rude gesture. But I think sooner or later I'll do it. (when the Cruiser is like 20 ft away already, lol!)
Ofcourse we MUST thank them, they've given us so much to look forward to everyday! I'd be like gee thanks, I really wanted to get into an accident today.
I talk to the traffic too!! I must admit though the driving around town is one of the things that keeps me sane in Qatar; it adds purpose to life, gives it spice - will this be the day some luney goes completely nuts. Jez, I need some time away!
Oh well could be worse, you ever tried driving in Amman or Beirut, at least here 90% of drivers know how roundabouts work - there its a 100% game of chicken.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
I talk to the traffic too!! I must admit though the driving around town is one of the things that keeps me sane in Qatar; it adds purpose to life, gives it spice - will this be the day some luney goes completely nuts. Jez, I need some time away!
Oh well could be worse, you ever tried driving in Amman or Beirut, at least here 90% of drivers know how roundabouts work - there its a 100% game of chicken.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Transam Chieftains are available. It's the only car ever made by Krupps!
Oh ya I totally do that. Do you thank them for cutting you off to like "Thank you so much, I haven't had my near death experience today."
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
LOL it helps though doesn't it? and it's amazing how u start developing this creative sarcasm, my sarcams levels have improved drastically since I got here and started driving. or how about "yes ur are way more important than the rest of us, please go on the sidewalk and cut us all off, it's totally ur right!"
OMIGOD! I do the same thing! How weird. I'm like "Yes Mr. LandCrusier please cut me off" " Now Now Mr. Camry this is my lane."
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
naah carmina, looks don't do anything for people here, it's like u don't exist to them, they'll simply continue driving with a phone in their hand and one foot out the window :-)
LOL yeah charmed that's how I am too, nowadays I talk to the cars on the roads, for example " yes please don't use signals, and next time please crash into me" or like if a landcruiser is going at 140 km/hr and was so close to hitting me i'd be like " yes I totally understand, I'm sure u were hurrying because u got a call from ur company in Japan regarding important stockmarket issues and u need to attend to it, not because u're going to have coffee with ur friends in city center!!" It's entertaining though using sarcasm with people like that, it lowers my stress levels and avoids getting me deported cause otherwise i'd be swearing and giving everyone the finger lol.
do you think a "don't you dare me" look will suffice?
if you managed to get one my hubby sure would want one too!!
Soon you will have the mentality of " go on just hit me you ....." im like that now i really dont care if they hit me! ( unless there driving at stupid speeds!) sadly you will get use to it thou!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
I've discovered that as long as I have at least one dent in my car I seem to be safe, it's when I get this dent fixed that the next day something stupid happens.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
no that would not solve the problem just add an another and diplomacy dictates i cant say what i feel on the toyota landcruiser issue
u cud get the civilian version at the toyota showroom. its a 4-wheel drive too!