When will Qatar Learn to Drive?

Good Morning people,
Hope everyone is doing absolutely nice, fabulous and rocking...
Just wanted to vent out a teeny weeny bit of disgust at Traffic...
I'm sure people will start telling me, aaah bugger, go on with it, it aint going to change, its tough to get to drive safe here, and so on...
But as much as you all know that, I know that too...but what amazes me or rather disgusts me is this...
How hard is it for people to understand or realize that when you bump into a car that's inFRONT OF YOU and no matter what, whether you hit it or whatever...I Mean how hard is it for you to realize that you hit from the back, ITS YOUR BLODDY MISTAKE!
Now the Cars stop there, waiting for the police, etc etc etc...the damn police take their own sweet time to get there...and make a report that "The Guy who hit from the Behind, its His Mistake" but NO, NOONE WANTS TO MOVE, this 1 accident and ignorance causes...a whole crap of traffic from 1 R'bout to the other...cars moving bumper-to-bumper...Police dont know how to manage traffic, and people are listening to the crap 97.5FM which is utterly stupid, and all that you know is you are stuck in traffic for almost 45 mins...seriously...
People how hard is it for you to understand...
You hit a car from behind, YOUR MISTAKE, GET YOUR FREAKING CARS TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD< LET THE TRAFFIC MOVE< DONT get your bloddy Azzes to Stop Traffic< there's enough of s5it in the Traffic already< We Dont REQUIRE MORE Because of your dumbazz cars!!!
Pheeewww...Now thats much better...!!!
Alright lets get on with the day shall we!!! :P
KSA - Shall we drive to Al shamal on Friday morning to test the Cars.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
KSA my good buddy, lets just say everytime u go to the temple all u get to do is ring the Ghantas! Oh the early bird might get the worm but a wise old kitty kat once said the second mouse gets the cheese lol
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
grrrrrrrr!you baaaad baaaad boys,really!!!!feasting ground,eh?don't think i didn't understand that!oooooh!i'm feeling strangely murderous! x-(
Keep smiling!
Not at Wakrah dude...but the Corniche was a wreck!
And yes imagine driving at 40Kmph or even 80Kmph on a Road of 120Kmph and that too on the first Lane...I mean sheer jackasses...MOVE ASIDE AZZOLES!!! :P
And Needless to mention, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, those ladies Clad in their Hijabs, from top to bottom that when they are changing lanes...they freaking cant see if there is anyone in the lane besides them...just make the lane change...cos they cant see cos they are all covered up...!!!! SHEESH!!!
Smoke...aaah well...lets just say...end of the day, I get to go to Visit the Temple and then You can come in and take the Prasaad (Thats a sweet they give after the Visit to the Temple)...but hell no...lets make a deal, if going...we both have dinner and dessert at the same time...thats ofcourse if Saggi's Feasting grounds or oops in more Professional English its called Dining Table is that big that it fits the 3 of us... :P and well bout Breakfast...Early Bird Catches the WORM! :P
And Now she is going to kill us both! :P
KSA - There was no Traffic Jam on your route (mine as well) today :) why the fuss????????
What to do with the Flockers who are driving at 40km/hour in the middle lane ;(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
ROFL....poor ol' KSA.... :-D
Keep smiling!
erm....sorry 'bout the typo....i meant lost it*
Keep smiling!
KSA dude what Saggi means is you'll be there for dinner and desert alright but it like i'll be the one eating, you'll be the one cleaning up, i'll be the one having dessert, you'll be the one licking the spoon, and then i'll be the one for breakfast and you'll be the one making it. lol
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
tough luck,dum dum!it was a golden chance.....and u've just loast it.....
Keep smiling!
YOu really going to let that Eye Candy have enough time to Cuss...while she is SITTING NEXT TO YOU! ANd NOT ON TOP OF YOU! Jackass...:P
First of all, Good Morning sweetie...and now...whats with you stopping and telling us like a Traffic Police, This aint a DATING SITE! Hmmm...where's your daughter...is she back or not YET!!!:P You are so gonna kill me eyy?
ahh yes NFH i understand sometimes its really hard to cuss at these damn drivers coz they dont understand what F U means, and u cant even use sign language :( thats it i'm getting my self a pretty little Arabic speaking eye candy to sit next to me up front and cuss at everybody :D
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Hold it...I Take that other comment back...did I see Dinner, Dessert and then FOLLOWED By BREAKFAST! :P
Ok Smoke, and Khanan, you two may pls Fck off...and give me and Saggi darling some ALONE TIME! :P
LOL.....don't mind 'em!it's just the boys trying their luck a bit early on.....u can say a bit of warming up b4 the weekend! :-P
Keep smiling!
Excuse me but this is NOT a dating site :-P
why how mean of you,really!i'm not calling you for any date hereafter.u lost ur only chance.....so there!humph!
Keep smiling!
I don't know, Smoke, I'm thinking I might even let him sit in the front next to me :-)
Now I must say, that Whilst I dont take any interest in smoke joining us for Breakfast...needless to say, I would not mind Smoke and Khanan joining me for the Breakfast Date with you for a simple reason, MY SAFETY! Hahahaha, dont want to get spoilt for life by you if you get HIGH ON FOOD! :P
well,i guess dinner followed by dessert and then breakfast (wink!wink!);-) is his preference!LOL!
actually i'm yet to see what's on the menu myself....
Keep smiling!
yeah well KSA has humbly declined ur invitation so i'm next in line...whats on the menu?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
smoke....that offer was exclusively for a certain mr.ksarat16,my good sir! :-P
notfromhere.....ah!ur hubby is a native arabic speaker.lucky you!anybody who can communicate in the language has better chances of proving their point here!
Keep smiling!
Good idea NFH i think we should all have a native Arabic speaker and just toss them into the back trunk like a spare tyre :D never know when they come in handy
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
When the stupid cop plowed into me, my hubby (a native Arabic speaker) showed up on the scene... along with 2 attorneys from the office, lol, just to make sure the guy wouldn't try to pull anything.
Maybe I can loan hubby out to you guys if you have traffic problems :-D
oohh saggi those were two close calls i say...but enough about u...u were saying something about 5 star breakfast? mmm?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
take picture, and move your car. I hope police keep fining the stupid who keeps his/her car in the middle of the road causing big traffic jam.
Svelte, I know, it's just such a huuuge hassle, regardless of fault. Waiting foreverrrrrrr for the police to show up... the insurance....being without your car till it's repaired, etc.......
awwww!c'mon,now......u know i won't invite you over for a breakfast of cement and gravel for sure,non?u have any doubts about our (slurp!) breakfast menu,find out from Khanan.....he could vouch for that!and btw,i met Khanan y'day :-D he had a real jhatka,to say the least :-P LOL!
Keep smiling!
i've been in 2 accidents myself.....one was with a tralier that carries containers.the bugger didn't see my poor lil Lancer (wuz driving that back then) when he tried to squeeze his mammoth vehicle thru two cars at the front of a R/A.....the fool almost killed me!the left side of my car(i.e,the driver's side) was almost completely dent inwards and i couldn't open the darned door!the first thing the guy(he was an old irani i guess) came and asked me was 'd'you have a licence?'....he wuz thinking of getting away with it if i didn't have one.the loser!i wasn't found at fault but had to do without my car for 45 days!
the second one was with a speeding Toyota Camry....the driver was driving so fast that when he hit me,my car almost climbed the median and i had to try hard to stop it from jumping onto the opposite side of the road!again saved by a hair's breadth from instant death!phew!but the guy was decent enuf to admit his mistake and apologised profusely.again,not my fault!
Keep smiling!
Definately... I was told by quite a few people that being here takes an extra level of patience...
But sometimes I need to count to 10... to avoid saying more than I should.
Morning Ksa.
I thought they were fining people for not moving their cars after an accident.
Saggi darling...a breakfast Date sounds tempting eyyy...and that too 5-star cafeteria...hmmmm toooo tempting...whats the menu looking like...? I only do Breakfast Buffets darling...!!!! :P, what is happening, and did that menu sound like a bunch of Cement, Stones and Gravel...
Carol...true true...rightly what you say...but o well...you are new to this place...so LEARN TO PUT UP WITH THIS! Its a Challenge... :P
Well, have heard more about the other way around, notfromhere.... thats why i am scared of driving here. wish i had heard something different before maiing up my mind about it.
Hey I hate this traffic, the idiocy, the lack of rules just as much as anyone, but in all fairness...
I've been in 2 accidents (only 2! amazing), both times hit by Qatari males - and one was a COP - and neither time was I found at fault.
we've got amazing breakfast serving in our 5-star cafeteria.....coming over for a breakfast date? LOL! :-D
Keep smiling!
Smokey...hey havent you heard of the new rule...if you know its your mistake and you dont fcking move the cars and cause blockage of traffic then YOU WOULD have to pay 1000/- and when you know its ur mistake, you got to move the cars! The other rule is only aplicable is its an accident with a bit of complications...but the rule...If you hit from the behind, its your mistake...and you gotto move the car!
Rizks...naaa a yucky drive...but chalega...I Was listening to some moving and grooving Hindi Music...how you doing buddy?
Saggi darling...naaa not a red bull...a few kisses can do...or wait a min...no forget kisses...how about some good breakfast!
Really.. my impression? It is a nobody's land when in many aspects. No matter what happens...qataris are right... all the rest of us, wrong.
Honestly, I have started to think I am not being paid enough to put up with a lot of things about this place.
Last night... I couldnt believe how some precious drivers would just cut off on a roundabout as if there were no more cars on the road. Definatelly someone should have explained these "better than everyone" drivers what is a roundabout and HOW we use it.
Thats why I am desperate to get a driver - as long as the car doesnt smell as some taxis.
he he!yeah...u're right.i came online to check my email too.....but the drop-down sites showed QL on top of the list.....wuz too tempting to resist.....and here i am :-D LOL!
Keep smiling!
Yeah, svelte, exactly.
I'm good, how are you this morning? Thought I was on my way to the gym but wanted to check my email real quick, then somehow found myself in QL, lol, you know how it goes....
and 'minor damage' is also a relative term,non?
g'morning,mi lady!how have you been? :-)
Keep smiling!
Aw KSA, Mommy's here now, everything will be ok :-)
Smoke, the problem is, it's NOT clear... now they say if there's only minor damage, you ARE supposed to move your cars. But most people still don't move their cars.
And who knows which is right...to move it or not to move it????
Good morning everyone!
but wasn't a rule put down sometime back that if cars involved in an accident was NOT moved from the site,particularly if the accident has happened in a such a way that traffic gets disrupted,both parties involved in the accident will have to pay a fine for disrupting traffic.......only then will the police listen to their story.
Keep smiling!
KSA hey dil maange more HA HA
speaking of which why dont u bloody change the route to your office? instead of going down corniche side take the interior road after the first or second around about :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
lol KSA .........
I think u had a great time Early in the Morning...:)
GM mere doodh ki glass me swimming karne vale Machhar ...:)
Good morning darling :) i see you've started out with a bad start..but just to clear something if you do make an accident your not supposed to move the car right? Stupid rule i know but cant help it.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
and no matter what happens,the Qatari/Arab speaking native is always right!grrrrr!
Keep smiling!
everyday in Doha! Car owners dont trust insurance policy here, maybe thats the reason they dont want to move their cars at the accident scene:-(
"Fascinated with Supercars but can’t afford it yet, so I settle down for a humble Jeepney. Proud Noypi!"
care for some Red Bull,sweet'art? :-P
Keep smiling!